MKT 202 Final Exam Study Guide

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Which of the following is the operation in which the identification of code values is associated with the possible responses for each question on the questionnaire?

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Which of the following is the operation in which the identification of code values is associated with the possible responses for each question on the questionnaire?

Data coding

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Coaching a respondent to obtain desired response is which type of interviewer error?

Leading the respondent

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In order to reduce ________, it is useful for a researcher to offer the "don't know" option with questions that require mental effort.

 item omissions

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Researchers look for "break-offs" or ________ when inspecting raw data.

 incomplete responses

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Skyrocketing nonresponse rates and the popularity of online surveys have prompted a number of firms to use ________.

 panel companies

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________ is one of the most important ways to control a wide variety of nonsampling errors on the part of both interviewers and respondents during the data collection stage of the marketing research process.

Stressing the importance of good questionnaire design in reducing these errors

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Instead of directly quizzing the respondent about a subject that might be embarrassing, the interviewer couches the question in terms of another person who is similar to the respondent. This is known as which type of technique?

Third-person technique

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The control of unintentional respondent error takes various forms including all of the following EXCEPT ________.

careful selection of respondents

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Most problems encountered with online surveys can usually be prevented by ________.

selecting options or requirements in the online questionnaire program

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Which of the following does NOT represent one of the problem respondent categories?

Homogeneous responses

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Panel companies claim to provide samples of very specific ________ by inviting only those panel members who qualify on specific criteria to participate in any given survey.

consumer types

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________ is NOT one of the options in addressing data quality issues.

Leaving the respondent's data row but correcting the answers

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It is much more convenient to have findings tables use the labels on the questionnaire, such as "male" or "female," rather than the code numbers, such as "1" and "2" when performing ________.

data analysis

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Determining the presence of "bad" respondents and to throw out the ones with severe problems is the purpose of ________.

raw data inspection

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Necessitated by nonresponses and suspicious answers, ________ in the marketing research process involves inspecting respondents' answers in the dataset.

a separate phase of the data preparation stage

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The advantage of a code book that describes the data file is that any ________ can work on the dataset.


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Methods useful in minimizing intentional respondent error include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

use of contract respondents

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It is important to minimize falsehoods and non-response tendencies on the part of respondents to control ________.

intentional respondent error

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Which of the following is NOT among the several mechanisms routinely used by professional field data collection companies to reduce unintentional fieldworker errors?

Psychological screening

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________ is defined as the ratio of the number of completed interviews to the number of eligible units in the sample.

Response rate

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________is NOT used to compute a sample size.

The number of sample subjects

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Consider that we have nominal data (responses are categorical) and the responses are "Yes" or "No" to the question: "The next time you order pizza, will you use Domino's?" Which of the following sets of responses shows the MOST variability?

55 percent say "Yes" and 45 percent say "No".

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Which of the following descriptive statistic would a researcher likely use when asking a respondent to estimate how many hamburgers they ate the prior week?

 Standard deviation

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________ is the amount of dissimilarity in respondents' answers to a particular question.


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A researcher asks the question: "On a scale of 1 to 5, how does Apple rate on variety of its iPads?" Which of the following descriptive statistic would the researcher likely use to measure variability?

Standard deviation and/or range

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Mean, mode, standard deviation, and range are forms of ________ analysis used to describe the sample dataset in such a way as to portray the "typical" respondent and to reveal the general pattern of responses.


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Which of the following descriptive statistic would a researcher use when accumulating the age of each respondent?

Frequency and/or percentage distribution

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________ analysis is the type of analysis the researcher might choose to compare expenditures by high-income earners versus moderate-income earners.


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Which of the following applies to any statistical measure used that somehow reflects a typical or frequent response?

Central tendency

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________ analysis is the process used to generalize the results of a sample to the target population it represents.


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Which of the following relates to all sources of error other than the sample selection method and sample size, including problem specification mistakes, question bias, data recording errors, or incorrect analysis?

Nonsampling error

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Which of the following descriptive statistic would a researcher likely use when asking a respondent to rank a number of choices in order of preference to measure variability?

