A manufacturing process that involves pouring molten metal into a mold to create a solidified part.
Dendritic Structure
A structure formed during solidification characterized by tree-like branching formations of solid metal.
Equiaxed Grains
Grains that are approximately the same size in all directions, typically formed in regions of slower cooling.
Columnar Grains
Grains that have a preferred orientation, which grow in a column-like manner, generally formed at the mold wall.
Chill Zone
The area of the mold wall where solidification starts, creating fine and small equiaxed grains.
The temperature below which a material is completely solid, marking the end of solidification.
The temperature above which a material is completely liquid, marking the beginning of solidification.
Freezing Range
The temperature range between the liquidus and solidus temperatures during solidification.
The reduction in volume that occurs when a liquid metal solidifies.
Gating System
A series of channels that directs the flow of molten metal into the mold.
A reservoir of molten metal that feeds the casting during solidification to prevent porosity due to shrinkage.
A mixture of two or more metals, which may exhibit improved properties compared to the individual metals.
Mushy Zone
The region during solidification where the material is partially solid and partially liquid.
Mechanical Property Limitations
The restrictions on the physical properties such as strength and ductility due to the casting process.
Phase Diagram
A graphical representation of the physical states of a substance under different conditions of temperature and pressure.
Ferrous Metals
Metals that contain iron, which are typically known for their strength and magnetic properties.
Nonferrous Metals
Metals that do not contain significant amounts of iron, often used for their lightweight and resistance to corrosion.
Temperature Gradient
The rate of temperature change in a material, which influences the solidification process and grain structure.
Solidification Path
The temperature and time relationship during the solidification process, impacting grain formation.