Biology Finals: Identification

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>endothermic/ectothermic (why)</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. characteristics

  3. endothermic/ectothermic (why)

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56 Terms

<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>endothermic/ectothermic (why)</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. characteristics

  3. endothermic/ectothermic (why)

  1. a frog (amphibian), part of Chordates

  2. bilaterally symmetrical; vertebrates; endoskeleton; central nervous system (brain/skull); very good eyes head, sensory organs, heart + circulatory systems; special outer covering (skin, scales); 1-2 pairs of appendages (legs, arms); sexual reproduction; land/water

  3. ectothermic: cold blooded, body temp varies w environment, cannot regulate metabolic rate very well

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>endothermic/ectothermic (why)</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. characteristics

  3. endothermic/ectothermic (why)

  1. iguana (reptile), part of chordates

  2. bilaterally symmetrical; vertebrates; endoskeleton; central nervous system (brain/skull); very good eyes, head, sensory organs, heart + circulatory systems, special outer covering (skin/scales); 1-2 pairs of appendages (legs/arms); sexual reproduction; land/water

  3. ectothermic: cold blooded, body temp varies with environment, cannot regulate metabolic rate very well.

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>endothermic/ectothermic (why)</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. characteristics

  3. endothermic/ectothermic (why)

  1. bird (aves), part of the Chordates

  2. bilaterally symmetrical; vertebrates; endoskeleton; central nervous system (brain/skull); very good eyes, head, sensory organs, heart + circulatory systems; special outer covering (skin/scales); 1-2 pairs of appendages (legs/arms); sexual reproduction; land/water

  3. endothermic: warm blooded, constant body temp despite environment, regulate metabolic rate

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>endothermic/ectothermic (why)</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. characteristics

  3. endothermic/ectothermic (why)

  1. humans (mammals), part of Chordates

  2. bilaterally symmetrical; vertebrates; endoskeleton; central nervous system (brain/skull); very good eyes, head, sensory organs, heart + circulatory systems; special outer covering (skin/scales); 1-2 pairs of appendages (legs/arms); sexual reproduction; land/water

  3. endothermic: warm blooded, constant body temp despite environment, regulate metabolic rate

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>endothermic/ectothermic (why)</p></li><li><p>what type of fish (why) </p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. characteristics

  3. endothermic/ectothermic (why)

  4. what type of fish (why)

  1. shark, part of the Chordates

  2. bilaterally symmetrical; vertebrate; endoskeleton; central nervous system (brain/skull); very good eyes, head, sensory organs, heart + circulatory systems; special outer covering (skin/scales); 1-2 pairs of appendages (legs/arms); sexual reproduction; land/water

  3. can be both, most ectothermic: cold blooded; body temp varies with environment, cannot regulate metabolic rate very well

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>endothermic/ectothermic (why)</p></li><li><p>what type of fish (why) </p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. characteristics

  3. endothermic/ectothermic (why)

  4. what type of fish (why)

  1. fish, part of Chordates

  2. bilaterally symmetrical; vertebrates; endoskeleton; central nervous system (brain/skull); very good eyes, head, sensory organs, heart + circulatory systems; special outer covering (skin/scales); 1-2 pairs of appendages (legs/arms); sexual reproduction; land/water

  3. ectothermic: cold blooded, body temp varies with environment, cannot regulate metabolic rate very well

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>Group + Phylum</p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li><li><p>Description of this worm</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. Group + Phylum

  3. Characteristics of all class members

  4. Description of this worm

  1. Earthworm

  2. Annelids, Upper Invertebrates

  3. Coelomate; digestive, circulatory, nervous, excretory systems; NO respiratory systems (o2 thru skin); segmented into “septa” compartments; rings=annuli; hermaphroditic (cross fertilization); sexually + asexually (regeneration); terrestrial, freshwater, marine; 1mm-3m long

  4. 1 way digestive system, hermaphroditic but must still mate to mix gametes, regrow amputated segments

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>Group + Phylum </p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. Group + Phylum

  3. Characteristics of all class members

  1. leech

  2. annelids, upper invertebrates

  3. coelomate, digestive, circulatory, nervous, excretory systems; NO respiratory (o2 thru skin); segmented into “septa” compartments; rings=annuli; hermaphroditic (cross fertilization); sexually+asexually (regeneration); terrestrial, freshwater, marine; 1mm-3m long.

