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Detorioarting relations
1922 russian won their civil war (now called soviet union)
1938 britian, france , italy let hitler invade parts of czechslovakia
→ without Stalis opinion and near soviet borders
before ww1 hilter wanted to take poland
→ soviet wanted to as well → 1939 nazi-soviet pact → betrayl of great alliance
1939 soviet and germany joined forces
Tensions and disagreements
big three ‘roosevelt, churchil , stalin’
us + britian feared stalin wanted to install communism is east european
stalin feared usa + britian wanted to fight germany to weaken the soviet
→ reason why second front was delayed
opposing idealologies and political beliefs
Tehran 1943
grand alliance planned strategy to end the war
usa + britian would open seconc front → easing pressure on soviet
stalin declared war against japan and supplied soviet troops to help US
big 3 decided what would happen to germany
→ stalin would get land that was invaded by nazis
→ stalin wanted to secure his western border
united nations would be created in the future through negotiations
Affect of tehran on international relations
eased tensions between stalin and roosevelt
→ stalin pleased that usa and britian agreed to open a second front
hightened tensions with usa → churchill wanted second front in the balkans
→ roosevelt sided with stalin
One effect of tehran 1943
Stalin allowed sphere of influence
soviet allowed to keep the land taken from poland to create a buffer zone
→ feared the spread of communism
in return, poland would recieve land from germany
stalin had control of many puppet communist governments → spread of communism
Another effect of the tehran conference
The US and UK opened the second front in 1944
Stalin feared UK and US wanted soviet to weaken by not establishing the second front
→ germany mainly attacking soviet
→ could lead to fall of soviet
Ended the war quicker due to germany having to fight east + west countries
→ lead to germany defeat in 1945
Stalin agreed to declare war on japan in return
Yalta 1945
big 3 discussed how to end the war sucesfully and how post-war europe governments will be managed
second front launched in france
→ germany defeated
→ soviet had control of central and east europe
united nations set up in 1945
Stalin agreed to free elections in east europe
One effect of yalta 1945
Decleration on liberated europe
stalin agreed to democratic elections in eastern europe
→ threatened his influence
stalin could keep his sphere of influence for the countries that voted for communist government
Stalin only paid lip-service to the idea : Lublin poles (communist) and London poles (pre-war) governed Poland together
→ BUT london poles started dissapearing
→ intimidated voters
→ increase influence
Another affect of Yalta 1945
Agreed to split germany
split into 4 zones of occupation : US, UK, SOVIET, France
Supposed to be temporary but due to increases tension they became permanent
formation of United nations could prevent future warfare
London poles
Polish gov in exile
moved to London in 1940 after germans captured france
Potsdam 1945 events
roosevelt died 1945 and replaced by Harry. S truman
chuechill lost british general election → Clement attlee replaced him
usa scientists developed atomic bomb (tested after conference)
UN created via Treay Of San fracisco
→ 51 members signed the treaty
truman suspicious of stalin delayed the date of the atomic bomb giving him an edge in discussions
Postdam 1945 decisions
berlin split into 4 zones
soviet wanted germany to pay heavy reperations → each administering country only take reperations from their own zone
Truman objectified arrangements for poland to decrease spread of communism
One effect of Potsdam 1945
compromise on reparations
germany and berlin split into 4 zones of occupation
Didnt want germanys government to recover but not be so weak they will be susceptible to communism
agreed each side take reperations from their own zone
Another effect of potsdam 1945
disagreement over eastern europe
truman distrusted stalin as he was anti-communist
stalin wanted buffer zones especially when truman revealed he had atomic bombs → deteriorating relations
further disagreement and iron curtian speech 1946
→ europe split with commi east and capitalist west
One effect of soviet union and eastern europe
Broke decleration on liberated europe
stalin agreed at yalta to have democratic elections
stalin only paid lip-service: Lublin poles (communist) and London poles (post-war) → London poles dissapeared
UK/US feared the spread of communism
→ stalin was spreading his influence using malign tactics across europe
Another effect of soviet europe and eastern europe
truman feared stalins spread of communism into europe
disagreements with stalin and the reveal of us having atomic bombs
relations worsened → disagreements to reperations in germany
Attitudes of truman and stalin
