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What Windows command prompt commands can be used to list all directory's files and subdirectories contained in the current directory?
dir & dir .
What command-line command is used for directory traversal?
Which parameter of the cd command in Windows moves the command-line prompt one folder up in the directory tree?
cd ..
What commands in Windows command prompt changes the current directory to the root directory?
cd \
What is the name of an MS Windows command-line utility that can be used to display TCP/IP configuration settings?
What refers to an ipconfig command parameter used for displaying the full TCP/IP config info for all adapters and allows you to view the physical address of a Network Interface Card?
ipconfig /all
What two commands are used for resetting the DHCP config settings for all?
ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew
What command is used for checking the reachability of a remote network host?
What network command-line utility tracks and displays the route taken by IPv4 packets on their way to another host?
What command-line utility displays active TCP/IP connections and network protocol stats?
What netstat parament allows you to display all connections and listening ports?
netstat -a
What netstat parameter allows you to display the name of an application involved in creating each connection or listening port?
netstat -b
What netstat parameter allows you to display address & port numbers in numerical form?
netstat -n
What CLI tools can be used for troubleshooting DNS-related problems?
What comman can be used to shut down or restart a local or remote host on MS windows?
What is the correct command for setting the time-out period for 60 seconds before powering off a windows host?
shutdown /s /t 60
What shutdown command switch in MS forces full system shutdown and restart of a windows host?
shutdown /r
What comman enables a full system shutdown and restart of a MS windows host after a time-out period of 2 minutes?
shutdown /r /t 120
What shutdown command switch enables aborting a system shutdown?
shutdown /a
What utility scans the integrity of all protected files and replaces incorrect version with correct MS versions?
What sfc switch enables a type of file check that scans integrity of all protected system files and repairs corrupted files when possible?
What is a Windows OS/2 and DOS tool used for checking the file system & status of the system's hard drives?
What chckdsk command fixes erros on the disk?
chkdsk /f
What chckdsk command locates bad sectors & recovers readable information and fixes errors on the disk?
chkdsk /r
What command launches a text-based command-line partitioning utility?
what command displays a list of currently running processes on a local or remote host?
Provided that the process ID of notepad.exe obtained with the tasklist command is 1230 what is the correct syntax for a Windows Command Prompt taskkill command that would allow to close this application?
taskkill /pid 1230
What taskkill command & syntax would allow you to close notepad.exe by providing its imagename?
taskkill /im notepad.exe
What command allows for updating mulitiple group policy settings in MS-Windows?
What command displays the group policy info for a machine or user?
What command configures a newly added hard drive with a file system so that Windows can sotre info on it?
What comman can be used to copy one or more files from one location to another?
What copy command switch verifies that the new files are written correctly?
copy /v
What copy command switch suppresses the confirmation prompt displayed when Windows is about to overwrite the contents of an existing file?
copy /y
What two commands allow for copying multiple files or entire directory trees from one directory to another and for copying files across the network?
xcopy robocopy
What command is used for listing a computer's connections to shared resources?
net use
What command lists the user accounts for the computer?
net user
What 2 commands can be used to display help info related to a specific command-line utility?
help [command name] [command name] /?
What comman displays a full list of avaialble system command along with a brief description of each command?
Right-clicking on the Command Prompt app icon allows for execution of shell commands reserved for what?
System administrator