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>Group + Class</p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. Group + Class

  3. Characteristics of all class members

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<p>Identify:</p><ul><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>group + Phylum </p></li><li><p>characteristics of this class</p></li></ul>


  • what it is

  • group + Phylum

  • characteristics of this class

  1. limpet

  2. mollusk, upper invertebrates

  3. visceral mass+foot+mantle; coelomate; bilaterally symmetrical; one way digestive system; cephalization with sensory organs; respiratory system; radula (tongue for feeding); sexual reproduction (dioecious/separate sexes)

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>Group + phylum</p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. Group + phylum

  3. Characteristics of all class members

  1. scallop

  2. mollusk, upper invertebrates

  3. visceral mass+foot+mantle; coelomate; bilaterally symmetrical; one way digestive system; cephalization with sensory organs; respiratory system; radula (tongue for feeding); sexual reproduction (dioecious/separate sexes)

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what it is</p></li><li><p>Group + phylum</p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li></ol>


  1. what it is

  2. Group + phylum

  3. Characteristics of all class members

  1. squid and cuttlefish

  2. mollusk, upper invertebrates

  3. visceral mass+foot+mantle; coelomate; bilaterally symmetrical; one way digestive system; cephalization with sensory organs; respiratory system; radula (tongue for feeding); sexual reproduction (dioecious/separate sexes)

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  1. What are mollusks (name all phylum)

  2. Distinct body parts of Mollusks

  1. snails, slugs, clams, oysters, mussels, octopus, squid, cuttlefish

  2. visceral mass (body porion with organs), foot (strong muscle for movement-tentacles), mantle (encloses visceral mass + shell)

<ol><li><p>snails, slugs, clams, oysters, mussels, octopus, squid, cuttlefish </p></li><li><p>visceral mass (body porion with organs), foot (strong muscle for movement-tentacles), mantle (encloses visceral mass + shell) </p></li></ol>
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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>Group + phylum</p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. Group + phylum

  3. Characteristics of all class members

  1. centipede

  2. arthropod, upper invertebrates

  3. coelomate; bilaterally symmetrical; jointed appendages; exoskeleton of chitin (made by epidermis); 3 regions (head, thorax, abdomen); respiration by body surface, gills, trachea; open circulatory system; developed sensory organs (eye, antenna); complete digestive system with mouth, organs, anus; dioecious (fertilization usually internal); nervous system with dorsal brain; live everywhere

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>Group + Class</p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. Group + Class

  3. Characteristics of all class members

  1. Millipede

  2. arthropod, upper invertebrates

  3. coelomate; bilaterally symmetrical; jointed appendages; exoskeleton of chitin (made by epidermis); 3 regions (head, thorax, abdomen); respiration by body surface, gills, trachea; open circulatory system; developed sensory organs (eye, antenna); complete digestive system with mouth, organs, anus; dioecious (fertilization usually internal); nervous system with dorsal brain; live everywhere

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>Group + phylum</p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li><li><p>insect description</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. Group + phylum

  3. Characteristics of all class members

  4. insect description

  1. a beetle lol

  2. arthropod, upper invertebrates

  3. coelomate; bilaterally symmetrical; jointed appendages; exoskeleton of chitin (made by epidermis); 3 regions (head, thorax, abdomen); respiration by body surface, gills, trach andea; open circulatory system; developed sensory organs (eye, antenna); complete digestive system with mouth, organs, anus; dioecious (fertilization usually internal); nervous system with dorsal brain; live everywhere

  4. exoskeleton=chitin, segmented head, antennae + eyes + legs + wings, digestive/respiratory/excretory/reproductive systems, most hatch from eggs, sexual reproduction, meta morphosis

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>Group + phylum</p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. Group + phylum

  3. Characteristics of all class members

  1. Scorpian (spider)

  2. arthropod, upper invertebrates

  3. coelomate; bilaterally symmetrical; jointed appendages; exoskeleton of chitin (made by epidermis); 3 regions (head, thorax, abdomen); respiration by body surface, gills, trachea; open circulatory system; developed sensory organs (eye, antenna); complete digestive system with mouth, organs, anus; dioecious (fertilization usually internal); nervous system with dorsal brain; live everywhere

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>Group + phylum</p></li><li><p>Characteristics of all class members</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. Group + phylum

  3. Characteristics of all class members

  1. Barnacles

  2. arthropod, upper invertebrates

  3. coelomate; bilaterally symmetrical; jointed appendages; exoskeleton of chitin (made by epidermis); 3 regions (head, thorax, abdomen); respiration by body surface, gills, trachea; open circulatory system; developed sensory organs (eye, antenna); complete digestive system with mouth, organs, anus; dioecious (fertilization usually internal); nervous system with dorsal brain; live everywhere

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylum</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylum

  3. characteristics

  1. crab

  2. arthropod, upper invertebrates

  3. coelomate; bilaterally symmetrical; jointed appendages; exoskeleton of chitin (made by epidermis); 3 regions (head, thorax, abdomen); respiration by body surface, gills, trachea; open circulatory system; developed sensory organs (eye, antenna); complete digestive system with mouth, organs, anus; dioecious (fertilization usually internal); nervous system with dorsal brain; live everywhere