Cumulative percentage distribution

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Which of the following demonstrates how a researcher can take any finding in the survey, replicate the survey with a random sample of the same size, and be "very likely" to find the same finding within the ±% range of the original sample's finding?

The central limit theorem

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If the level of confidence, variability, and the size of a sample is known, there is a formula that allows researchers to determine the ________.

sample error

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________ is reflected in the spread of the distribution.

Amount of variability

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________ analysis is a category of statistical procedures and models available to the marketing researcher to help make forecasts about future events.


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The most correct method of determining sample size is the confidence interval approach, which applies the concepts of all of the following EXCEPT ________.

validity and value

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________ analysis is used when one wants to see if variables, such as advertising recall scores, positively associate with intentions to buy the advertised brand.


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Which of the following is TRUE with regard to variability?

q = 100% - p

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The researcher can ________ by estimating p to be other than 50%.

reduce the sample size and save money

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When a marketing researcher is interested in making comparisons between two groups of respondents to determine whether or not there are statistically significant differences between them, in concept, the researcher is considering them as ________.

two potentially different populations

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What is the FIRST required step when a researcher wants to perform the test of significance of differences between two percentages, each representing a separate group (sample)?

A comparison of the two percentages

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Running ________ of the significance of the difference between means is much less advantageous than using ANOVA.

multiple t tests

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When a researcher wants to determine if two means of two different questions using the same scale format and answered by the same respondents in the sample are significantly different, they would use what type of test?

Paired samples test for the difference between two means

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Almost every statistical test or procedure involves the computation of some critical statistic. The resulting statistic is used to determine the ________.

statistical significance of the findings

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A researcher can test the null hypothesis that no differences exist between the two group means (or percentages) by using a ________.

differences test

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The researcher can use ________ to identify the pair or pairs of groups where the means are significantly different if the Sig. value is .05 or less.

a post hoc procedure such as Duncan's multiple range test

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Statistical tests are used when a researcher wants to ________ of two different groups or samples. 

compare the means or percentages 

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A(n) ________ variable requires that the researcher compare percentages.


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The procedure for testing significance of difference between two means from two different groups (either two different samples or two different groups in the same sample) is ________ the procedure used in testing two percentages.

identical to

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A(n) ________ hypothesis is used to test whether a true difference exists between two group percentages.


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Which of the following describes the assumption of equal variances between two samples for differences testing?

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

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Which of the following requires that standard or innovative market segmentation bases are used, and that these bases uniquely identify the various groups so they can be analyzed and put in the marketer's targeting mechanisms?

Market segmentation

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ANOVA (analysis of variance) is an investigation of the differences between the group means to ascertain whether ________.

sampling errors or true population differences explain their failure to be equal

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Why do most computer statistical programs report only the t value?

Because it is identical to the z value with large samples

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The ________ when using a paired samples test for the difference between two means.

variables must be measured on the same scale

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A researcher has two percentages and wants to know if the percentages are statistically different. The researcher calculates the z value and finds that it is 4.21. This means that the two percentages ________.

are not statistically different

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A(n) ________ variable requires comparing means.


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In which situation is ANOVA more efficient and convenient?

It prevents performing successive independent sample differences tests.

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What is the SECOND required step when a researcher wants to perform the test of significance of differences between two percentages, each representing a separate group (sample)?

The difference is translated into a number of standard errors away from the hypothesized value of zero.

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Associations may be described with regard to direction in which of the following cases?

Monotonic and linear relationships

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Researchers keep in mind that the independence assumption stipulates that the independent variables must be ________ before running a multiple regression.

statistically independent and uncorrelated with one another

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The larger the absolute value of a standardized beta coefficient, the more relative importance it assumes in ________.

predicting the dependent variable

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A researcher may consider running a scatter plot when he or she ________ but still believes some relationship exists between two variables.

does not find a significant or strong correlation

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A marketing researcher may be faced with a large number and variety of prospective independent variables in a general conceptual model, and may use ________ as a way of spotting the salient independent variables for the dependent variable at hand.

multiple regression

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Which of the following represents a very powerful tool because it tells us what factors are related to the dependent variable, how each factor influences the dependent variable (the sign), and how much each factor influences it (the size of bi)?

