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long and wide muscle of the scalp
what muscles make up the epicranial group of the muscle of expression
occipitofrontalis & temporoparietalis
what is the thick fibrous sheath in the occipitofrontalis
epicranial aponeurosis (galea aponeurotica)
function of occipitofrontalis
elevate eyebrows
wrinkle forehead skin
orbit and eyebrow muscles
orbicularis oculi
corrugator supercilia (botox here will droop lid)
levator palpebrae superioris
origin and insertion of orbicularis oculi
O: medial wall of orbit
I: circular path around orbit
what nerve closes eye
orbicularis oculi
origin and insertion of corrugator supercilii
O: medial end superciliary arch of frontal bone
I: draws eyebrow inferior (frowning)
origin and insertion of levator palpebrae superioris
O: roof of orbit at LWS
I: skin of upper eyelid
which nerve elevates upper lid?
levator palpebrae superioris
nose muscles
-depressor septi nasi
which nerve is the transverse muscle of the nose?
located on bridge of the nose
which muscle flares the nostrils?
alar nasalis muscles
which muscle blends with procerus?
transverse nasalis
what is the origin and insertion of the transverse nasalis muscle?
O: maxilla
I: skin over the bridge of the nose @ the midline
origin and insertion of alar nasalis muscle
O: maxilla
I: alar cartilage of nostril and skin of nostrils
what is the function of the transverse nasalis muscle
compress the nostrils
which muscle draws eyebrows medially & wrinkles skin of the nose (frowning)
what is the primary function of the depressor septi nasi
pull nasal septum downward to widen nostrils
which nerve aids in respiratory functions by increasing airflow thru nasal passages
depressor septi nasi
origin and insertion of orbicularis oris
O: surrounds the mouth
I: skin at corner of mouth
which muscle do we use to kisssss?
orbicularis oris (protrudes lips)
also shapes lips during speech, close mouth, compresses lips against teeth
which muscle inserts @ angle of mouth & orbicularis oris & draws angle of mouth laterally (smiling)
zygomaticus major
which two muscles blend together and are the main elevators of the upper lid?
zygomaticus minor & levator labii superioris
which muscle depresses lower lip (sorrow, doubt & irony)
depressor labii inferioris
which muscle pulls corners of mouth downward
depressor anguli oris
which muscle elevates the angle of the mouth, showing the canines
levator anguli oris
which muscles are involved in smiling?
zygomaticus major
what is the fleshy part of the cheek
(forms a significant part of the lateral wall of the oral cavity)
which muscle elevates and protrudes lower lip. also pulls skin of chin up (doubt, pout, dislike)
which muscle extends from the upper chest & shoulder area up to the lower jaw
functions of platysma
-tensing of skin of neck
-depressing mandible
-helps in movement of skin
muscles of mastication
-medial pterygoid
-lateral pterygoid
what muscle originates at the zygomatic arch & inseerts at ramus of mandible. its function is to elevate & close the jaw - significant for biting & chewing
origin and insertion of temporalis
O: temporal fossa of the skull
I: coronoid process of the mandible
what is the function of the temporalis muscle
close the jaw with vertical and horizontal forces
which muscle is affected in pts with TMJ issues?
lateral pterygoid