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National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry 1868
created cooperatives to protect farmers from RR’s and middlemen
Munn v. Illinois
goverment can regulate RR
Boom towns
towns built up at night and gold and silver discoveries created them
Frontier Thesis
Turner asserts that the settlement of the west had a considerable impact on American history
Homestead Act
provided that any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land.
Treaty of Fort Laramie
Closes Bozemen Trail, creates Sioux reservation, grants ownership of Black Hills
1871 Indian Appropriation Act
ends recognition as independent nations (shrunk)
Ghost Dance Movement
movement sought to revive culture and life
Dawes Severalty Act
Partitioned 47 million acres of Indian land and appropriated to each Indian household
Worst land given to Indians
New Deal 1934
Reversed Dawes Act
Carlisle Indian Industrial School
Attempts at assimilation; Washed native American culture from them to make them American; school children were taken to; lead to loss of culture, death, permanent, separation
“New South”
promoted by Henry Grady;post reconstruction; small change of industrialization and large continuity of agriculture main industry
Homer Plessy
Challenge law segregating railway cars in New Orleans
Equal Protection Clause
creates separate but equal Doctrine
Civil Right Cases
weakening of 14th and 15th Amendment
consumer economy
an economy driven by consumer spending
Cornelius Vanderbilt
American entrepreneur who amassed his wealth through shipping and railroads
Andrew Carnegie
Made fortune in steel industry; Utilized vertical integration owns every step in production
J.D. Rockefeller
Made fortune in Standard Oil; Utilized Horizontal integration to become a monopoly; Used trusts to manage companies
J.P. Morgan
(Robber Barron or Captain of Industry)Banker bought up Bankrupt railroads
Jay Gould
(Captains of Industry or Robber Barron) Speculated on stocks , built wealth in railroad industry, attempt at cornering gold market results in Black Friday
Imperialism is the maintaining and extending of power over foreign nations, particularly through expansionism, employing both hard power and soft power.
collective bargaining
negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment by an organized body of employees
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
West Virginia, after the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad cut wages for the third time in a year. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was the first strike that spread across multiple states in the U.S.
private security force, escalated into violence
Yellow Dog Contracts
include clauses that prohibit union membership
First wave of migration
Northern and Western Europe
settled in rural and urban area
Second wave of migration
Southern and eastern Europe
Will settle overwhelmingly in cities
attack against Jews in Russia
American Protective Association and Immigration Restriction League
The League argued that the American way of life was threatened by immigration from these regions, and lobbied Washington to pass anti-immigration legislation restricting the entry of what they perceived as "undesirable" immigrants in order to uphold Old Stock Americans hegemony.
Social Darwinism
the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals.
1882 Chinese Exclusion Act
The Chinese already in the US remain but none can come in
excluable aliens
convicts,lunatics,prostitutes, those likely to a become a public charge and anyone with contagious disease. Later anarchists and illiterate
Who provided for settlement of immigrants?
Private groups not federal or government
Mostly funded by middle or upperclassmen woman
Who in the eyes of Social Darwinism is the fittest?
The industrialists and those who are rich but later tapes into 2nd wave immigrants are inferior
Why did suburban and urban culture grow more separate?
Middle classes began to migrate to the suburbs also because cleaner and more space low cost commuting options.
Juxtapostion of Indians
the beginning of unit 6 suppression of Indians and then later used in shows were cowboys and Indians fighting
the middle class did expand despite
the growing division between the wealth and the poor
It was due to the evolving economy
that increased education opportunities
Carnegie encouraged those who were wealthy to engage in
Henry George
in Progress and Poverty, argued current system creates inequality
farmers; crushed by debt, seeking loose money in form of greenbacks or coining silver
Social Gospel
movement to promote Christian principles to help the less fortunate
Idea of fixing issues bring to salvation
Women getting education sets up for
the suffrage movement
economic issues for agrarians and labor unions led to
more radical positions and stances
Industrialists benefited from
lack of regulation, lack of minimum wages
Tariffs benefited and did not benefited
industries and did not consumers
McKinley Tariff
tariff raised the average duty on imports to almost 50%, an increase designed to protect domestic industries and workers from foreign competition.
When was Hawaii annexed
Spanish American War 1898
Republican interests
wanted high tariffs
Democrat interests
wanted lower tariffs which made imports cheaper for consumers
Panic of 1893
drain on Gold convinced workers and farmers Gold Standard was a problem
What was the split in Democractic party?
Gold bugs (referred to those who favored basing the US monetary system on gold ) and Silverites wanted a 16:1 exchange to gold
High number of votes because
of immigrants
Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
provided for selection of some government employees by competitive exams rather than ties to politicians, and made it illegal to fire or demote some government officials for political reasons.
Populist Party
wanted to curtail the power of the corporate and financial establishment. ( wanted to raise awareness and their ideas later distribute to Democratic Party)
Omaha Platform
suggested a federal loans system so that farmers could get the money they needed.Unlimited coinage of silver, graduated income tax
Government ownership of railroads and telegraphs
Action to stabilize crop prices
8 hour work day
Direct Election of Senators
Use of initiatives and referendums
After election 1890s
William McKinley wins
Loss will lead to a decline of Populists as a party
Parts of its platform will be adopted by Progressive in 20th century
parties relied on patronages
help immigrants settled and hope the immigrants will vote for you
party bosses could gain personal gain through graft
Boss Tweed
arrested and convicted for graft in 1872, Political Cartoons by