Urban and housing policy: the Belgian/Flemish case (! – Influences on policies: gentrification, suburbanisation)
What is suburbanisation?
Part of urbanisation
Decentralisation of population
Different forms of suburbanisation in every country
Urban flights & deurbanization
What is the demographic suburbanisation?
Decentralization --> people moving away from the city centre
How is suburbanisation influenced by work & housing?
Limited ways to travel to work - living close to the workplace
Crucial changes to social structure through:
development of motorized travel
Change in economic structure (industry/service)
Increased living standards through welfare (Keynesian welfare state)
What are the sociological aspects of suburbanisation?
Who is moving when?
Residential preferences of emerging middle class
Rich people moved to the countryside first… followed by segregation
--> also created segregation for poor people (left behind)
Influences on provision of social services, shops, …
Related to certain social classes
Not representative for whole society (also for migration)
Upper class
What are the historical main points of Antwerp’s suburbanisation?
First wave of suburbanisation already in the 1880s
City centre still has rising population even though the
In 1900s second wave of suburbanisation
Antwerp’s city centre is losing population
1950s and 1970s
Huge urbanisation of former rural areas