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What are Chordates? Name all phylums

Frogs, toads, salamanders, reptiles, birds, mammals

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What are upper invertebrates? Name all phylums

Annelids (worms): earthworm, leech

Mollusks (slimy): snail, slug, clam, oyster, octopus, squid, cuttlefish

Arthropods (joined): centipedes, insects, spiders, scorpian, barnacles, crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crayfish

Echinoderms (spikey skin): starfish, sea urchin, sand dollar, sea cucumber, brittle star

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What are lower invertebrates? name all phylums

Porferia (pore bearers): sea sponges

Cnidarians (stinging needles): jellyfish, anemones

Plathetheminthes (flatworms): Flukes, tapeworms, parasitic Flatworms, free living flatworms

Nematodes (roundworms): tiny non earthworm worms 🙂

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylums</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>sea star tube feet</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylums

  3. characteristics

  4. sea star tube feet

  1. starfish

  2. echinoderms, lower invertebrates

  3. coelomate; radially symmetrical (penta radial); calcareous skeleton; water vascular system; digestive system; open/reduced circulatory system (no heart) with central ring + vessels; simple radial nervous system (no brain); gonads=reproductive system; sexual reproduction (fertilization outside body, cillated, freeswimming larvae)

  4. 5 arms with eyespot at end, 2 stomachs, water vascular systyem (central ring→ canals→tube feet)

    TUBE FEET FOR: movement, feeding, bringing in water for gas exchange

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylums</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylums

  3. characteristics

  1. sea urchin

  2. echinoderms, lower invertebrates

  3. coelomate; radially symmetrical (penta radial); calcareous skeleton; water vascular system; digestive system; open/reduced circulatory system (no heart) with central ring + vessels; simple radial nervous system (no brain); gonads=reproductive system; sexual reproduction (fertilization outside body, cillated, freeswimming larvae)

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylums</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylums

  3. characteristics

  1. sand dollar

  2. echinoderms, lower invertebrates

  3. coelomate; radially symmetrical (penta radial); calcareous skeleton; water vascular system; digestive system; open/reduced circulatory system (no heart) with central ring + vessels; simple radial nervous system (no brain); gonads=reproductive system; sexual reproduction (fertilization outside body, cillated, freeswimming larvae)

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylums</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylums

  3. characteristics

  1. brittle star

  2. echinoderms, lower invertebrates

  3. coelomate; radially symmetrical (penta radial); calcareous skeleton; water vascular system; digestive system; open/reduced circulatory system (no heart) with central ring + vessels; simple radial nervous system (no brain); gonads=reproductive system; sexual reproduction (fertilization outside body, cillated, freeswimming larvae)

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylums</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylums

  3. characteristics

  1. sea cucumber

  2. echinoderms, lower invertebrates

  3. coelomate; radially symmetrical (penta radial); calcareous skeleton; water vascular system; digestive system; open/reduced circulatory system (no heart) with central ring + vessels; simple radial nervous system (no brain); gonads=reproductive system; sexual reproduction (fertilization outside body, cillated, freeswimming larvae)

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylums</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>stucture</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylums

  3. characteristics

  4. stucture

  1. Sea sponge

  2. Porferia, lower invertebrates

  3. filter feeders; non coelomate; asymmetrical; GVC; spicules skeleton; hermaphroditic (sexually no self, or asexually by budding or regeneration); sessile;

  4. In through ostia, out through osculum, lined with collar cells for current

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylums</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li><li><p>tentacle function</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylums

  3. characteristics

  4. tentacle function

  1. box jelly

  2. Cnidarians, lower invertebrates

  3. non-coelomate (Endoderm, ectoderm, mesoglea); radial symmetry; GVC; nervous system; hermaphroditic (sexually no self, or asexually budding/Regen), 2 stages-motile (medusa), sessile (polyp)

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylums</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylums

  3. characteristics

  1. sea anemone

  2. cnidarians, lower invertebrates

  3. non-coelomate (Endoderm, ectoderm, mesoglea); radial symmetry; GVC; nervous system; hermaphroditic (sexually no self, or asexually budding/Regen), 2 stages-motile (medusa), sessile (polyp)

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>what is it</p></li><li><p>group + phylum</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. what is it

  2. group + phylum

  3. characteristics

  1. jellyfish

  2. cnidarians, lower invertebrates

  3. non-coelomate (Endoderm, ectoderm, mesoglea); radial symmetry; GVC; nervous system; hermaphroditic (sexually no self, or asexually budding/Regen), 2 stages-motile (medusa), sessile (polyp)

