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This definition varies from country to country, and, with periodic reclassification, can also vary within one country over time, making direct comparisons difficult.
Urban Area
This can be defined by one or more of the following:
administrative criteria or political boundaries (e.g. area within jurisdiction of a municipality or town committee)
threshold population size (where the minimum for an urban settlement is typically in the region of 2000 people, althought this varies globally between 200 and 50000)
population density or the concentration of individuals within a species geographic locale
economic function (majority of pop not primarily engage in agri/ surplus of employment)
presence of urban characteristics (paved streets, electric lightning, sewerage)
Urban Growth
This is the (relative or absolute) increase in the number of people who live in towns and cities. Its pace depends on the natural increase of the urban population and the population gained by urban areas through both net rural-urban migration and the reclassification of rural settlements into cities and towns.
Rate of Urbanization
This is the increase in the proportion of urban population over time, calculated as the rate of growth of the urban population minus that of the total population.
Urban Agglomeration
The population of a built-up or densely populated area containing the city proper, suburbs and continuously settled commuter areas or adjoining territory inhabited at urban levels of residential density.
Metropolitan Area/Region
A formal local government area comprising of the urban area as a whole and its primary commuter areas, typically formed around a city with a large concentration of people (i.e., a population of at least 100,000).
Urban Sprawl
This is also referred to as ‘horizontal spreading’ or ‘dispersed urbanization’. The uncontrolled and disproportionate expansion of an urban area into the surrounding countryside, forming low-density, poorly planned patterns of development.
Peri-Urban Area
An area between consolidated urban and rural regions.
An urban agglomeration with a population of 10 million or more.
a megacity of more than 20 million people. As cities grow and merge, new urban configurations are formed. These include mega regions, urban corridors and city-regions.
It is a group of metropolitan areas which are perceived as a continuous urban area through common systems of transport, economy, resources, ecology, and so on.
Urban Corridor
A linear ‘ribbon’ system of urban organization: cities of various sizes linked through transportation and economic axes, often running between major cities.
An urban development on a massive scale. It is a major city that expands beyond administrative boundaries to engulf small cities, towns and semi-urban and rural hinterlands, sometimes expanding sufficiently to merge with other cities, forming large conurbations.
Cultural criteria
The criteria of defining an urban area which is associated with large, culturally heterogeneous and socially diverse areas, usually, cities. And, a distinct way of life characterized as “urbanism”
A set of values, mores, customs and behaviours associated with living in urbanized settings
Economic criteria
The criteria of defining an urban area which states that less than half of its population are engaged in agriculture and the dominant economic activities are in industry, commerce, business and services
Political criteria
The criteria of defining an urban area which involves administrative functions
The criteria of defining an urban area which involves the number or density of people who live in it
1970 Census Definition of Urban Area
The definition of urban area which considers population density, street pattern, and presence of establishments and facilities for basic services.
It is a basis for policies, urban planning decisions, and delivery of basic services
Why is the classification of urban and rural areas an important indicator for many data users?
The Philippines presently classifies urban and rural areas using the physical and economic characteristics of barangays. The definition of urban areas, which has been in use since the 1970 census.
Why is there a need for a new definition of Urban Areas?
a community based on ties of blood or kinship
a society or association based o economic, political, or other interests