1946 truman got the long telegram
it talked about stalin wanting to spread his communism
truman is very anti-natalist and tried to make stalin scared via atomic bombs in hiroshima in august
Impacts of the atomic bomb on US-Soviet relations
6th august 1945 usa exploded an tomic bomb Hiroshima
Trumans aims was to intimidate stalin and determine the negotiations at potsdam
Soviets developed their first atomic bomb 4 years after USA
increased tensions and made us and soviet relunctant to go to war
entered arms race
Soviet expansion into europe - soviet satelite states in eastern europe
1944-45 soviet freed many countries from the nazis but used them as buffer zones
baltic states (latvia, estonia) were invaded by the soviet in 1940
yugoslavakia who were communists had more independence → no soviet occupation
stalin turned 6 more coutnries into setelite states with communist gov → truman saw this as proof of stalin wanting to spread communism
from 1919 czechslovakia the only democracy country in europe
→ stalin saw this as a threat and overthrew the president establishing communist go
Rising tensions 1945-49
Truman and stalin worried due to break of the great alliance
tensions could lead to conflict
1946 both countries ask their embassies to report on attitudes
reports came in a form of telegrams
Kennan Long Telegram
A secret report sent from Moscow in 1946 by George F. Kennan (usa ambassador)
outlining the Soviet Union's view of capitalism as a threat and their military buildup
which influenced US foreign policy during the Cold War → ‘containment’
Novikov's Telegram
1946 report from the Soviet ambassador to the United States, Nikolai Novikov
portrayed the US as desiring world domination, engaging in military buildup, and preparing for war with the Soviet Union
contributing to the escalation of tensions between the two countries.
One effect of the iron curtain speech
Promoted soviets sphere of influence
declaration on liberated countries and stalin not promoting democracy
Satelite states had control from moscow and under soviet influence
→ stalin forcefully removing politcal opposition
Mentioned dissapearence of Poland gov → stalin can’t be trusted
Another effect of the iron curtain speech is
Churchill showed difference between capitalist and communist areas
Showed both sides were opponents → both trying to take over the world
differences in post-war europe : marshall aid meant west was recovering by 1952 and performing better than east
clear difference of quality of life across iron curtain → people migrated across
Truman doctrine 1947
usa nearly bankrupt having to aid other countries → usa stepped in
Truman's policy to contain the spread of communism by providing troops and financial aid to support non-communist governments
all mentioned in 1947 trumans speech to us congress
One effect of truman doctrine
america commited to fight communism
1947 , usa gave economic aid $400 million to greece and turkey
allowed greece to fight communists and maintain capitalist gov
truman provided equipment and money to any country under communist threat
Another effect of truman doctrine
America implimented containment policy
From the long telegram , truman feared spread of communism
this was the best policy to contain it as it went against his political beliefs
Marshall Plan
An initiative providing $13 billion to rebuild Europe
fostering a capitalist economy and with the US to receive aid.
less likely for communism to spread into those countries
One effect of marshall plan
Europe was rebuilt
13 bullion given to 17 countries like france and britian
money brought food, jobs, housing and healthcare (less susceptible to communism)
US free trade agreements made boosting the economy to pre-war levels by 1952 (confirmed stalins belief of spread of capitalism)
Another effect of the marshall plan
created a rift in europe
stalin accused us of dollar imperlism → making europe dependent on america
stalin beleived it weakened UN international role
SAtelitte states banned from taking the money making a rift on the iron curtain (west had better quality of life)
hightened rivalry
One effect of Cominform 1947
communist information bureau → political organisation
strengthened stalins control over europe
gave stalin a way of controlling gov in satelite states → ensured loyalty
spread propaganda and accused us being like nazis → increased influence and attraction
represented all eastern european countries
Another effect of cominform 1947
countries angered by marshall plan
accused marshall plan of dollar imperialism
communist countries had to reject marshall aid → slower recovery
organized strikes in the west because better west economy made communism less attractive → 2 mil workers in france went on strike
One effect of Comecon 1949
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Eastern europe developed slower
set up in 1949 to oppose marshal aid and improve satellite states
