responsible for much of the variation in levels of transcription of different genes. recruit RNA pol II to basal promoters, also recruit coactivators to open chromatin structure by displacing nucleosomes
Angelman syndrome
syndrome occurs when deletion is inherited from the mother
Barr body
example of facultative heterochromatin, inactive X-chromosome appear as darkly stained heterochromatin masses observed in somatic cells at interphase
Basal factors
bind to promoters of protein coding genes
recruited to displace nucleosomes and open chromatin structure
two alternating functions, prevent RNA pol II complex from binding the promoter, modify histones to close chromatin structure
processes pre-miRNA to a mature duplex miRNA
Dosage compensation
part of Barr bodies that overcompensate so that X-linked genes in XX and XY individuals are expressed at the same level
excises stem-loop from primary miRNA to generate pre-miRNA
DNA sequence in Eukaryotes that cab be far from the gene, repress the basal level of transcription
DNA sequence in genes in not the only carrier of genetic information, heritable self-perpetuation changes in gene expression not caused by base pair sequence changes. Epigenetic factors determine whether a gene is “on” or “off”
Genomic Imprinting
phenomenon where expression of an allele depends on the parent that transmits it
sequences located between an enhancer and a promoter, block access to the promoter, also organize genomic DNA into loops
Inter-generational epigenetic inheritance
environmentally induced trait (not bp mutation) that is displayed only in the child or child and grandchild of an originally exposed female or the child of an exposed male
required to transcribe many eukaryotic genes, a complex of more than 20 proteins, bridges RNA Pol II at the promoter and activator or repressor proteins at the enhancer
micro RNA’s, transcribed by RNA pol II, block mRNA translation and destabilize mRNA’s
piwi interacting RNA’s, target transposable element transcripts and promoters, degrade transposable element mRNA, facilitate histone modifications that inhibit transposable element transcription
Prader Willi syndrome
when deletion is inherited form the father
formed by drosha and then processed by dicer to a mature duplex miRNA
suppress transcription initiation by recruiting corepressors
one strand is incorporated into miRNA induced silencing complex
small interfering RNA’s, block translation/destabilize mRNA’s recruit histone modifying enzymes to DNA, resulting in heterochromatin formationTATA binding protein
TBP-associated factor
proteins that associate with the TATA-binding protein in transcription initiation.
Transcription factor
sequence specific DNA binding proteins, bind to promoters and enhancers, recruit other proteins to influence transcription, 3 kinds: basal factor, activator, repressor
Trans-generational epigenetic inheritance
environmentally induced trait (not a bp mutation) spearing in descendants of an individual whose germ line was not directly exposed to the stimulus
initiated by expression of the Xist gene
X-chromosome inactivation center, hotbed of functional long non-coding RNAs in eutherian mammals, help orchestrate the epigenetic transcriptional states of the two X-chromosomes in females as well as of the single X-chromosome in males.
large non-coding, cis acting regulatory RNA, binds to X-chromosome that it was expressed from, initiates histone modifications that result in heterochromatin formation
functional RNA molecule that is not translated into a protein. Ex: rRNA tRNA. etc
Alternative Splicing
process of selecting different combinations of splice sites within a messenger RNA precursor (pre-mRNA) to produce variably spliced mRNAs.