Emergency memory item checklists for Piper Warrior PA-28-161
Airspeeds for emergency operations
Best glide speed - 73 KIAS
VA(1531/2325 lbs) - 88/111 KIAS
Never exceed (VNE) - 160
Engine fire during start
If engine has not yet started
Mixture - Idle cut-off
Throttle - Full open
Starter - continue to crank engine
If engine has already started continue operating to try pulling the fire into the engine.
If fire continues:
Fuel selector - Off
Electric fuel pump - Off
Mixture - Idle cut-off
Throttle - Full open
Master switch - Off
Ignition - Off
Fire extinguisher - Use if appropriate
Engine failure during/after takeoff
If sufficient runway remains for a complete stop:
Airspeed - Maintain a safe airspeed
Landing - Land and stop straight ahead
Brakes - As required
If insufficient runway remains:
Airspeed - Maintain a safe airspeed
Flaps - As required
If sufficient altitude has been gained to attempt a restart:
Airspeed - Maintain 73 KIAS
Fuel selector - Switch to tank containing fuel
Mixture - Rich
Electric fuel pump - On
Carburetor heat - On
[G5] Primer - Locked
If power not restored:
Forced landing - Execute
Engine power loss during flight
Establish best glide attitude - 73 KIAS
Landing area - Select
Fuel Selector - Switch to tank containing fuel
Mixture - Rich
Electric fuel pump - On
Carburetor heat - On
[G5] Primer - Locked
Engine gauges - Check for indication of power loss
If power has not been restored:
Magneto/Ignition switch(s) - Cycle
Throttle and mixture - Try different settings
When power is restored:
Carburetor heat - Off
Electric fuel pump - Off
If power is not restored prepare for a power off landing.
Power off landing
Airspeed - Maintain 73 KIAS
Call ATC or guard on 121.5
Transponder 7700
When commited to landing:
Airspeed - 63 KIAS
Flaps - As desired
Throttle - Closed
Mixture - Idle cut-off
Ignition - Cut-off
Battery/Master switch - Off
Alternator switch/Electric fuel pump - Off
Fuel selector - Off
Seat belts/Harnesses - Tighten
Cabin door - Unlatch
Engine fire in flight
Fuel selector - Off
Throttle - Closed
Mixture - Idle cut-off
Electric fuel pump - Verify off
Cabin heat/Defroster - Off
If fire persists:
Airspeed - Increase in attempt to blow out fire
Proceed with power off landing
Electrical fire/Smoke in cabin
Torch/Flashlight (at night) - Locate
Source of fire - Check
Battery/Master switch - Off
Alternator - Off
Vents - Open
Cabin air & heat - Off
Land - As soon as possible
If electrical power is necessary for continuance of flight:
Circuit breakers - Do not reset any
Individual radio switches - All off
Battery/Master switches - On
Avionics radio master - On
Radio/Electrical switches - On*
*The switches should only be turned on one at a time with a delay after each one until the short circuit is localized
Spin recovery
Rudder - Opposite direction of spin
Control wheel - Full forward while neutralizing ailerons
Throttle - Idle
Rudder - Neutral when rotation stops
Control wheel - As required to smoothly regain level flight attitude
Carburetor icing
Carburetor heat - On
Mixture - Adjust smooth
Loss of fuel pressure/Fuel quantity low
If caused by fuel depletion in one tank:
Electric fuel pump - On
Fuel selector - Switch to tank containing fuel
Electric fuel pump - Off
If caused by engine driven fuel pump failure:
Throttle - Closed
Electric fuel pump - On
Throttle - Re-establish (as required)
Mixture - Re-establish (as required)
Land - As soon as practical
If caused by fuel depletion in both tanks:
Fuel selector - Alternate
Land - As soon as possible
Starter Engaged
If on the ground:
Throttle - Reduce
ENG START circuit breaker - Pull
Engine - Shutdown
If in flight:
Throttle - Reduce
ENG START circuit breaker - Pull
Land as soon as possible