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>group + class</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. group + class

  2. characteristics

  1. nematodes, lower invertebrates

  2. pseudocoelomate; cephalization; no respiration or circulation; dioecious (sexual); unsegmented bodies; epidermis=cuticle made of collagen so it doesn’t dry out; longitudinal muscles (wiggly); parasitic and freeliving forms

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>group + class</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. group + class

  2. characteristics

  1. nematodes, lower invertebrates

  2. pseudocoelomate; cephalization; no respiration or circulation; dioecious (sexual); unsegmented bodies; epidermis=cuticle made of collagen so it doesn’t dry out; longitudinal muscles (wiggly); parasitic and freeliving forms

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>group + class</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. group + class

  2. characteristics

  1. nematodes, lower invertebrates

  2. pseudocoelomate; cephalization; no respiration or circulation; dioecious (sexual); unsegmented bodies; epidermis=cuticle made of collagen so it doesn’t dry out; longitudinal muscles (wiggly); parasitic and freeliving forms

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>group + class</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. group + class

  2. characteristics

  1. platytheminthes, lower invertebrates

  2. noncoelomate; nervous system+cephalization (feat. eyespots); gastrovascular cavity (+organ systems for digestion + excretion); no circulatory or respiratory systems (take in 02 from surface); hermaphroditic (sexually) or asexually by budding or regeneration

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>group + class</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. group + class

  2. characteristics

  1. platytheminthes, lower invertebrates

  2. noncoelomate; nervous system+cephalization (feat. eyespots); gastrovascular cavity (+organ systems for digestion + excretion); no circulatory or respiratory systems (take in 02 from surface); hermaphroditic (sexually) or asexually by budding or regeneration

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<p>Identify:</p><ol><li><p>group + class</p></li><li><p>characteristics</p></li></ol>


  1. group + class

  2. characteristics

  1. platytheminthes, lower invertebrates

  2. noncoelomate; nervous system+cephalization (feat. eyespots); gastrovascular cavity (+organ systems for digestion + excretion); no circulatory or respiratory systems (take in 02 from surface); hermaphroditic (sexually) or asexually by budding or regeneration

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Protist characteristics

eukaryotic, heterotrophic/autotrophic, single/multicellular,

ALGAE= plant like protists

PROTOZOA=animal like protists (ameoba)

SLIME/WATER MOLDS= fungi like protists

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Animal like protist.

have pseudopods or “false feet” that help with movement and engulfing food

reproduce asexually by fission

can be harmful (amoebic dysentery)

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Animal like protist. Move by cilia (for feeding and attachment), reproduces by division, most are freeliving and harmless

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Plant like protists


autotrophic (photosynthetic), primary producers of marine life, can be small or big, very few cause disease (red tide)

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Bacteria shapes

bacillus (rod shaped)

cocci (circle shaped)

Spirillum (spiral shaped)

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live in extreme environments

  • methanogens (gas)

  • thermoacidophiles (heat/acid)

  • halophiles (salt)

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  • Change over a period of time

  • increase chance of survival (to reproduce)

  • natural selection=charles darwin=survival of the fittest

  • genetic diversity of genes among a population (increase chance of survival)

  • genetic drift=speciation (create new species)

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adaptive radiation

  • darwin’s finches

  • founders effect (small group showed up)

  • geographic isolation (didn’t allow groups to breed)

  • natural selection (selected birds with best fitness to reproduce)

Ultimately created adaptive radiation that developed several new species (of finches)

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characteristics of all viruses

non cellular, do not respire, do not respond to stimuli, do not grow, only reproduce inside a host (parasitic), contain genetic material (dna, rna, both), contain a protein coat around the dna/rna, contain small amounts of enzymes, can be stored for long periods of time

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general structure of viruses

helical (rod)

spherical (sphere)


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types of viruses

animal, plant, bacteria

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how are viruses spread

water, insects, blood

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lytic cycle


penetration (insert genetic material)

replication (replicated within cell. can stay dormant=lysogenic pathway while dna replicates normally)




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best treatment of prevent spread disease

a weakened virus is injected to build immunity. body produces antibodies that can destroy the virus if it enters

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smallest living unit of life

most are microscopic

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cell theory

all living things are made up of cells

cells come from cells

structure of all organisms

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prokaryotic cells

first cell type


no membrane bound organelles or nucleus

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eukaryotic cells

membrane bound nucleus

fungi, plant, animals,

lots of organelles

divided into plant and animal cells. plants have cell walls and are photosynthesizers

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3 Ecological Importances of Arthropods

get any:

  • pollination

  • production of honey, wax, silk

  • recycle biological materials

  • symbiotic relationships with other organisms

  • large portion of the food chain

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