anatomy test 4

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Physiological effects of exercise

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Physiological effects of exercise

Increased respiration rate: higher gas exchange: increase in heart rate: more water conserved in kidneys: increased blood pressure: sweating

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What is hypoxia?

deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues

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female reproductive structure

uterus: fallopian tubes (blastocyst=hollow ball of cells. zygote=fertilized egg that grows blastocyst @ day 5) cervix

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male reproductive organs

Bulbourethral gland (secretes lubricant into urethra), seminal vesicles (secrete glucose to nourish sperm), prostate gland, penis, scrotum

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Normal breathing rates

Adult: 12-20 breaths per minute
Child: 20-40 breaths per minute
respiratory center of the brain = medulla oblongata

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nonrespiratory air movements

cough (lower respiratory), sneeze(upper respiratory), crying, laughing, hiccups(diaphragm spasm), yawn(O2)

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Macronutrients and micronutrients

carbohydrates(amylase, from pancreas, monosaccharides), proteins(enzymes, from stomach/pancreas, monosaccharides), lipids(lipase, from pancreas, fatty acids)

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layers of alimentary canal

mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa

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organs of the urinary system

kidneys(nephrons=functional unit of kidney), ureters, urinary bladder, urethra

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gas exchange pathway

low to high across respiratory membrane. Oxygen diffuses from alveoli into capillary and carbon dioxide diffuses from capillary into alveoli

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folds in the stomach

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pyloric sphincter

ring of muscle that controls the opening between the stomach and the duodenum

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gastric juice

A digestive fluid secreted by the stomach.

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3 cell types of gastric glands

1. mucous cells = mucus
2. chief cells = secrete pepsinogen
3. parietal cells = hydrochoric acid

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liver functions

metabolic regulation, hematological regulation, bile production

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gallbladder functions

stores and concentrates bile

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diaphragm contracts and pulls downward

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diaphragm and the intercostal muscles relax, forcing air out of the lungs.

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maximal inspiration

contraction of the diaphragm downward and the movement of the ribs upward and outward, expands the chest cavity

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parts of small intestine

duodenum (connect to stomach), jejunum (middle), ileum (connect to small intestine)

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function of small intestine

receives chyme from stomach, receives pancreatic juice, digestion and absorption of nutrients

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Composition of urine

95% water and 5% solutes. Varies with diet and exercise.

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kidney stones

formed in the kidney, resulting from an excess of salts or uric acid in the urine. diet, excess body weight, supplements, medical conditions.

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ovaries (female sex cells from estrogen) and testes (sperm from testosterone)

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