Bill of Rights

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The 1st Amendment

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10 Terms


The 1st Amendment

The right to freedom of religion, assembly, speech, petition, and press.

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The 2nd Amendment

The right to bare arms.

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The 3rd Amendment

The right to not quarter/house soldiers.

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The 4th Amendment

The right to reasonable search & seizure. Police need a warrant

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The 5th Amendment

The right to not self-incriminate, no double jeopardy, and due process. Plead the 5th.

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The 6th Amendment

The right to speedy trial by jury.

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The 7th Amendment

The right to fair trial by jury, jury makes final verdict.

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The 8th Amendment

The right to fair punishment. Protects from cruel or unusual punishment.

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The 9th Amendment

The rights not specified in the Constitution belong to the people, not the federal government. Non-enumerated rights.

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The 10th Amendment

The Federal Government only has the powers delegated in the constitution.

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