when was the thirty years’ war fought?
fill in the blank
the thirty years war was mostly fought in ___________
two answer fill in the blank
the thirty years’ war was fought between the ___________ (holy roman empire) vs. the _____________ of europe
fill in the blank
early fighting of the thirty years’ war was against protestants in ___________
ferdinand II
king of bohemia who led catholic forces
christian IV (of denmark) and gustavus adolphus (of sweden)
aided the protestants
(there’s two of them)
peace of westphalia
peace treaty that ended the war in 1648; did not change anything from before the war
french calvinist protestants; by the 1500s, half of the french nobility were protestants
french calvinist protestants
what is another definition for “huguenots”?
fill in the blank
by the 1500s, half of the french _________ were protestants
an assembly of religious representatives
attempted to earn religious freedom for the huguenots
francis I and henry II
brought persecution to the protestants
de medicis
powerful ruling family in france
francis II
charles IX
henry III
who were catherine de medicis’ three sons that ruled as kings?
henry of navarre and gaspard de coligny
led protestants in their fight vs. the catholics
guise family
leaders of the catholic forces in france
edict of january
catherine’s attempt at peace with the protestants (1562); this was temporary
when was the edict of january?
st. bartholomew’s day massacre
the murder of 100,000 protestants through france
how many protestants were murdered in the st. bartholomew’s day massacre?
henry IV (of navarre)
became king in 1589; first protestant king of France
fill in the blank
henry VI became the first ___________ king of france
edict of nantes
allowed for more religious freedoms to the french huguenots
marie de medicis
wife of henry IV
louis XIII
fill in the blank
marie de medicis “ruled” france for her son ________ ____
cardinal richelieu
advisor who aided marie de medicis in her rule
henry VIII
strongly opposed the reformation
defender of the faith
fill in the blank
the pope gave henry VIII the title “_________ ___ _____ ________” (stil used today)
catherine of aragon
english reformation
two answer fill in the blank
when the pope refused to grant henry VIII’s divorce from ___________ ___ __________ he removed england from the catholic church; this started the ____________ ______________
act of supremacy
attempted to stop the reformation by declaring henry the head of the church of england
church of england
fill in the blank
the act of supremacy attempted to stop the reformation by declaring henry the head of the _______ ___ __________
catherine of aragon
anne boleyn
who were henry VIII’s first two wives?
fill in the blank
catherine and henry’s second wife anne boleyn did not give him a ____
jane seymour
henry’s third wife; gave birth to edward VI
jane seymour
who gave birth (but died) to edward VI?
edward VI
became the king when he was 9 years old
fill in the blank
edward became the king when he was ___ years old
thomas cranmer
nicholas ridley
hugh latimer
protestant leaders who advised edward’s rule
mary tudor
henry VIII’s oldest daughter who became queen after edward
bloody mary
what is mary tudor’s nickname?
mary tudor
catholic ruler who persecuted the protestant leaders
philip II
two answer fill in the blank
mary married ________ ___ of spain who brought the inquisition to england; she passed away without an heir in _______
good queen bess
what is elizabeth I’s nickname?
elizabeth I
henry VIII and anne boleyn’s daughter; became queen after mary’s death
elizabeth I
strong, good, and kind ruler
elizabethan settlement
fill in the blank
queen elizabeth allowed freedom to worship with the ____________ ____________
anglican church
church of england
two answer fill in the blank
_________ (purify the church) and _____________ (separate from the church all together) were dissatisfied with her choices
mary stuart
became the infant queen of scotland in 1542
mary stuart
cousin of elizabeth
francis II
fill in the blank
mary, queen of scots was engaged to __________ ___ of france
john knox
led the protestants in scotland
two answer fill in the blank
mary stuart attacked the ___________ and plotted to overthrow ____________
fill in the blank
_______ reported to elizabeth who sent soldiers to get mary
fill in the blank
mary abdicated scotland’s throne in ______
james VI
mary stuart’s son; became king of scotland after she was abdicated
defended by elizabeth’s troops from spanish invasion
francis drake
“sea dog” employed by elizabeth; first englishman to circumnavigate the globe
two answer fill in the blank
mary attempted to overthrow ____________ while in england; she was ___________ for her crimes
invincible armada
spanish fleet led by philip to invade england in 1588; a storm and excellent strategy by the english navy defeated them
when did the invincible armada invade england?
william shakespeare
greatest writer in history; wrote many famous plays including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Julius Caesar
charles V
ruled spain and the holy roman empire from 1516-1556
charles V
supported the inquisition; spain became the most powerful european nation
fill in the blank
charles V supported the inquisition; ________ became the most powerful european nation
philip II
son of charles V
philip II
fanatical support of the church led to his failed invasion of England (1588 )
king john III
brought the inquisition into portugal in 1536; resulting violence broke the nation and they fell to Spain in 1580
two answer fill in the blank
king john III brought the inquisition into ___________ in 1536; resulting violence broke the nation and they fell to spain in ______
the netherlands
which country lies below sea level?
holland and belgium
which two countries make up the netherlands?
damlike barriers of earth and stone built to keep water out
the low countries
what is the netherlands known as?
fill in the blank
the people who live in the netherlands are _______
fill in the blank
the netherlands was controlled by ________ during the early 1500s
philip II
fill in the blank
the reformation gave the netherlands the desire to fight for freedom from __________ ___
council of blood
a spanish ruling council that led the inquisition against the protestant in the
duke of alva
led spanish troops in the netherlands
william the silent
dutch nobleman who led the fight for freedom during the mid. 1500s
united provinces
fill in the blank
william the silent helped found the _________ ___________ of the netherlands
when did the netherlands claim their independence from spain?
fill in the blank
in 1581, the netherlands ________ their independence from spain
when did william the silent die?
william the silent
known as the “father of dutch liberties”
when did the dutch gain their independence?
martin luther
attempted to mediate the social/political problems between peasants and nobles
fill in the blank
____________ must not be thought of as a revolutionary political movement
peasants’ revolt
the peasants ignored Luther’s advice and revolted against the nobles
fill in the blank
the _______ crushed the rebellion (peasants’ revolt)
augsburg confession
first Protestant confession of faith
augsburg confession
statement of beliefs presented by the lutherans to emperor charles V
charles V
fill in the blank
the augsburg confession was presented by the lutherans to emperor ________ __
philipp melanchthon
who wrote the augsburg confession?
peace of augsburg
compromise formed between the Protestants and Catholics; established “state” churches in germany (1555)
when was the peace of augsburg formed?
counter reformation
the Catholic church’s attempt to destroy the reformation in europe
a Catholic “court” that would find, try, and punish heretics
founded by ignatius loyola in 1540; the “right arm” of the Inquisition (most devout in finding heretics and spreading Romanism)
ignatius loyola
who founded the jesuits?