Chapter of Psychology, based mainly on the brain
Central Nervous System(CNS)
Brain and Spinal Cord
Peripheral Nervous System(PNS)
Made of nerves, they connect brain and spine to muscles, organs, and senses in body.
Somatic Nervous System
A component of the Peripheral Nervous System that controls voluntary movements by transmitting signals from the brain to skeletal muscles.
Autonomic Nervous System(ANS)
A component of the Peripheral Nervous System that regulates involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate, controlling smooth muscle and glands.
Sympathetic Division
Branch of ANS, preps body for stress related activities.
Parasympathetic Division
Branch of ANS that returns body to default homeostasis day to day.
Largest part of the brain, containing cerebral cortex, thalamus, pituitary gland, and other important structures responsible for complex functions like reasoning, emotion, and sensory processing.
Cerebral Hemispheres
The two halves of the brain, each responsible for different functions, including motor control and sensory perception, with the left hemisphere typically associated with language and analytical tasks, and the right hemisphere with creativity and spatial abilities.
Corpus Callosum
The structure that connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres, facilitating communication between them and playing a crucial role in integrating sensory information and coordinating motor functions.
Right Hemisphere Functions
Functions include spatial awareness, creativity, and social interaction
Left Hemisphere Functions
Functions include language processing, motor processing, cognitive functions, analytical thinking, and logical reasoning.
A serious neural tube defect resulting in the absence of a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp. It occurs during early fetal development and is usually fatal shortly after birth.
Outer layer of organs
Frontal Lobe
Largest part of brainresponsible for decision making, problem solving, and controlling behavior.
Motor Cortex & its organization
Part of brain that plans and coordinates voluntary movements.
Broca’s Area
Part of brain responsible for language production
Frontal Lobotomy
Surgery that severs connections in the brain
Phineas Gage & how he changed
The brain changed after a traumatic injury of a rod through the head, changing his personality
Parietal Lobe
Part of the Cerebral Cortex, processes sensory and perceptual information
Somatosensory Complex
Essential for processing sensory info across body: touch, temperature, and pain. Each area corresponds to different body part.
Temporal Lobe
Part of the cerebral cortex: responsible for hearing, memory, emotion, and some language.
Primary Auditory Complex
Recieves and processes sounds
Auditory association Cortex
receives and processes sounds
Wernicke’s area
produces speech comprehension
Occipital Lobe
contains primary visual cortex, interprets incoming visual information
Primary Visual Cortex
processes basic visual information