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Korean War
War between US and North Korea/China. Significant proxy war that would shape later US and Soviet relations.
Alliance for Progress
10 year plan proposed by JFK fostering economic cooperation between North and South America. Countered perceived communist threat from Cuba.
Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán
President of Cuba, overthrown in CIA-backed coup. Coup used as blueprint for overthrowing Castro in Cuba.
Post-colonial army of South Vietnam trained by US. Ethnic, political, and cultural differences in the group led to its defeat.
Bao Dai
Anti-communist prime minister of Vietnam. Collaborated with French colonizers as puppet government, backed by US and replaced Diem.
F. Batista
Military dictator of Cuba before Castro. Received support from US and made Cuba great for tourists but terrible for his own people.
Bay of Pigs
Failed US-backed military operation in Cuba, used anti-Castro Cuban exiles to try to overthrow the government. Solidified Castro’s power and pushed Cuba towards to Soviet Union, increased Cold War tensions and ultimately led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Naval blockade around Cuba stopped any ships carrying weapons. Prevented Soviets from bringing in more nuclear weapons, led to removal of nuclear weaponry already in Cuba.
Fidel Castro
Leader of Cuba. Established relations with USSR that allowed them to place nuclear missiles in Cuba, urged USSR to use missiles during CMC.
Chinese Civil War
War between Chinese Communist and Nationalist Parties. Justified the domino theory, shifted power balance in the Cold War.
Collectivization (Vietnam)
Government owns and manages all of the country’s agriculture and industry. North Vietnamese strategy for consolidating power, boosted agriculture for the war effort.
Chinese Communist Party
Ruling Party of the People’s Republic of China. Their takeover of China was proof of the domino theory, third force in the Cold War impacted power balance.
Aim of preventing takeover of communism. Large reason for US involvement in Cold War proxy wars like Vietnam and Korea.
Cuban Revolution
Overthrow of Batista, Fidel Castro is made president. US is unhappy because they had a partnership with Batista.
A relaxing of strained relations between countries. Strategy used by US and USSR to calm the Cold War.
Dien Bien Phu
French battle against Vietnam which they lost badly. Marks the end of French reign in Vietnam and the First Indochina War.
Domino Theory/Effect
Theory that is a country becomes communist, the countries around it will also fall to communism. Large reason for the Cold War and continuous involvement in its proxy wars.
D. Eisenhower
34th US President. Brought “New Look“, financially supported French during First Indochina War, established SEATO to prevent the spread of communism in Vietnam.
First Indochina War
War between French and Vietnamese. France wanted to keep Vietnam as a colony, led to American involvement, gave North Vietnam practice for war with US.
Flexible Response
Gave the US a range of tactics to control Vietnam. Allowed the US to not rely solely on nuclear power.
Geneva Conference/17th Parallel
Intended to settle the Vietnam War by splitting Vietnam at the 17th Parallel and planned elections for reunifying Vietnam.
Soviet run forced labor camps used for civilians suspected of being against the USSR. Replicated in parts of Vietnam.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Joint resolution that the US Congress enacted in response to ARVN soldiers being attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin by North Vietnamese soldiers, authorized LBJ to retaliate against them.
Ho Chi Minh
Communist founder of the Viet Minh and North Vietnamese independence movement. Strategy skills and charismatic leadership led to North Vietnam’s victory in both the First and Second Indochina Wars.
Jiang Jieshi/Chang Kai-shek
Leader of KMT. His party’s defeat justified the domino effect.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Robert McNamara
John F. Kennedy
Nationalist party of China. It’s defeat justified domino theory.
Mao Zedong
Leader of CCP. His communist policies concerned the US but the difference made a rift between China and USSR instead of an alliance.
Mutually Assured Destruction
Kept nuclear warfare at bay by assuring that both countries would be destroyed if one launched a nuclear missile because of equal nuclear power.
My Lai Massacre/Pinkville
US troops killed hundreds of civilians. Encouraged rural Vietnamese to support the VC and reinforced US opposition to the war.
NLF and VC
North Vietnamese organizations; NLF was political, VC used guerilla warfare. The use of both tactics helped North Vietnam to win the war.
Navarre Plan
A plan made against the Vietnamese to take initiative immediately with local offensives and use guerilla warfare.
New Look and Massive Retalliation
National Security policy that balanced military commitment and financial resources and a military doctrine where the US would retaliate more harshly than the initial attack.
Ngo Dinh Diem
Puppet government of US and France in South Vietnam. Supported rural development in the South that the US didn’t like so the CIA assassinated him.
Non-Aligned Movement
Countries that weren’t formally aligned with or against any power bloc.