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HTTP stands for…
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS stands for…
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
HTTP was developed by ____________ in _______.
HTTP was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.
What is HTTP?
Application-layer protocol used for transmitting hypertext requests (aka hypermedia documents like HTML) & information on the internet
Backbone of data communication on World Wide Web
Designed for communication b/w web browsers & web servers
But also used for other purposes
Follows classical client-server model (aka request-response protocol)…
Client opens a connection to make a request & waits to receive a response
HTTP is a stateless protocol meaning that the server doesn’t keep any data (state) b/w two requests
Operates as a request-response protocol b/w a client & server
Example: web browser ——> request a page (client) —> web server responds by loading the page
Describe in a few bullet points how HTTP works.
The request-response cycle
Clients sends requests to servers using HTTP methods like GET or POST
Servers respond with status codes, headers, and the requested content
Why is HTTP so important?
Facilitates the transfer of data & media across the web
Enables web application functionality by supporting client & server communication
Continuously evolving to meet the security & performance needs of the modern web
What is HTTPS?
Secure version of HTTP
Incorporates SSL/TLS to encrypt data
Essential for protecting sensitive data & building trust
Name the latest/current version of HTTP.
Provide a summarized description of the evolution of HTTP.
Only mention the key aspects of each HTTP version (from HTTP 1.0 to HTTP 3)
HTTP 1.0
Beginning of HTTP as a standard
Required a separate TCP connection for each new client-to-server request
A major limitation was slow webpage loading
HTTP 1.1
Persistent connections
Chunked transfers
More efficient caching
Server push
Header compression for performance enhancement
Based on QUIC
Improves security & speed by…
Reducing connection latency
Reducing transport latency
HTTP 1.0
Beginning of HTTP as a standard
Connection handling...
each request from a client to a server required a separate TCP connection
this meant that for each resource (e.g. HTML file, image, or CSS file) a new connection was opened & closed after the transaction completed
Had limitations…
The need to establish a new connection for each request caused significant overhead due to the lengthy process/time of performing the TCP handshake repeatedly
Consequently, this resulted in slower webpage loading times.
HTTP 1.1
Persistent connections
Introduced concept of persistent connections —> ability for multiple requests & responses to be sent over a single TCP connection
Reduces overhead resulting from opening new connections
Pipelining (in theory)
Added possibility of pipelining requests to improve efficiency of HTTP execution
Meaning a client could send multiple requests w/o waiting for each response
Unfortunately actual pipelining had too many limitations in reality
most significant issue —> head-of-line blocking
Connection reuse
Improved performance by reusing connections for multiple requests —> significantly reducing time needed to load resources/webpages
Allows multiple requests & responses to occur simultaneously over a single TCP connection
Addresses head-of-line block issues experienced in HTTP 1.1 by enabling the server to respond to requests as soon as data is available, not necessarily in the order requested
Server Push
Enables servers to send resources to the client before they are explicitly requested
Can contribute to improved page loading times
Header Compression
Reduces overhead by compressing header metadata, making web communications more efficient
QUIC Protocol
QUIC replaces the traditional TCP with a new protocol called QUIC.
QUIC is based on UDP, a faster and simpler way to send data over the internet.
QUIC includes features from TCP (for reliable data transfer), TLS (for security), and parts of HTTP/2 (for efficient web communication).
In other words, QUIC combines the best parts of previous technologies to make internet connections faster, more secure, and more efficient.
Reduced Connection Establishment Time
QUIC reduces the time it takes to establish a secure connection by combining what would be multiple handshakes in TCP & TLS into a single process
Improved Performance over Lossy Connections
QUIC handles packet loss (i.e lost data) better than TCP.
This means it keeps performance high, even when some data packets don't make it through.
It's especially useful for mobile networks and users with unstable connections.
What does HTML stand for?
HTML: HyperText Markup Language
What does HTTP stand for?
HTTP: HyperText Transmission Protocol
What does QUIC stand for?
QUIC: Quick UDP Internet Connections
What does TCP stand for?
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
What does URL stand for?
URL: Uniform Resource Locator
Assess the anatomy of the URL below:
Identify the following:
(a) Scheme/Protocol
(b) Authority (Hostname & Port)
(c) Path
(d) Query
(e) Fragment
Describe the request the URL is making.
