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to the sea
where does ishmael do whenever he finds himself "growing grim in the mouth?"
to shoot oneself
what does "substitute for pistol and ball" mean?
how did Greeks perceive the sea?
how did Persians perceive the sea?
drowns in his own reflection
how does Narcissus die?
sea sickness, no sleep, does not enjoy it
why does ishmael never go to sea as a passenger?
he is bored, he heard about a portent monster, so he is basically searching for Moby dick
what are ishmael's motives for going whaling?
too expensive
why does ishmael not stay in the swordfish inn?
Peter Coffin
who owns the spouter inn?
whale jumping over a boat
what painting is hanging in the spouter inn?
who is tending the bar?
selling shrunken heads
where is ishmael's roommate in the beginning?
a bench
where is ishmael going to sleep before deciding to share the bed?
who is ishmael's bedmate
he is tattooed head to toe
Queequeg looks odd because...
worships it
what does queequeg do with his albony idol?
his pipe and tomahawk
what does queequeg take to bed with him?
what does queequeg shave with?
he sees the good humor in it
After getting almost attacked by Queequeg why does ishmael not hold a grudge against peter coffin?
memorialize people who are lost at sea
what is the purpose of the marble tablets?
who sits near ishmael in the chapel?
Father maple's previous occupation?
the ladder on the ship to search for whales
how do you get to it
who is subject of the sermon that father maple gives?
willful disobedience
what was Jonah's sin?
he was swallowed by a whale
what happens to Jonah at sea?
tells his life story
how does ishmael fulfill his gospel duty?
What do queequeg and ishmael share
he will die for him
what does queequeg pledge to ishmael
a shrunken head
what gift does queequeg give ishmael
worships his idol with him
how does ishmael show his friendship to queequeg
where queequeg is from
to bring christianity back to his land
why did queequeg leave his land?
carries it
what does queequeg do with the wheelbarrow that is odd?
where do they go to get on a boat?
a bumpkin
who insults queequeg?
the bumpkin
who does queequeg save from drowning
what is the name of queequeg's idol
let ishmael pick the boat they will sail on
what did the god tell queequeg?
an extinct native tribe
what is the Pequod named after?
whale bones
what is the ships winches and chillers made of?
peleg and bildad
who owns the pequod?
he smashes it because queequeg was not answering and was worried he killed himself, but when he opened the door queequeg was squatting with yojo on his head
what happens when ishmael smashed the door?
what is wrong with queequeg's religion in ishmael's eyes?
his skill with a harpoon
why does bidad and pelage sign queequeg?
the profit a sailor makes
old gross sailor, he is king ahab's enemy
what does Elijah's name signify?
captain ahab
Old thunder
the three days he was "laying dead"
what is vague about ahab's past?
what effect does elijah have on ishmael?
helps all the sailors on the boat
why is aunt charity her name?
is ishmael able to find shadowy figure on the boat?
fat people
what is the furniture in queequeg's land?
peleg and bildad
who gets the ship out of the harbor
Chief mate, nantucket, quaker decent, tall, earnest man, pure and tight skin, Egyptian, superstition, brave. "i'll have no man in my boat who is not afraid of the whale"
second mate, cape cod, happy go lucky, calm and collected in high intensity situations, good humor, loquacious (talks a lots), comfortable with death, looney guy on boat, always have pipe in mouth
third mate, tisbury, short, stout, ruddy, young, loves whales, honorable, fearless, King Post, mean (think of alcohol), short guy syndrome, always want to fight
squire and harpooner, Kokovoko, one of the main characters, believes in yojo, weird that he and starbuck work together
harpooner of the second mate, gay head, brawn, indian
harpooner of flask, nantucket, he was a black slave, lion like, golden hoops in his ears, six foot five
he cannot stand up to an enraged mighty man
what does starbuck fear?
what animal is Daggoo compared to?
his misery and mystery
when ahab is standing there what sense does the audience get?
he smiles when the weather is nice
how is ahab like a green sprout?
the study of whales
largest whale
hierarchy is key, demands respect
traditions of the ranks?
proper and dull
captain and mates atmosphere?
rowdy and lots of food
harpooners atmosphere?
how many masts are kept?
a spanish coin
what does ahab nail to the post?
whoever gets moby dick
who will get the money?
emotional and angry
how does ahab get talking about his leg?
crossed harpoons
where does ahab place his ands to swear the oath?
death to moby dick
what is the oath?
Spanish, African, French, Portuguese
some nationalities of the sailors?