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Associated with the Shezade mosque complex is the tomb of Salim Chishti.
Associated with the Shezade mosque complex are the tomb of Shezade Mehment, a madrasa, a hospice for the infirm, a school. and a caravanserai, reminders that even in a well-established city, mosques provided space for both civic and sacred functions.
Identify a feature of the Bibi Khanum Mosque at Samarkand
Its constituent element, the iwan, is walled on three sides and open on the other
Which of the following is a feature of the Great Mosque in Cordoba?
Its haram has superimposed arches that connect the columns
In a Friday mosque, mass prayer takes place in a covered prayer hall and the residents of a neighborhood attend it.
The shezade mosque complex has an ___________, accommodation and markets for foreign merchants who sold at wholesale prices.
Which of the following is a characteristic of the Great Mosque of al-Mutawakkil?
It has both a columned hall and a single, extraordinary minaret.
Identify a true statement about the Friday mosque in Isfahan
Rather than covering one bay of the columnar hall, the southern dome of the mosque covers twenty bays.
Which of the following is an iwan mosque?
The Bibi Khanum Mosque at Samarkand
Identify a true statement about the Great Mosque in Cordoba
The mosque evolved to have a much more complex columnar hall form than that at Samarra
Identify a feature of Friday Mosque
It has halls that are square or wide rectangle in shape
A true statement about the Friday mosque in Isfahan is that ________
it is renowned for its intricate brickwork patterns in the domes
Which of the following is a feature of the Friday mosque in Isfahan?
It includes four iwans, one set in the center of each side of the sahn
The Friday mosque's sahn at fatehpur Sikri contains the exquisitely detailed marble tomb of __________
Salim Chishti
The Ali Kapu gate
The imperial porch, which served as a viewing stand
The Qaysariya
The bazaar of Shah Abbas I
Identify the characteristic of pre-modern Islamic societies
A Friday mosque large enough to serve the community and surrounding settlements
A bazaar or market with covered stalls for the city and surrounding countryside
The covered prayer hall of a mosque is known as a ____________________
A raised pulpit inside a mosque is known as a ______________
Identify the notable features of the selimiye Mosque in Edirne
It has four minarets of exceptional height that are grooved to accentuate their verticality
its dome is set directly on 8 piers, 6 freestanding and 2 engaged in the qibla wall.
The domed prayed hall of the Masjid-i-Shah in Isfahan is complemented by 2 religious schools known as _____________
The repetition of an architectural element like an arch
It appears most commonly as window or door openings
Any geometric manipulation
It allows for almost endless creativity and includes the ribbing of vaults.
Organic growth in the form of plantlike foliation
It can be highly stylized or approach natuarlism
It can be flowing, or cursive, as well as angular
The Gur-i-Amir, situated in Smaarkand, is the resting place of __________
Timur's grandson
Identify the features of the Alhambra's interiors
Ineffable lightness and the ethereal quality of a dream world
Carved wooden screens that create changing patterns of shadow
Iwan mosques are most popular in _________
Iran and Central Asia
Identify the elements that became important features in Western architecture after the Moors were expelled from Spain
Domes with interlacing ribs
Koca Sinan's first major architectural commission in Constantinople was the ________
Shezade mosque complex
In Islamic architecture, some ornamental conditions exploit light, such as glass or translucent screens that filter illumination and ______vaults that both reflect and refract it.
Identify the features of the Patio of Lions in the fortress-palace of Alhambra
It is divided into four parts by shallow watercourses emanating from a fountain at the center.
It has square pavilions on the short sides that have clustered columns supporting intricately carved arcades
The site of the Great Mosque at Damascus is an ancient one on which had stood ________
a Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter and a fourth-century Christian church dedicated to St. John the Baptist
Which of the following are the notable features of the Taj Mahal?
It is graced by smaller octagonal pavilion with domical roofs set at the corners
It is symmetrical, crowned with a large bulbous dome raised on a drum
The most distinctive feature Tomb of Ismail the Samanid in Bukhara is its red sandstone exterior and an immense sahn
The most distinctive feature of the Tomb os Ismail the Samanid in BUkhara is its highly textured brickwork laid in forceful geometric patterns that contrast and voids
The design of the minarets in the Great Mosque at Damascus may have been based on _________
Identify the true statements about the Dome of the Rock
The domed central portion of the shrine encloses the rock and a concentric aisle permits circumlocution
At its center is a holy rock, under which lies a small cave with a single opening.
Identify a source from where the design of a mosque has evolved
Christian churches
Identify the features of the Masjid-i-Shah in Isfahan
The mosque's iwan, constructed in front of the qibla is clearly visible from the extranceway
The circulation path leads first laterally to either side of the initial iwan, then toward the sahn
The decorative elements portrayed in the tiles include peacocks
Identify a statement that decirbes a masjid
It is modestly sized structure containing a prayer niche but no facilities for preaching
A true statement about the sahn at the Great Mosque at Damascus is that ________
It contains a domed fountain pavilion for ritual ablutions
In a mosque, maqsura is a _______
special processional area
A true statement about the Islamic housing pattern is that _________
doorways of houses on opposite sides of the street must be located so that one cannot look from one dwelling into the other when both doors are open
Who was the builder of the Taj Majal in Agra, India?
Shah Jahan
Identify the notable feature of the Selimiye Mosque in Edirne
It has four minarets of exceptional height that are grooved to accentuate their verticality.
Its dome is set directly on eight piers, six freestanding and two engaged in the qibla wall.
The domed prayer hall of the Masjid-i-Shah in Isfahan is complemented by two religious schools known as _____
Identify a true statement about the Shezade mosque complex.
It is constructed on the site of Justinian's Church of the Holy Apostles and is composed of two joined squares.
A true statement about an idgab is that ____.
it is used for universal corporate worship
Which of the following is a true statement about the Suleyman the Magnificent mosque?
The octagonal mausoleum Suleyman, placed in the center of cemetery, has a plan inspired y the Dome of the Rock
A structure within the Selimiye Mosque in Edirene that commands particular attention is the ___________
The Comares Tower at the north end of the Patio of Arrayanes was the throne room of the sultan
A true statement about kulliye is that ___________
it is a vast complex buildings around a musque
In Islamic architecture, the prayer wall is known as a ________
A true statement about a minbar is that _________
it is used for giving Qur'anic readings, sermons, or official proclamations and addresses
Which of the following is true of a maqsura?
It is reserved for the retinue of the caliph
Which of the following materials are more frequently used in Islamic architectures for ornamentation
Gypsum stucco
Glass or wood
Glazed brick or tile
Which of the following is true of the Tomb of Ismail the Samanid in Bukhara?
It houses a single domed chamber supported by four squinch arches and ringed by an upper-level ambulatory
Which of the following is an attribute of the shezade mosque complex?
Its sahn has a central fountain is surrounded by domed bays behind arcades
The three niches in the Great Mosque at Damascus that indicate the direction of Mecca are known as __________
Which of the following Islamic religious structures is built for the first level of worship?
Identify a true statement about the Patio of Myrtle Trees in the fortress-palace of the Alhambra
It has a central rectangular pool fed by gently overflowing fountain basins at opposite ends
Identify a true statement about iwan mosques
They consist of rectangular court flanked by large, often vaulted spaces
In the context of Islamic architecture, the term sahn means ______ in a mosque.
An open arcaded court