didnt have enough money to impove jobs/food/healthcare so it failed
stalin hated dollar imperilism → big rift along the iron curtain
Another effect for comecon 1949
Stalin affirmed his sphere of influence
discouraged any us trade → wanted to be self reliant
sateleite states put money into funding allocations → cash used on rebuilding soviet instead of satelite states
Us didnt gain economic power so stalin kept his influence
Disagreements over germany
soviet wanted to take resources to rebuild soviter union
us wanted to rebuild germany to supress communist influence and better trade partner
Causes of Berlin crisis
1947 us and british german occupying zones combined to made bizonia → 1938 france joined making trizonia
bizonia adopted a new currency (Deutschmark) seperating economic unit from the east
→ more sucessful than soviet zone
→ forced soviets into poverty
Berlin Blockade
trizonia surrounded by soviet territory → easy to attack
1949 stalin shut off land routes across soviet controlled germany into berlin
no access of communication with the capital and a shortage of food in the capital
challenged truman to give up berlin completely → could lead to a propaganda success
Response to Berlin Blockade : Berlin Airlift
26th june 1948
flew in coal, food and essential supplies from allied zones along air coridoors (1k tonnes of supplies flown in everyday)
1949 stalin lifted the blockade
→ humiliation for soviets
One effect of berlin crisis
East and germany created
Trizonia became the federal republic of germany in 1949
stalin retaliated and made the soviet zone the german democratic republic in 1949
Former allies not collaberating , clear divide
Trizonias own parliment called bundestag
Another effect of berlin crisis
NATO was created
British foreign secretary (Ernest Bevin) made a speech in parliment
→ europe welcomed us involvement
threat to berlin made uk and us make an alliance
if one member was attacked they all come to support
Us joined in 1955 which sparked stalin to retaliate via warsaw pact
Korean war
freed of japanese control in 1945
soviet entered the north and usa entered the south creating a division along the 38th parellel
Truman determined to contain communism to prevent a domino effect
left a border between north and south korea
An effect of the korean war
Showed us wanted to contain communism
by stopping the north korea take over america commited themslves to the truman doctrine
fought for 4 years and millions died
when china joined the war → showed communism is joining forces
Another effect of the korean war
Led to rearmament and further military alliances
us defense spending increased by 400% and marshall aid used for defense spending
us worried by chinas joining in forces
1955 ussr organised warsaw pact in retaliation to NATO increasing tensions
Warsaw Pact 1955
when west germany joined nato stalin was scared
communist military alliance
members were soviet, poland , czechslovakia
One effect of warsaw pact 1955
Increase difference in europe
A military alliance formed in 1955 by Eastern Bloc countries in response to NATO
increasing tensions
divide in miltary alliance along iron curtain
Another effect in the warsaw pact 1955
Cemented soviet control in east europe
west germany recovered better after the war and were right next to the sateleite states
→ they could attack at any time
increased competition between warsaw pact and nato (arms race)
soviet could control other gov in terms of defense
Khrushchev and co-existence
from 1953 new leaders :
usa = dwight and soviet = nikita
co-existence was based on belief that communist philosophy was so superior it would cause capitalism to fall
One effect of peaceful Co-existence
decreased tensions between superpowers
president einsinhower and nikita wanted a decrease of tenions after korean war
neither side wanted war and forced capitalist to accept communism
einsenhower wanted to improve relations after creation of nuclear weapons
Another effect of the peaceful co-existence
Less money spent on defense
due to korean war and warsaw pact tehre was an increase of spending
some countries used marshall aid for defense which didnt help their economies
both sides had meetings, growing co-operation and less hostility
Reasons for invasion of hungary
since 1945 when red army liberated hungary from german occupation → strict soviet control
unpopular stalinist ,communist leader of hungary ‘rakosi’ sent 30k hungarians to prison and 2k executed
Hungarians protested about their leader and rakosi was replaced by Nagy in 1956
De-stalinisation → nagy wanted less hard-line communism and wanted to leave the warsaw pact
Nikita feared other countries may follow if hungary leaves → sent tanks into Budapest in 1956
One effect of the warsaw uprising 1956
Nikita strengthened his control on eastern europe
ignoring protests tanks were sent into budapest killling 20k hungarians
nikita asserted his control and didnt accept any anti-communist uprisings