Multiple regression

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Which of the following are the actual cell counts in the cross-tabulation table?

observed frequencies

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As in ________, the multiple regression analysis model assumes that a straight-line (plane) relationship exists among the variables.

bivariate regression analysis

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Which of the following contains the raw numbers determined from the preliminary tabulation?

Frequencies table

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If a researcher found a significant correlation of .83 between years of education and hours spent attending Golden State Warriors' basketball games, what would it mean? People with more education spend more time attending Warriors' basketball games.

People with more education spend more time attending Warriors' basketball games.

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The ________ is the degree to which the observed frequencies depart from the expected frequencies is expressed in a single number.

Chi-square test statistic

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A researcher must work with a number of ________ of the various levels of the dependent variable paired with different levels of the independent variable to compute a (intercept) and b (slope).


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The ________ is a type of analysis that includes the examination of frequencies for two nominally scaled variables in a cross-tabulation table to determine whether the variables have a statistically significant nonmonotonic relationship.

Chi-square test

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What results when a researcher standardizes independent variables through a quick operation that involves dividing the difference between each independent variable value and its mean by the standard deviation of that independent variable?

Standardized beta coefficient

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If a Chi-square analysis yielded a .02 significance level for the null hypothesis, the researcher would conclude that only 2% of the time would he or she find evidence to support the null hypothesis. Since the null hypothesis is not supported, this means there ________.

is a significant association

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Multiple R ranges from ________ and represents the amount of the dependent variable "explained," or accounted for, by the combined independent variables.  

-1.0 to +1.0

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A ________ is the correlation coefficient that measures the linear relationship between two interval- and/or ratio-scaled variables (scale variables) such as those depicted conceptually by scatter diagrams.

Pearson product-moment correlation

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Researchers work with a ________ rather than a line in multiple regression.

regression plane

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________frequencies are the actual cell counts in the cross-tabulation table.


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Using the ________ criterion is a way of guaranteeing that the straight line that runs through the points on the scatter diagram is positioned so as to minimize the vertical distances away from the line of the various points.

least squares

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Which of the items below follows the introduction?

Listing of research objectives

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________ is the helpful information readers need to find specific information that serves to graphically portray what is being said.

A list of illustrations

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________ is NOT one of the guidelines for improving the style of a research report.

Avoid the use of strong verbs

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________ is NOT a suggested guideline for producing an appropriate visual.

Truncate complex data with which your audience is unfamiliar

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Clients often request top-two box, top box, and (sometimes) bottom-two box scores, which they find ________.

easier to interpret than mean scores

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________ allow companies to gather and integrate data from several different sources and then exhibit the data automatically with tables, graphs, and other numerical displays.


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________ is the first item that every market researcher should consider when preparing his or her presentation.

Identifying and analyzing the audience

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________ is an emerging trend in the marketing research industry and is the expectation that researchers are increasingly expected to become knowledgeable about their clients' businesses and offer recommendations.

Strategic value

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Truncated graphs (having breaks in the scaled values on either axis) are ________.

acceptable only if the audience is familiar with the data

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A faulty or misleading visual ________.

discredits the researcher's report and work

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Which of the following represents a method that research updates can be disseminated to managers on an ongoing basis?

Social media tools, such as Twitter

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________ are particularly useful for illustrating relative size or proportions of one component versus others.

Pie charts

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Which of the following are useful to compare items over time or show correlations among items?

Bar charts

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Besides presenting compelling and immersive insights packaged inside a headline or two, today's information needs to reach a ________.

broader corporate audience

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A researcher should ________ when presenting data.

not misrepresent the data

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________ are the visuals that translate numbers into visual displays so that relationships and trends become comprehensible.


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Results uncovered from a marketing research study will ultimately have little or no effect on how a company conducts its business unless ________.

disseminated to essential operating units

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_______ is a tool capable of electronically distributing marketing research reports to selected managers in an interactive format while allowing users to conduct their own analyses.

Online reporting software

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Alternative ways of presenting data can be helpful, but no matter what tools are used, it is ________.

up to the researcher to bring meaning to the data

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________ are helpful when a researcher wants to introduce a set of topics and illustrate their relationships (useful when the sequence of events or topics is important).

Flow diagrams

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