Survival of fittest → negative traits = racial origins
“Vices are generational”
Certain races need to be controlled/in power
Trying to sciencify racism → Nazis did this too with the Jews
Calvinism: “God created different races, wanted to keep them separate”
Apartheid follows rule of God, can’t go wrong with God
“Chosen” ones are Afrikaners (the whites)
Large-scale separation of homelands and communities across the nation
Ideologically sophisticated (late 1950s) Verwoerd
Less ‘obvious’ racism → grand, wider strategy
Aim for complete segregation and higher ambitions
Both groups have their own jurisdiction → allowed to achieve “full independence”
Achieve and convince people of Apartheid’s legitimacy
Smaller scale
More nitpicky legislation
Specific and fussy → affect all aspects of life in SA
Subjugation of the black minority → economic and political
Eg. segregation of public facilities (transport, parks, schools etc.)
Firm manner in how government dealt with opposition
More early apartheid → Malan
Comparison to US → not separate but unequal, it’s separate AND unequal
No pretence of fair treatment
Blacks in white people world = need separation of worlds
Blacks go to whites so they need to abide by their rules
Separate amenities = don’t need to be equal
Government approved inequality in education
Education system run by Ministry of Native Affairs rather than teachers
Students learn how to do anything just for work
No cultural education
Goal: good and compliant workers
Justification: future workers learning their place
Black residents evicted from Sophiatown → lively, multicultural suburb on the edges of Johannesburg
Existence of Sophiatown was defiance of Apartheid messages → keeping different races
Multicultural + free nature was a threat to the government
Policemen armed with rifles and guns, residents moved with a few days → forced out of homes, police had families move goods onto trucks
Rehoused in a sterile estate called Meadowlands
Sophiatown bulldozed and turned into whites only area called Triomph
First stage of policy known as “separate development”
Reserves created in 1913 Land Act would become 10 separate “homelands” or Bantustans
Each based on African language spoken in area
Every African in SA would become a ‘citizen’ of one of the homelands
Dividing Africans into ten different cultural, political + ethnic groups = Nationalist government can claim there’s African majority in SA
Highlighting ethnic identities of Africans = create divisions between them
Prevent growth of united African nationalism that could threaten the apartheid state