Nikita showed he only accepted loyalty from the satelitte states → didnt allow them to leave the warsaw pact
Another effect of hungarian uprising 1956
Us seemed weak
they ecnouraged rebellion against communism but us refused to take military action → seemed weak
they showed respect for soviet sphere of influence and no intention of fighting → no military intervention
nikitas intolerence from anti-communism meant peaceful co-existence was unlikely
Arms race
Developing bombs as a use of deterrent
1945 - us develops atomic bomb
1949 - soviet develops atomic bomb
1952 - us tests the hydrogen bomb
1953 - soviet union tests hydrogen bomb
1957 - usa test inter-continental ballistic (ICMB) missile
1957 - soviet makes first sucess ICBM launch
One effect of the nuclear arms race
Us and Soviet are in direct competition
soviet trying to catch up with americans nuclear abilities
us looking for new technology
both needed to develop to prevent any military attack
Another effect of the nuclear warms race
Both sides less likely to go to war
with the abiloty to destroy the world they didnt perform nuclear war
nuclear weapons acted as deterrants
let to mutually assured destruction (MAD) in 1960’s
Summit meetings 1959-61, Geneva
held beteween foreign ministers on switzerland
both sides made proposals about how germany should be governed
no agreement reached
eisenhower invited nikita to us for further talks
Camp david 1959
Eisenhower and nikita met irl for the first time
no agreement about how to govern berlin
soviet agreed to withdraw berlin ultimanium
established better relations between the 2 leaders
U-2 Incident and paris summit conference
soviet shot down american U-2 spy plane as it flew over soviet union
einsenhower said spying operations were needed
hightened relations
One Effects of U-2 Incident
US and soviet relations broke
shot down u-2 spy plane proved americans were spying
showed distrust as einsenhower tried to claim it was a weather plane
at paris summit conference nikita left after eisenhower didnt apologize
Another effect of U-2 incident
propaganda victory for soviets
soviets had evidence us was decietful and betrayed their wartime ally
humiliated us
soviet put gary powers(pilot on u-2 plane) on trial
Reasons for berlin wall
exodus of young unskilled workers across west and east germany (3 mil left east germany)
→ 1961 40k east germans crossed the border
communism facing propaganda crisis → teachers wanted higher salaries and better quality of life
Nikita gave an ultimatum to Kennedy: withdraw troops from berlin or be cut off
Kennedy appointed in 1961 appeared strong but was inexperienced and didnt make concessions
One effect of the berlin wall
propaganda victory for us
nikita ended refugee crisis
kennedy claimed soviets had to wall them in to prevent people from escaping communism
US accused east guards of shooing 130+ people who tried to cross → us propaganda victory
Another effect of the berlin wall
tensions calmed between soviet and us
nikitas previous to unite berlin in complete soviet rule dropped → wall is permanent
communism was unlikely to leave → germany was seperate
nikita avoided war over west berlin and accepted us control
→ truman couldnt be coerced - kenny was strong
Bay of pigs 1961
Kennedy didnt want an ally of communism close to aerican teritory
got suport from CIA → group of cuban exiles would be trained to launch the invasion and overthrow castro
1.4k soliders inexperienced
20k communist soliders ready to attack
castro showed journalists failed us attack → humiliation
One effect of Bay Of Pigs
Strengenthed Cuban and Soviet relations
cuba and america were close trading partners → america wanted cuba back
us sent 1.4k cuban exiles as castro was afraid as would launch full-scale invasion
→ america didnt want a bad look by sending us troops
castro was a communist and asked nikita to defend cuba
nikita sent military equipment and a missile base with nuclear weapons
Another effect of bay of pigs
Tension increased between us and soviets
Strain on relations → soviet took cuba as an ally
kennedy concerned about a military base being 145km from us
kenndy discovered nuclear weapons → communists could launch missiles
Cuban Missile crisis 1962 Reasons
us had a nuclear missile base in turkey , near soviet → soviets retaliated
1961 us broke diplomatic relations with cuba → cuba turned to the soviets
1962 soviet u-2 spy plane spotted nuclear missile base in cuba
kennedy launched blockade oct 22nd
→ soviet ships with weapons were turned around
→ us generals prepared for invasion
→ lasted 13 days
26th oct nikita agreed to remove missile base if kennedy didnt invade and removed missile base in turkey
One effect of cuban missile crisis
Tensions de-escelated
close to nuclear war with 54 bombers with warheads ready during blockade
hotline was set up in 1963 in moscow to ensure better communication