Identify the following:
Scheme/Protocol: http
Hostname: www.example.com
Port: 80
(often implied for HTTP, so it can be omitted)
Path: /index.html
Query: search=web
Fragment: content
Describe the request the URL is making.
Request the index.html
page from www.example.com
over HTTP.
Load the webpage specified in the URL.
Search within the loaded webpage for the query "web".
Navigate to the section of the page labeled "content".
There are 6 parts that comprise the anatomy of a URL.
For each part…
Describe its purpose
Indicates the protocol used to access the resource (e.g. http)
This tells the browser how to communicate w/ the server
The server’s domain name (e.g. www.server.com)
The port number at the server
Differentiates multiple services running on the same server
Default for HTTP —> 80
Default for HTTPS —> 443
The specific resource on the server (e.g. /page.html)
Specifies the exact resource being requested
Additional parameters for the server (e.g. ?query=details)
Allow for dynamic requests based on user input or specific requirements
An internal page reference (e.g. #fragment)
Does NOT get sent to server
Used by browser to scroll to a specific part of the webpage
T or F: The fragment in a URL gets sent to the server.
False. The fragment in a URL DOES NOT get sent to the server.
The authority of a URL consists of the ________ and ___.
The authority of a URL consists of the hostname and port.
What is the default port for HTTP?
What is the default port for HTTPS?
For each of the 5 HTTP Methods:
Describe its intended use
(1) GET: Request data from a specified resource
Retrieves information
Data is sent via URL
Ideal for searching/requesting data
(2) POST: Submit data to be processed by a specified resource
Sends data to a server to create/update a resource
Data included in the body of the request
Used for submitting forms
(3) PUT: Update a specified resource with provided data
Replaces all current representations of the target resource w/ the request payload
(4) PATCH: Apply partial modifications to a resource
More efficient for partial updates —> which reduces bandwidth
(5) DELETE: Delete a specified resource
Removes specified resources
Essential for managing resources on the server
A server issues status codes in response to ______________.
A server issues status codes in response to a client’s request.
(a) Define and describe the purpose of HTTP status codes.
(b) Name & describe the 5 categories of status codes.
(a) Define and describe the purpose of HTTP status codes.
3-digit number that server sends back to client (usually a web browser) in response to a client request
It indicates the outcome of the client’s request
More specifically — whether or not the request was successful, encountered an error, or requires further action
(b) Name & describe the 5 categories of status codes.
Informational (1xx) — Request received & being processed
Success (2xx) — Request successfully received, understood, and accepted
Redirection (3xx) — Further action is needed to complete request
Client Errors (4xx) — Request is invalid, and cannot be fulfilled
Server Errors (5xx) — Server failed to fulfill a valid request
What is one of the most common reasons why a client error occurs?
Client request has invalid syntax.
Name & Describe 3 of the Common HTTP Status Codes.
Which specific HTTP status code means the following…
“The request has succeded”
200 OK
Which specific HTTP status code means the following…
“The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error.”
400 Bad Request
Which specific HTTP status code means the following…
“Indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource.”
401 Unauthorized
Which specific HTTP status code means the following…
“The server can’t find the requested resource".
404 Not Found
Which specific HTTP status code means the following…
“The server encountered an unexpected condition.”
500 Internal Server Error
(a) Define “HTTP Header”. What is their function/significance?
(b) Define “Request Headers”
(c) Define “Response Headers”
Headers — Provide essential information about the request or response
Request Headers
Includes info such as…
type of web browser being used
types of data web browser can accept
language preference
Response Headers
Contains details like…
Type of server
Content type of returned data
Caching policies
Name 2 examples of possible HTTP headers.
Describe each of the following HTTP headers:
(1) Content-Type
Specifies the media type of the resources
For e.g. text/html for html documents
(2) Content-Length
Size of response text in octets (bytes)
(3) Cache-Control
Instructions for caching mechanisms in both requests & responses
(4) Set-Cookie
Sends a cookie from the server to user agent
Define “Web Protocol”.
A web protocol is a standardized set of rules that enable different devices to communicate and exchange data over the internet.
Name 2 examples of web protocols.
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
Web protocol used for transferring files between a client & server on a network.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Web protocol used for sending emails.
IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol
Web protocol used for retrieving emails from a server.
Post Office Protocol
Web protocol used for retrieving emails from a server.
