Empirical Data
Evidence gathered by observation or experimentation, in other words, factual evidence.
Normative Data
Evidence that is conceptualized data in other words, norms, or opinion based on data.
Quantitative Analysis
A large number of cases that allows the researcher to analyze the data through the use of statistical techniques.
Qualitative Analysis
A small number of cases, which is much more limited in terms of statistical evidence, but tends to be more thorough and detailed in terms of subjective analysis.
Exists when there is an association between 2+ variables.
Relationship between cause and effect, in other words what is the cause of something.
Human Development Index (HDI)
An index created by the United Nations. Summarizes measures of average achievement in key dimensions in human development (like schooling, life expectancy, and income)
Gini Index
Shows income inequality within a country.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Market value of a goods and services produced.
Freedom House
A non-governmental organization that conducts research on the levels of "freedom" across the world and reports it annually. Their research takes into consideration a number of factors, such as the extent of political rights, freedom of the press and the strength of the rule of law to determine on a scale of 1 (most free) - 7 (least free) the level of freedom of each country.
Transparency International
A non-governmental organization that is engaged in fighting corruption and promoting integrity and accountability across the world. The most important data they provide is the annual Corruption Perception Index. This organization investigates corruption in the public sector, in the private sector, and in the political process.
Failed (or Fragile) States Index
This measurement provides an annual ranking of countries based on their perceived levels of social, economic and political stability. The FSI measure is important to indicate which countries are at risk of collapsing due to myriad of factors. The factors taken into consideration are poverty, corruption, inequality, weak governance, natural disasters, among others. The scale ranges from 0 (countries that are least at risk) to 120 (countries that are most at risk).
Political Systems
The laws , the ideas, and the procedures that decide who has the authority to rule and what the government's influence should be politically and economically.
Political organizations that combine a permanent population with governing institutions in a defined territory with international recognition.
Fundamental rules and norms of politics
Leadership that runs the state
A group of people with items in common like language 🗣️, race 👦🏼👦🏽👦🏻, or religion ☪️.
This regime type involves the selection of government officials through free and fair elections.
The public has a large role in government, with individual and public rights.
No government (equality and freedom) survival of the fittest. Has never happened.
Political ideology
A political ideology that unites religion with state (Iran)
Charismatic Legitimacy
Individuals who gain power through persuading the public by how they present their ideas.
Civil Liberties
rights that are given to citizens and cannot be taken away by the government. They are guaranteed in the Constitution and are characterized as substantive rights, meaning they place limits on the national government.
Civil Rights
the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.
Civil Society
A collection of groups or organizations working in the interest of the citizens but operating outside of the governmental and for-profit sectors such as labor unions, non-profit organizations, churches, and other service agencies.
Social democracy
an ideology in which there is a market, and private property. Everyone has the same chance of being rich or poor.
A political ideology emphasizing utilitarianism(the greatest good for the greatest number of people/social welfare) through authoritarianism, one party rule and revolution. Equality is the most important.
The gradual granting or greater political autonomy to sub-nations, regions, states or localities within a larger nation-state.
The state is the most important (limits freedom)
GDP Per Capita
The total value of all goods and services produced within a country divided by the population
The degree to which the existing national government is respected by it’s people in terms of both tradition, history and popular support.
Liberal ideology
Freedom is the most important (few restrictions, less control from government)
that emphasizes individual rights, equality, and government intervention to promote social justice and welfare.
It supports progressive policies such as healthcare and education reform, environmental protection, and civil liberties.
The transition of private corporations and businesses into state run industries.
Nongovernmental Organizations(NGO’s)
A nonprofit association or group operating outside of government that advocates and pursues policy objectives.
Ability to influence others or impose ones will on them.
The transition of state run industries into private corporations and businesses.
Rational-legal Legitimacy
A determination of political legitimacy based on the rule of law, policies and procedures.
The right of a state to have independence and autonomy in the governance of it’s own affairs.
Supranational Organization
Groups of nations that work together regionally or on an international level to achieve greater political and economic gain or influence.
Traditional Legitimacy
A determination of political legitimacy based on tradition such as divine right or other time-honored practices.
Unitary System
A system of government where all political power is unified in one structure, and there is no divestment to “non-national” political bodies.
The struggle for any group for power that will give 1+ people the ability to make decisions for the larger group.
Comparative method
a way to compare cases and draw conclusions
Comparative politics
Study and comparison of domestic policies across countries
International relations
Relations between countries
Organizations or activities that are self-perpetuating
your belief on the pace and necessity of changes
Political ideology
If you think freedom or equality is the most important
people who believe there has to be change now
Many variables cause one outcome
formal institutions
clear sanctioned rules
informal institutions
unwritten unofficial rules (corruption)
standard shared by community
the ability to act independently without fear of punishment
combines state, regime, government and people between that political system
inductive reasoning
study a case to hypothesis
Deductive reasoning
generating a hypothesis and then finding evidence to support the hypothesis
area studies
focus on one region
selection bias
Choosing one area because of bias
Not being able to distinguish the cause from the effect
being able to make decisions without relying on others
ability to carry out autonomy
don’t see the need for change
want to go back to a real/ imagined past
where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods
any tangible or intangible possession or right that is owned by an individual or entity.
public goods
goods that anyone can use
private goods
you have to pay to be able to use these goods
social expendetures
funds allocated by governments or organizations to support social welfare programs and services. (healthcare, education, social security, housing, and poverty alleviation)
private expendetures
what an individual spend their money on
amount of money or resources that one party owes to another
process by which governments collect revenue from individuals and businesses to fund public expenditures.
central bank
Controls amount of money in circulation
prices rise, value of money lowers
value of money rises, prices lower
inflation of 50% or more for 2+ months
a single company or entity has exclusive control over a particular market or industry.
taxes on imported goods
Restriction on amount that can be imported
non-tarriff barrier
any restriction or obstacle imposed by a government on imports or exports, other than a tariff (tax) on goods.
lassiez faire
the belief that the market regulates itself
command economy
economic system where the government has complete control over the allocation of resources and the production of goods and services.
Neo corporatism
form of economic and political organization where interest groups, such as labor unions and business associations, play a significant role in decision-making processes.
Everything is created by the state (unions)
Economic policy that advocates for a country to accumulate wealth and power through trade activities, such as exporting more than importing and establishing colonies.
economic liberalization
The process of reducing government intervention and regulations in the economy to promote free markets, competition, and private sector growth. It aims to increase efficiency, productivity, and innovation by allowing market forces to determine prices, allocate resources, and drive economic growth.
Form of govenment of UK, China, Iran
form of govenment of Russia, Mexico, Nigeria
A system of government where power is divided between a central authority and individual states.