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Differential Association Theory
Learning from a SIGNIFICANT OTHER/CRIMINAL MENTOR. There was a COGNITIVE SHIFT they think what used to be bad isn’t anymore FAMILIARIZATION PROCESS
Social Control Theory
more control, more integrated, involved in society brings less crime. 4 parts: attachment- closeness and quality of your relationships commitment- what do you see happening in the future what goals?, involvement- participation in community group involvement like college a job church, and belief- religious or moral standard
Labeling Theory
Society’s reactions to our behavior is what shapes/molds future behaviors. What label, what significant other, SELF LABELING, SELF FULLING PROPHECY STIGMA
Neutralization Theory
Step 1 Committed a crime Step 2 Questioned asked: give question in quotes Step 3 give 3 of 5 responses ex. denial of responsibility, denial of injury, denial of victim, condemning the condemners and appeal to higher loyalties. Still believes they are a good person
Liberal Feminism
Critical Feminism
Power and Control Theory
Include social class- middle class because both parents work. She is less likely to commit crime when there is a mother at home so when one is working she is more likely to commit crime. Less control exerted over her more freedom.