Web protocol that enables two-way communication b/w a client & server over a single, long-lived connection.
Which two web protocols are both used for retrieving emails from a server.
Each web protocol is designed for specific types of _____________ and ____________.
Each web protocol is designed for specific types of communication and data transfer.
T or F: HTTP & HTTPS are not always optimal for transferring large files.
True. When HTTP/HTTPS cannot handle transferring large files, FTP is used.
In what situation is FTP used for data transferring instead of HTTP or HTTPS.
For transferring large files, since HTTP & HTTPS cannot always optimally do so.
Name the 3 web protocols that involved handling email services.
Why is WebSocket essential for interactive games and live chatting features on applications?
Because WebSocket provides real-time communication, which is necessary for those types of online activity.
JavaScript evaluates values as either ______ or ______.
JavaScript evaluates values as either “truthy” or “falsy”.
Which values are considered “falsy” in JavaScript?
“ “ (empty string)
T or F: In JavaScript, any values that are not falsy are considered truthy.
Does JavaScript use static or dynamic typing?
Dynamic typing.
How does the use of dynamic typing in JavaScript relate to Truth & Falsy values?
The categorization of all values in JavaScript as either “Truthy” or “Falsy” is fundamental to JavaScript’s dynamic typing.
It affects how conditional work.
Knowing that values are categorized in this way helps you predict & control the flow of your code. Making debugging easier.
In JavaScript, Truthy and Falsy values impacts ______________ in conditionals.
In JavaScript, Truthy and Falsy values impacts decision-making in conditionals.
Truthy and Falsy values are used in ___________.
Truthy and Falsy values are used in conditionals.
Name 2 of the common downfalls of using the truththy/falsy mechanism.
● Unintended behavior when falsy values are not handled properly.
● Over-relying on truthiness can hide bugs.
● Beware of pitfalls in comparisons involving 0, "", or null.
● Always consider explicit checks when needed.
T or F: The only type of values in a conditional that output a True value are non-negative values, non-zero values, and strings.
False. Truthy values include non-negative values, non-zero values, non-empty strings, as well as objects, arrays, functions, and more.
Categorize the following values as “Truthy” or “Falsy”.
(a) An array
(b) The integer 50
(c) An empty string
(d) A function
(e) The integer 0
(e) The integer -10
(f) An object
console.log("5" - 2); // Output: 3 (string "5" converted to number)
console.log("5" + 2); // Output: "52" (number 2 converted to string)
Is the code above an example of implicit or explicit type conversion?
Implicit type conversion
Name & describe the 4 equality operators.
Operator | Description |
== | Abstract equality (coerces types before comparison). |
=== | Strict equality (compares both value and type). |
!= | Abstract inequality. |
!== | Strict inequality. |
What is the output of the following line of code?
console.log(5 == "5"); // Output: true (coerced comparison)
What is the output of the following line of code?
console.log(5 === "5"); // Output: false (different types)
What is the output of the following line of code?
What is the output of the following line of code?
What is the output of the following line of code?
(a) Define “De-Structuring”
(b) Give an example scenario in which you may use de-structuring.
(a) Define “De-Structuring”. What its purpose/function?
Practice used to conveniently/easily extract values from arrays/objects/etc into distinct variables.
Instead of accessing each element or property individually, de-structuring allows you to unpack them in a single step.
De-structuring is used to make code cleaner & more readable
Does this by reducing the need for multiple lines of assignment (assigning variables)
(b) Give an example scenario in which you may use de-structuring.
Example: Array De-Structuring
Imagine you have an array of three items (let's say RGB color values) and you want to assign each item to a separate variable.
const rgb = [255, 100, 50];
const [red, green, blue] = rgb;
console.log(red); // 255
console.log(green); // 100
console.log(blue); // 50
Here, the array [255, 100, 50] is de-structured into three individual variables red, green, and blue.
Example: Object De-Structuring
Now, imagine you have an object with user details, and you want to extract the name and age properties into individual variables.
const user = {
name: "Alice",
age: 30,
country: "Canada"
const { name, age } = user;
console.log(name); // "Alice"
console.log(age); // 30
In this example, the object user is de-structured, and the name and age properties are assigned to variables with the same names.
const [a, b] = [1, 2];
console.log(a, b); // Output: 1 2
const {name, age} = {name: "Alice", age: 25};
console.log(name, age); // Output: Alice 25
The above code is an example of what concept in JavaScript?
