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What three sections is book nine split into?
Attempted burning of ships, Nisus and Euryalus, battle at Trojan camp
What does Nisus say that he wants credit for?
"If they promise to give you what I ask - all I want is credit for the deed. I think I can find a way round the foot of that hill to the city of Pallentum,"
Who is Nisus?
Keeper of the gate
Who is Euryalus?
Nisus' young comrade
Who did Nisus and Euryalus ask for permission to go and do their plan?
Why does Iulus talk to Nisus and Euryalus?
He saw their excitement
What does Iulus tell Nisus and Euryalus to get in Pallentum?
Get Aeneas, booty and slaughter
What does Nisus wear that reminds us of Hercules and Aeneas?
Nisus has a rough hide stripped from a lion
What quote best describes Euryalus' physicality?
"first signs of manhood on his cheeks as yet unshaven. There was no lovelier youth among the people of Aeneas."
Euryalus is desperate for honour. Which quote best illustrates his desperation to have honour, when speaking to Nisus?
"I have here a heart that despises the light, that would gladly spend life to buy the honour you are striving for."
What does Euryalus ask Iulus to do, should he die?
Comfort and care for his mother
How many members of the enemy does Nisus kill?
Which quote shows Rhoetus' death being particularly gruesome?
"still vomiting his crimson life's breath and bringing up wine and gore together, Euryalus was already prowling on, hot for blood."
What does Euryalus take from Rhamnes?
Medallions, gold-studded belt
What does Euryalus take from Messapus?
His helmet
How many in the cavalry sent to Turnus?
Who were the cavalry under the command of?
Why do we have a less good impression of Euryalus? (3)
He wants glory, he starts pillaging, he values the stolen items over his own safety
What epithet is used to describe Euryalus?
"poor Euryalus"
How is Tagus' death seen as gruesome?
"...caught Tagus in the middle of the forehead, went through the brain, and stuck there, growing warm."
How was Euryalus' death seen as brutal?
"sword was driven through the ribs of Euryalus, full force, shattering his white breast... his neck grew limp and the head drooped,"
How is Nisus' death seen as pitiful?
"...pierced through and through, he hurled himself on the dead body of his friend and rested there..."
What is Virgil's reaction to the deaths of Nisus and Euryalus?
"Fortune has favoured you both!"
In the battle scenes, which two warriors have we never met before, but now get a detailed story of their history?
Helenor and Lycus
Which two animals is Turnus characterised as?
Eagle, wolf
Why is the Ascanius section important?
His coming of age
Why are the Trojans seen as less manly?
They're eastern
What does Numanus say to Iulus before Numanus gets killed?
"You are Phrygian women, not Phrygian men!"
Which quote best describes Turnus' fighting at the end of the book?
"Turnus...uncertain but unhurried, and his mind was boiling with rage. Twice he even hurled himself into the middle of his enemies."