________ is the principle of accounting for observations by the hypothesis requiring the fewest or simplest assumptions that lack evidence.
Horizontal gene transfer
_________ is the movement of genetic material between unicellular or multicellular organisms other than by the "vertical "transmission of DNA from parent to offspring (reproduction).
________ refers to genes that originate from ancestral gene duplication.
________ is the evolutionary change of features within a single lineage (species)
Vestigial characters
________ are traits or structures that do not seem to have a purpose but are still there.
The forelimb bones of tetrapod vertebrates are all ______ with one another.
Each branch in a phylogenetic tree is called a ________.
________ is the branching of a lineage into two or more descendent lineages.
________ refers to genes that diverge from a common ancestral gene by phylogenetic splitting at the organismal level.
Hybrid speciation
________ is when various phenotypic features and DNA markers throughout the genome reveal two ancestral sources.
Hierarchical classification
________ is a method of categorizing groups of organisms.
________ can provide important information about the evolutionary history of a group, but many organisms do not leave these, so phylogenies are mostly inferred from living organisms.
Homologous characters
________ are features among species that have been inherited from common ancestors.
________ is the independent evolution of a character or character state in different taxa.
________ is the history of the events by which species or other taxa have successively arisen from common ancestors.
A(n) ________ evolves, not as a whole, but piecemeal, with each feature evolving independently from the others.
Mosaic evolution
________ is the evolution of different characters at different rates within a lineage.
A ______ is the lineage leading to the most recent common ancestor of all the species in the phylogeny.
Evolutionary reversal
________ is the evolution of a character from a derived state back toward a condition that resembles an earlier state.
Binomial nomenclature
________ is a system of two- part names consisting of a genus name and a specific epithet (ex: Homo sapiens)
Sister groups
________ are two clades that originate from a common ancestor.
polyphyletic taxon
A(n) ________ includes species that do not exclusively share a common ancestor.
________ is the evolution of similar or identical features independently in related lineages, thought usually to be based on similar modifications of the same developmental pathways.