De-structuring is especially useful when working with…
Function parameters
Return multiple values from the same function
(a) Define “Spread Operator”. What its purpose/function?
(b) What is it represented as in code?
(c) Give an example scenario in which you may use a spread operator.
(a) Define “Spread Operator”
Specialized function used in JavaScript
Allows an iterable (e.g. array or string) to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments/elements are expected
It’s used to spread out the elements of an array or the characters of a string into individual elements
(b) What is it represented as in code?
Three dots ...
(c) Give an example scenario in which you may use a spread operator.
Imagine you have an array of numbers and you want to create a new array that includes all the elements of the original array, plus some additional numbers.
const originalArray = [1, 2, 3];
const newArray = [...originalArray, 4, 5, 6];
console.log(newArray); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
In this example, the spread operator ...originalArray
spreads out the elements of originalArray
into the newArray
. As a result, newArray
includes all the elements of originalArray
followed by the new elements 4, 5, 6
const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const obj2 = { c: 3, d: 4 };
const mergedObj = { ...obj1, ...obj2 };
(a) Describe what is occurring in the code above.
(b) What will the output be?
(a) Describe what is occurring in the code above.
In this example, the spread operator is used to merge the properties of two objects into a new object, mergedObj
(b) What will the output be?
Output: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }
What 3 components are included in a server’s response to a client request.
Status Code
Define the following and give an example for each:
(a) Implicit Type Conversion
(b) Explicit Type Conversion
Define the following and give an example for each:
(a) Implicit Type Conversion
AKA Coercion
Automatic conversion of a JS variable/value into a different data type based on the context in which the value is used
let num = 42 + true;
(b) Explicit Type Conversion
You (as the programmer) “tells” the JS when you are intentionally converting a data type into another
Example: ParseInt(“49”)
Provide a general definition for “Type Conversion”.
Conversion of a variable/value from one data type to another data type
There are 2 types:
Implicit (automatic)
T or F: Explicit conversion is performed by JS and implicit conversion is performed by the programmer.
Explicit —> performed by the programmer
Implicit = Automatic —> performed by JS
“JavaScript is a dynamically-typed programming language. It is also a weakly-typed programming language.”
Briefly explain the statement above.
JavaScript is dynamically-typed because…
You don’t explicitly declare variables data types in JS
The data types of values in your program will be determined at runtime by the JavaScript engine
JavaScript is weakly-typed because…
It permits implicit conversions
The JS engine assigns & reassigns types as needed
T or F: JavaScript permits the use of more than one data type in operations.
JavaScript is a dynamically typed language and allows operations between different data types.
This behavior is due to type coercion, where JavaScript automatically converts one data type to another when necessary.
T or F: JavaScript does not use a compiler. It only uses the JS engine.
While JS doesn’t required a separate compilation step like some PLs do — it still uses a JIT compiler to optimize performance.
Name one option of JS engine.
JavaScript Core
In JavaScript, another name for coercion is ________________.
In JavaScript, another name for coercion is implicit type conversion.
console.log("5" + 2);
What is the output of this code?
"52" (number → string)
console.log("Hello" + true);
What is the output of this code?
"Hellotrue" (boolean → string)
console.log("Value: " + null);
What is the output of this code?
"Value: null" (null → string)
console.log("5" - 2);
console.log("10" * "2");
console.log("100" / "5");
What are the outputs of this code?
3 (string --> number)
20 (strings --> numbers)
20 (strings --> numbers)
console.log(true + 1);
console.log(null + 10);
console.log("5px" - 2); What is the output of this code?
What are the outputs of this code?
2 (boolean --> number
10 (null --> number)
NaN (5px is not a pure number)
In what situations does implicit string conversion occur?
When using the + operator with a string value & another value that is not a string.
In what situations does implicit number conversion occur?
When using any arithmetic operator (EXCEPT FOR ADDITION +) or comparison operator in an operation with a numeric value & a non-numeric value.
In what situations does implicit Boolean conversion occur?
Occurs in…
Logical expressions
If statements
While Loops
T or F: The == operator performs type coercion, but the === (strict equality) opereator does not.
T or F: Implicit conversion occurs when comparison operators are used to compare two values of different data types.