non- poliferation treaty signed in 1968 stopped nuclear weapon shared to other countries
Another effect of cuban missile crisis
USSR and nikita seemed weak
by removing missiles in cuba → made kennedy look formidable
kennedy challenged nikita gaining popularity
communist humilation decreasing popularity
→ nikita dismissed 1984
Causes of the prague spring 1968-69
czechs were fed up by the lack of freedom of speech, low quality of life, censorship and arrests for being anti-communist
1968 dubeck (secretary of czech communist party) wanted socialism with a human face
censorship relaxed
→ increased trade with west
more regional gov powers
promised democratic elections
dubeck convinced brezhnev it wasnt an invasion
20th aug 50k invaded and dubeck was arrested and replaced
One effect of invasion of czechslovakia
Brezhnev secured loyalty in eastern europe
showed that he’d use military action if anyone defied communsit beliefs
formed Brehznev doctrine → used forced on countries who took a liberated approach to communism
more soviet control over warsaw pact → brezhnev asserted authority
Another effect of czechslovakia invasion
increases tension with other countries
us were less confrontational due to them facing the vietnam war
western countries were angered and distanced themselves from ussr → disliked their force
Mao (china) didnt approve of use of force , didnt think it was socialist
→ hightened china-soviet relations
→ hightened satletite state relations like yugoslavakia
One effect of Hotline 1963
Decreased tensions between soviet and us
establishing a hotline in 1963 in washington and moscow → less conflicts , less miscommunication
easy communication and more clarity in discussions
less fear of nuclear war and decrease in nuclear weapons
Another effect of hotline 1963
Showed thaw in cold war
hotline proved increase co-operation between us and ussr
ended nuclear arms race and lead to signing test ban treaty → common goal to ease tensions
increase awareness of environmental dangers of nuclear warfare
One effect of Test Ban treaty 1963
Decreased tensions
didnt perform tests in the atmosphere
nuclear weapon testing was expensive - less weapons tested
recognized dangers of nuclear war
Another effect of Test Ban treaty 1963
Showed increased knowledge of environmental dangers
more scientific research → better understanding of radioactive fallout and radiation damage to environment
100+ signed showing global decrease in nuclear weapons
thaw in cold war abandoning nuclear weapons
One effect of the outerspace treaty 1967
Decreased tensions
no nuclear weapons in space
no nuclear arms race in space → decreasing competition
less nuclear weapons → no nuclear war
Another effect of the outerspace treaty 1967
Thaw in cold war
states responsible for damage caused by their objects in space
coutries more aware of nuclear weapon danger
112 signed it decreasing likelyhood of nuclear war
One effect of nuclear non-poliferation treaty 1968
Decreased tensions
Nuclear weapons states and non nuclear weapons states worked towords disarmament
nuclear war likelyhood decreased
no more arms race → less competition
Another effect of nuclear non-poliferation treaty 1968
Nuclear weapons were not shared
lots of countries like china didnt share weapons incase they fell in the hands of terrorists
learn their lesson from sharing nuclear weapons with castro
decreased in financial pressure of nuclear weapon manufacturing
Reasons for detante
nixon became us president promising end of vietnam war
→ 20k died and tired of constant US military action
$170billion spent on defense → needed to decrease spending
→ wanted the money to go into reducing inequality
nixon wanted to be friendlier with China
soviet 30% of their GDP on defense spending
Mao was in favour of US as disliking prague spring → nixon visited china feb 1972
better relations between both sides → ostpolitik
strategic arms limitation treaty 1972 (SALT)
negotiation about which weapons should be limited
anti-ballistic missile treaty → only 2 allowed in each country with 100 missiles each
interim treaty → restrictions on number of inter-continental missiles and submarine-launched missiles
basic principles agreement - rules for conduct of nuclear warfare
→ no missiles on seabed → prevent spread of nuclear weapos
One effect of SALT
decreased tensions
increased co-operation , signed 1972
limitations to 100 missiles
both sides making efforts to not use nuclear weapons → more awareness of dangers
Another effect of SALT
Limited nuclear programmes of both countries
submarine-missiles limited to 740 → slowing arms race
ICBM limited relevent to how many bombers they had (us had less)
nixon and brezhnev became closer
→ SALT 2 1979
Extent of detente 1972
both sides had enough nuclear weapons to begin a war and programmes were still going
BUT diplomacy was established →better awareness of nuclear dangers
more treaties to limit use of nuclear weapons
better international relations