What attacked US boats in august 1964?
Torperdo boats
What is the name of the ship that was atacked by Vietcong torpedoes?
USS Maddox
What resolution was passed following the attack on the USS Maddox?
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
What is the name of the trail used to transport supplies to the Vietcong?
The Ho Chi Minh Trail
Through which countries did the Ho Chi Minh trail go through?
Laos and Cambodia
What was the name of the sustained bombing of military and industrial targets in 1965?
Operation Rolling Thunder
What was used to destroy vegetation during the rolling tunder operation?
Chemical defoliants and napalm
What was a long term consequence of using a chemical defoliant such as agent orange?
Children were born with deformaties
How many more bombs were dropped on Vietnam compared to Western Europe?
2-3 times
What communities were disproportionally affect by the draft?
Black and poor communities
What is the name of the draft which chose intellectually lower students to be drafted to war?
Selective Service System
What was used to determine intellectual ability during the SSS?
Class rank and aptitude tests
What was the consequence of the SSS?
Universities became strongly anti-war
What was then introduced to replace the SSS?
The lottery system for conscription
Who was the US army general during the Vietnam war?
William Westmoreland
What was the communication strategy used by LBJ and General Westmoreland?
Regular, optemistic statements
What event causes LBJ and General Westmorzland’s communication strategy to fails as it becomes clear that the Vietcong are strong?
Tet Offensive
What did the Vietcong capture during the Tet Offensive?
The US emabssy in Saigon
What did Johnson’s failed communication strategy lead to?
the “credibility gap”
In what speech did MLK denounce the Vietnam war?
“Beyond Vietnam”
What does Johnson do in responce to MLK’s speech “Beyond Vietnam”
Orders FBI surveillance
In 1967, what did the US use to bomb bases near Saigon, in order to clear the area of Vietcong?
How close to the Chinese border was LBJ’s bombing?
10 miles
What does Yippy stand for?
The youth international party
What did the yppies try to do to the pentagon?
Levitate it
Who did the yippies want to run as the next presidential candidate?
“pigasus the immortal”
Where did a Yippie place a flower during a protest?
In the barrel of a polic officer’s gun
What did Nixon do in 1968 to ruin LBJ’s chances at re-election?
Asked the southern vietnamese to slow peace talkings
What is the name of the operation which consisted of Niwon asking the southern vietnamese to slow peace talks down with LBJ in order to get him out of office?
Chennault Affair
What did LBJ announce he would do during the re-election campaign?
Step down
Who was Niwon’s national security advisor?
Henry Kissinger
What is the name of the policy which shifts the war efforst from the Americans to the Southern Vietnamese?
Who does Nixon address when explaining his policy of vietnamisation during his speech?
the “Silent Majority”
What massacre was revealed in 1969 which shocked the American public?
The My Lai Massacre
What campaign was the My Lai massacre part of?
“search and destroy”
Which general was condemned for the My Lai massacre?
William Calley
What were the American soldiers told to do during the search and destroy campaigns?
"shoot everything that moves”
What is the name of the policy in which Nixon acts unpredictably in order to put pressure on the Vietcong?
Madman Theory
What is the name of the bombing which occured as a part of madman theory?
Operation Menu
What were the effects of the Operation Menu bombings in Cambodia?
Lead to the rise of the Khmer Rouge
What is the name of the incident which occured in 1970 at a University protest?
Kent state university incident
How many people were killed and wounded during the Kent State Uni incident?
4 killed and 9 wounded
During his speech, who did Nixon insinuate was to blame for the Kent state uni shootings?
The protestors.
Who was the mayor of Kent, Ohio during the shootings?
Leroy Stratum
How man protestors gathered at the ROTC building?
What happened to the ROTC building?
It was burnt down
Who leaked the pentagon papers?
Daniel Ellsberg
To which newspaper did Ellsberg leak the pentagon papers to?
The New York Times
What did Nixon claim the pentagon papers would endanger?
National security
What is the name of the group of people that Nixon set up to stop leaks?
The plumbers
What is the most infamous activity the plumbers undertook?
Breaking into watergate
What was the name of the document Ellsberg worked on?
United States - Vietnam relations
What is the policy of Kissinger proposed which involved staking the USSR against China in order to put pressure on North Vietnam?
Triangular diplomacy.
What demonstrated the success of triangulation in the USSR?
Moscow Summit leading to arms control
What demonstrated the success of triangulation in China?
Mao became more flexible
What action did Nixon carry out which jeopordises the arms control agreements with Russia?
responding to the spring 72 vietcong invasion
What did Nixon do to mitigate the tensions between the USA and the USSR after vietcong invasion of 1972?
Adressed the Kremlin during a speech
What military campaign was carried out during the Paris Peace Accords talks?
Christmas Bombing
When did the US withdraw from Vietnam?
When did the Vietnam war finally end?
Which famour journalist disagreed with the Vietnam War?
Walter Cronkite
complete the quote from Nixon’s silent Majority speech:
“North Vietnam cannot defeat or humiliate the United States. Only … can do that!”