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Activation of various sense receptors in the sense organs.
Sense Receptors
Specialized neurons that detect specific stimuli such as light, sound, and pressure.
A phenomenon where senses are interpreted as more than one sense, often resulting in unique associations between stimuli.
Just Noticeable Difference
The smallest detectable difference between two stimuli detectable 50% of the time.
Absolute Threshold
The minimum energy needed to detect a stimulus 50% of the time.
Subliminal Messaging
Stimuli presented below the level of conscious awareness, potentially influencing behavior.
The brain's reduced response to constant stimuli.
Sensory Adaptation
The reduction of response by sense receptors to constant stimuli.
Change Blindness
The failure to notice changes in a visual scene due to focused attention on certain elements.
Specialized sense receptors in the retina responsible for vision in low-light conditions.
Specialized sense receptors in the retina responsible for color vision and visual sharpness.
Opponent Process Theory
A theory that explains color vision based on opposing pairs of colors: red-green and blue-yellow.
Color Blindness
A condition where individuals have difficulty distinguishing certain colors due to defective cones.
Gate Control Theory of Pain
A theory suggesting that pain signals pass through a 'gate' in the spinal cord that can open or close.
Sense of Taste
The perception of flavor primarily linked to the sense of smell and involving five primary taste buds: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami.
Olfactory System
The sensory system responsible for the sense of smell, processed by the olfactory bulbs.
Semi-circular Canals
Structures in the inner ear that help maintain balance.