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Virginia opossum: Didelphia virginiana
What order is the Virginia opossum in?
Nine-banded armadillo: Dasypus novemcinctus
What order is the Nine-banded armadillo in?
Black-tailed jackrabbit: Lepus californicus
Eastern Cottontail: Sylvilagus floridanus
Desert Cottontail: Sylvilagus audubonii
What order are hares and rabbits in?
Desert (Crawford’s) Shrew: Notiosorex crawfordi
What order is the Desert shrew in?
Brazilian (Mexican) free-tailed bat: Tadarida brasiliensis
Hoary bat: Lasiurus cinereus
Eastern red bat: Lasiurus borealis
Pallid bat: Anthrozous pallidus
Townsend’s big eared bat: Corynorhinus townsendii
Ghost faced bat: Mormoops megalophylla
Cave myotis: Myotis velifer
What order are bats in?
Coyote: Canis latrans
Gray Fox: Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Red Fox: Vulpes vulpes
Swift Fox: Vulpes velox
Kit Fox: Vulpes macrotis
What order and family are foxes and coyotes in?
Carnivora, canidae
Bobcat: Lynx rufus
Mountain lion: Puma concolor
What order and family are the mountain lion and bobcat in?
Carnivora, felidae
Striped skunk: Mephitis mephitis
Hognose skunk: Conepatus leuconotus
Western Spotted Skunk: Spilogale gracilis
What order and family are skunks in?
Carnivora, mephitidae
Long-tailed weasel: Mustela frenata
American badger: Taxidea taxus
Mink: Neovison vison
What order and family is the mink, weasel, and badger in?
Carnivora, mustelidae
Ringtail: Bassariscus astutus
Raccoon: Procyon lotor
What order and family are the ringtail and raccoon in?
American black bear: Ursidus americanus
What order is the black bear in?
White-tailed deer: Odocoileus virginianus
Mule deer: Odocoileus hemionus
What order and family are the mule and white-tailed deer in?
Antilodactyla, Cervidae
Feral Hog: Sus scrofa
What order and family is the feral hog in?
Antilodactyla, suidae
Bighorn sheep: Ovis candensis
What order and family is the bighorn sheep in?
Antilodactyla, bovidae
Collard peccary: Pecari tajacu
What order and family is the collard peccary in?
Antilodactyla, tayassuidae
Pronghorn: Antilocapra americana
What order and family is the pronghorn in?
Antilodactyla, antilocapridae
What genus does this mouse fall in?
Fulvous harvest mouse: Reithrodontomys fulvescens
Plain harvest mouse: Reithrodontomys montanus
Northern pygmy mouse: Baiomys taylori
Northern grasshopper mouse: Onychomys leucogaster
Hispid cotton rat: Sigmodon hispidus
What order and family are Peromyscus, Reithrodontomys, Baiomys, Sigmodon, and Onychomys in?
What order and family are wood rats in?
Rodentia, Neotoma
Southern plains wood rat
Neotoma micropus
White-toothed wood rat
Neotoma leucodon
Hispid pocket mouse
Chaetodupis hispidus
Merriam’s pocket rat
Peroganthus merriami
What family is the pocket mouse and rat in?
Black rat
Rattus rattus
Norway (Brown) rat
Rattus norvegicus
House mouse
Mus musculus
What family is the House mouse, black and brown rats in?
Fox squirrel: Sciurus niger
Mexican ground squirrel: Spermophilus mexicanus
Texas rock squirrel: Spermophilus variegatus variegatus
Blacktailed prairie dog: Cyonyms ludovicianus
North american beaver: Castor candensis
Nutria: Myocastor coypus
North American porcupine
Erethizon dorasatum