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In Paris they realize the power of the people and they decide that if all the peasants worked together they could accomplish stuff. This army was called ____ and was a citizen militia of the middle class. It was led by Lafayette and represented the people not France.

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When Louis the 14th (XIV) was overthrown he built ____. It put France in great debt and many people went to go visit it.

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Louis the XIV

_____ built Versailles. He had a portrait made of himself that was considered one of the greatest forms of propaganda. Was the king of France when the Revolution first started.

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National Assembly

The king destroys the Estates General and creates the nobles, clergy, and peasants had to sit together and vote. The peasants automatically went to the left while the nobility went to the right. They could not agree.

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Estates General

The traditional type of Government in France. AN elected body. Each group elects 200 representatives and they would go to Versailles with the complaints they had and go and discuss to settle them. Each group gets 1 vote.

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“After me the deluge”

Louis the 15th (XV) said this, this means after he dies France will fall and the rulership will go to his next successor his grandson.

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____ was on Louis the 14th (XIV) cape/blanket. It represents France before the Revolution.

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The 3 Estates - NOBILITY

The king gave you this rank. It was given in return when a family did something to help the government. When you are granted this rank you’d get money and it went on for generations. This was the 2nd estate. They owned land

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The 3 Estates - COMMONERS

They were poor and had no land because the nobilities owned it all. They were the 3rd estate.

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The 3 Estates - CLERGY

The first estate; higher than a priest and would work for the church.

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Tennis Court Oath

The Peasants thought that the Estates General was rigged so they decided to boycott. They decided to go to a tennis court and all 577 commoners signed the Tennis court oath. The oath said in summary that “We will not leave this tennis court until a constitution is developed that changes French government” This is the first step towards the revolution. It also stated 1 man = 1 vote

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Sans culotte

meaning without pants. Rich people would wear these tight pants. If you did not have these tight pants you were considered poor.

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The ___ was a huge building in Paris. THe people of Paris though that there were a lot of prisoners in the ___ along with gun powder. But there were only 7 prisoners.

Delaunay the man who took care of the bastille wrote a letter saying the violence needs to stop and that they need foreign soldiers to kill the French. So on July 14th a bunch of people storm the bastille. They ask for gunpowder but the jailkeeper says no.

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A great panic goes all throughout France. Because of this there are riots, violence and anarchy for 5 week. There is also a lot of vandalism. This really shakes the government.

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Declaration of the Rights of Man

The french version of the declaration of independence. It declares what the french wants. THe ideals were summed up in the motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

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Womens March of Versailles

In early september woman were still upset because there was no food for the children. There was a rumor that the king kept a lot of food in Versailles. Over 6,000 woman marched to Versailles which took over 7 hours. The national guard also followed behind them while chanting “Kill the Austrian”

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Marie Antoinette

She was Louis the 16th wife. The French hated her for a couple different reasons:

  1. She didn’t speak french very well

  2. While French was in poverty she was throwing parties

People were under the impression that she was roaming around not knowing what was going on for the average person.

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The Constitution of 1971

One of things on it was that they were now able to import foor. But they have no money so they stole the catholic church’s land and sold it.

They also decide to sell the National Assembly for the Legislative Assembly. Everyone had the right to vote. They had a king but the legislative assembly has most of the power.

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Why did the Constitution 1971 fail?

  1. It was not democratic enough. Less than 10% of the population could vote.

2) Many of the Nobles fled France, because the constitution took their title. The fleer were called emigres

3) People were upset because they took money from the church. THe pope told catholics to oppose the revolution.

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Flight to Varennes

The king plans to run away to Varennes with his family after he sees the response to the constitution. His plan was to raise an army and wipe out the people who wanted to kill France. They have to go incognito. Their plan was to take 2 separate carriages. But there were some problems.

  1. Lafayette the leader of the national guard was in Versailles. The king had to amuse him.

2) Last minute he decided that he wanted to go in the same carriage as his wife. They need a big carriage which only the king would have.

3) A tire broke down and the king started telling who he was.

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When people suspected the king of treason riot break out and there was no control.

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A major political party in France. They wanted democracy, they were middle class, and were radical. Robespierre led them

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The Cordeliers

They were poor, they allowed woman, they wanted a democracy and were violent. They were lead by Jean Paul Marat.

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Lafayette and the upper class led them. They wanted a monarchy and supported private property.

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They wanted world war and supported the revolution. Led by Brissot.

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Execution of Louis XVI

They found Louis XVI guilty of treason they got executed by the giatine. THere were multiple plots to try and save the king but they were unsuccessful. Before he died he said “I die innocently, I am sorry what will happen when I die” meaning he believes riots will break out.

After the king dies war breaks out. They are in a war with 5 country’s as well as a civil war. France is in Anarchy.

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About 80,000 men decided they don’t want to be apart of the revolution.

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Committee for Public Safety.

Robespierre makes _____ with 9 men who could do whatever to keep the French safe.

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Law of Suspects

This is a law that the Committee for Public Safety passed. This stated that anyone who said, did, wrote, or associated with the revolution could be killed.

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EFFECT OF THE LAW OF SUSPECTS- The reign of terror.

the Law of suspects is passed this becomes lack of freedom which leads to ____ from June 1693 - July 1794. A lot of people were killed by the guillotine publically.

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EFFECT OF THE LAW OF SUSPECTS - The Thermidorian Reaction

People knew as long as Robespierre was alive people would keep dying. So they beheaded him.

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The Cult of Reasons

Robespierre made the National religion of France deism which was also _____. Notre Dame was changed into a deist church. THe whole city was changed.

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  • The leader of the Jacobins

  • He believed they should kill the king

  • Made the Committee for Public Safety

  • Was beheaded

  • He set the prices of grain and had the French Army be in charge of it. He solved the biggest problem.

  • Changed everything (made deism the national religion of France & Republic virtue)

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Louis XVI

He was a genius but timid to go through with his solutions.

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  • Led the National Guard and was respected by everyone

  • Marie Antoinette and Lafayette live together in a palace called Tuileries.

  • Led the Feuillants

  • Lafayette was the leader of the Feuillants and the leader of the army. If he lost then everyone would think he lost on purpose.

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Republic Virtue

Where Robespierre changed the days of the week in France.

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