What are Muscles general function?
Movement, Stability, and Contraction
What are the “rules” of Muscles?
They can only pull, cannot push
In order to move something, they must cross a joint
Contracts in one direction
What are Tissues?
Groups of cells or their products that perform a specific function
What are the 4 main Tissue groups?
What is Epithelial Tissue?
Layers of closely packed cells
What is Epithelial Tissue’s function?
Covers organ surface or form glands
Composes the skin
Protection, Secretion, and Absorption
How is Epithelial Tissue classified?
Number of cell layers
Cell shape
What is Connective Tissue?
Cells that occupy less space than the extracellular material
What are the 3 common components of Connective Tissue?
Protein Fibers
Ground Substance (protein + carbs + water)
What is the function of Connective Tissue?
Supports, Protects, Binds Organs together, and Storage
Where is Connective Tissue found in the body?
Tendons/Ligaments, Dermis, Blood, and Bones
What is Muscle Tissue?
Specialized cells that contract when stimulated
What are the 3 types of Muscle Tissue?
What is the function of Muscle Tissue?
Moves the skeleton and makes up organ walls
What is Nervous Tissue?
Cells specialized for communication via electrical/chemical signals
What is the function of Nervous Tissue?
Detects stimuli, transmits information, and supports/protects neurons
Where is Nervous Tissue located in the body?
Brain and Spinal cord
What are the 3 main layers of blood Vessels?
Tunica Externa
Tunica Media
Tunica Intima
What is the Tunica Externa?
Outermost layer of blood vessels
Made of collagen and elastic fibers
Anchors the Vessel
What is the Tunica Media?
Middle layer of blood vessels
Made of concentric sheets of smooth muscles
Reduces/increases diameter of vessels (vasoconstriction and vasodilation)
What is the Tunica Interna?
Innermost Layer
Made of collagen and elastic fibers
Structural support
What are the 3 classifications of Arteries?
Elastic Arteries
Muscular Arteries
What are Elastic Arteries?
Arteries that transport blood away from the heart to smaller vessels
Made of elastic fibers
Able to withstand pressure
What are Muscular Arteries?
Arteries that distribute blood to skeletal muscles and organs
Made of smooth muscle cells
Distributes blood to organs/tissues
What are Arterioles?
Connectors between arteries and capillaries
Muscle fibers made of smooth muscle, connective tissue, and elastic tissue
Regulates arterial pressure and tissue perfusion
What are Veins?
Blood vessels that transport blood to the heart
Thin-walled compared to arteries and have large Lumen and valves
What are Venules?
Connectors between veins and capillaries that recieve blood
What are Capillaries?
Very thin-walled vessels that allows exchange between surrounding tissues/organs and connects arterioles/venules
What are the 5 Vasculature patterns/structures?
Collateral Circulation
What is Circumflex Vasculature?
Arteries that “go around” extremities
What is Perforating Vasculature?
Blood flow from one side of an extremity to the other
What is Anastomosis Vasculature?
A direct connection between two vessels without passing through a capillary bed
What is Collateral Circulation Vasculature?
An alternate vasculature pathway to body and Joints
What is Recurrent Vasculature?
Vessels that allow blood to travel back to a Joint or structure
What are Deep Veins?
Veins that share same name as Arteries
What are Superficial Veins?
Veins that empty into deep veins and are usually uniquely named
What is the Brachial Plexus?
Network of nerves located in the arm
What are the 5 categories of the Brachial Plexus?
What are the Roots?
Ventral Rami located between C5-T1
What are the 3 Trunks?
What are the 2 Divisions?
What do they do?
Anterior: Supplies flexors (anterior arm/forearm muscles)
Posterior: Supplies Extensors (posterior arm/forearm muscles)
What are the 3 Cords?
Lateral Cord
Medial Cord
Posterior Cord
What are the 5 Branches?
Musculocutaneous N
Median N
Ulnar N
Axillary N
Radial N
What Muscles make up the Anterior Arm?
Biceps Brachii M (Short and Long Head)
Coracobrachialis M
Brachialis M
What are the functions of Biceps Brachii and Brachialis MM?
Flexes the forearm
What are the Functions of Coracobrachialis M?
Adducts and Flexes arm
What Nerve innervates the Anterior Arm?
Musculocutaneous N
What Muscles make up the Posterior Forearm?
Brachioradialis M
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus M
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis M
Extensor Digitorum M
Extensor Digiti Minimi M
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris M
Supinator M
Abductor Pollicis Longus M
Extensor Pollicis Brevis M
Extensor Pollicis Longus M
Extensor Indicis M
What Nerve innervates the Posterior Forearm?
Radial N
Which Posterior Forearm Muscles ORIGINATE on the Humerus?
Brachioradialis M
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus M
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis M
Extensor Digitorum M
Extensor Digiti Minimi M
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris M
Which Posterior Forearm Muscles ORIGINATE on the Ulna?
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris M
Extensor Pollicis Brevis M
Extensor Pollicis Longus M
Extensor Indicis M
Which Posterior Forearm Muscle ORIGINATE on the Radius?
Abductor Pollicis Longus M
Which Posterior Forearm Muscle INSERT on the Radius?
Brachioradialis M
Which Posterior Forearm Muscles INSERT on the Metacarpals?
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus M (2nd Metacarpal)
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis M (3rd Metacarpal)
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris M (5th Metacarpal)
Which Posterior Forearm Muscles INSERT on the Phalanges?
