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November 1569
Causes - Religious
Catholic - Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland were pro Mary Queen of Scots
Causes - Political
Which three men wanted Mary Queen of Scots on the throne?
Thomas Howard (Duke of Norfolk), Thomas Percy (Earl of Northumberland) and Charles Neville (Earl of Westmorland)
Why were the noblemen irritated?
annoyed positions in the north being given to Protestant noblemen (e.g Elizabeth’s cousin, Lord Hunsdon)
Rebels celebrated what, where?
Mass at Durham Cathedral
How many extra rebels did they attract?
3,800 footmen and 1,600 horsemen
Took which port, hoping for what?
Hartlepool, hoping Phillip of Spain would sent troops
Royal army sent, consisting of how many men?
10,000 men
The rebels did what in response to the royal army?
How many executed?
800 rebels and 9 leaders
Catholic plot of 1571
Ridolfi Plot
Robert Ridolfi, an Italian banker, wanted to make Mary Queen
Supported by Phillip, Mary, and Norfolk
Norfolk executed as result
Catholic plot of 1583
Throckmorton Plot
Francis Throckmorton
Planned for French army to invade
Supported by Pope and Phillip
Catholic plot of 1586
Babington Plot
Sir Anthony Babington planned to rescue Mary from jail and murder Elizabeth
Secret letters