Extensor Digitorum M (Digits 2-5)
Extensor Digiti Minimi M (Digit 5)
Abductor Pollicis Longus M (Digit 1)
Extensor Pollicis Brevis M (Digit 1)
Extensor Pollicis Longus M (Digit 1)
Extensor Indicis M (Digit 2)
Which Posterior Forearm Muscles FLEXES the forearm?
Brachioradialis M
Which Posterior Forearm Muscles EXTENDS the wrist?
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus M
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis M
Extensor Digitorum M
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris M
Which Posterior Forearm Muscles ABDUCTS the wrist?
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus M
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis M
Which Posterior Forearm Muscle ADDUCTS the wrist?
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris M
Which Posterior Forearm Muscles EXTENDS the digits?
Extensor Digitorum M (Digits 2-5)
Extensor Digiti Minimi M (Digit 5 only)
Extensor Pollicis Brevis M (Digit 1 only)
Extensor Pollicis Longus M (Digit 1 only)
Extensor Indicis M (Digit 2 only)
Which Muscles make up the Anterior Thigh?
Sartorius M
Tensor Fascia Latae M
Rectus Femoris M
Vastus Medialis M
Vastus Lateralis M
Vastus Intermedius M
What innervates the Anterior Thigh?
Femoral N
What Muscle FLEXES Thigh, LATERALLY Rotates Thigh, and FLEXES Leg?
Sartorius M
What Muscle FLEXES the Hip?
Rectus Femoris M
What Muscles EXTEND the Knee?
Rectus Femoris M
Vastus Medialis M
Vastus Lateralis M
Vastus Intermedius M
Which Muscles EXTEND the Leg?
Vastus Medialis M
Vastus Lateralis M
Vastus Intermedius M
Which Muscle MEDIALLY Rotates Thigh and ABDUCTS Thigh?
Tensor Fascia Latae M
Which Muscle ORIGINATES on the Iliac Spine and INSERTS on the Patella?
Rectus Femoris M
Which Muscles form the Quadriceps Femoris (Quads)?
Rectus Femoris M
Vastus Medialis M
Vastus Lateralis M
Vastus Intermedius M
Which Muscles make up the Medial Thigh?
Adductor Longus M
Adductor Brevis M
Adductor Magnus M
Pectineus M
Gracilis M
Which Nerve innervates the Medial Thigh?
Obturator N
Which Muscles FLEXES and ADDUCTS the Hip?
Adductor Longus M
Adductor Brevis M
Adductor Magnus M
Pectineus M
Gracilis M
Which Muscle EXTENDS and LATERALLY Rotates Hip?
Adductor Magnus
Which Muscle FLEXES the Leg?
Gracilis M
Which Muscle ORIGINATES on the Pubic Region and INSERTS on the Femur?
Adductor Longus M
Which Muscles make up the Anterior Leg?
Tibialis Anterior M
Extensor Digitorum Longus M
Extensor Hallucis Longus M
What Nerve innervates the Anterior Leg?
Deep Fibular N
What Muscles Dorsiflexes the Foot?
Tibialis Anterior M
Extensor Digitorum M
Extensor Hallucis M
Which Muscle INVERTS the foot?
Tibialis Anterior M
Which Muscles EXTENDS the foot digits?
Extensor Digitorum Longus M (Digits 2-5)
Extensor Hallucis Longus M (Digit 1)
What are the Arteries of the Arm and Forearm? (In Blood flow Order)
Subclavian A
Axillary A
Thoracoacromial A
Lateral Thoracic A
Subscapular A
Brachial A
Radial A → Deep Palmer Arch
Ulnar A → Superficial Palmer Arch
What are the Arteries of the Thigh and Leg? (In Blood Flow Order)
Femoral A
Popliteal A
Anterior Tibial A → Dorsalis Pedis A
Posterior Tibial A → Fibular A
What Muscles make up the Posterior Arm?
Triceps Brachii M Long Head
Triceps Brachii M Lateral Head
Triceps Brachii M Medial Head
What Nerve Innervates the Posterior Arm?
Radial N
Which Muscle ORIGINATES on the Infraglenoid Tubercle?
Triceps Brachii M Long Head
Which Muscles INSERT on the Olecranon (Ulna)?
Triceps Brachii M Long Head
Triceps Brachii M Lateral Head
Triceps Brachii M Medial Head
Which Muscles make up the Anterior Forearm?
Pronator Teres M
Flexor Carpi Radialis M
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis M
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris M
Flexor Digitorum Profundus M
Flexor Pollicis Longus M
Pronator Quadratus M
Which Nerve MOSTLY innervates the Anterior Forearm?
Median N
What 2 Muscles are innervated by the Ulnar N?
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris M
Flexor Digitorum Profundus M (Only half)
What is ORIGIN of most Anterior Forearm Muscles?
What is the INSERTIONS of most Anterior Forearm Muscles?
Carpals, Metacarpals, or Phalanges
Which Muscles PRONATE the Forearm?
Pronator Teres M
Pronator Quadratus M
Which Muscles FLEXES the Wrist?
Flexor Carpi Radialis M
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris M
Which Muscle ABDUCTS the Wrist?
Flexor Carpi Radialis M
Which Muscle ADDUCTS the Wrist?
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris M
Which Muscles FLEXES the Digits?
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis M (Digits 2-5)
Flexor Pollicis Longus M (Digit 1)
Which Muscle CURLS the Fingers?
Flexor Digitorum Profundus M
What Muscles make up the Posterior Thigh?
Biceps Femoris M Long Head
Biceps Femoris M Short Head
Semitendinosus M
Semimembranosus M
Which Muscle ORIGINATES on the Os Coxae and INSERTS on the Tibia?
Semitendinosus M
What Nerve innervates the Posterior Thigh?
Sciatic N