Drainage basin, or landscape that makes water drain to a specific area
Flood Plains
Area where river floods, very fertile soil, erosion control, diverse species, improves water quality
Rain Garden
Captures rain water to increase infoltration and reduce runoff
Rain Barrel
Collects water for gardens
Mississippi Watershed
Largest watershed in the US, in mostly agricultural states
Nuclear Fusion
Pushing Hydrogen together to create heavier elements
Core of the Earth
Innermost zone, made of nickel and Fe, very hot due to radioactive decay
Mantle of Earth
Above core, mostly magma, made of asthenosphere (inner) and lithosphere (outer)
Hot Spots
Places where molten material from the mantel reach the lithosphere
Theory of Plate Tectonics
The Earth’s lithosphere is made of plates which are in constant motion
Created by hotspots from moving plates creating islands, newest = largest
Divergent Plate Boundary
Moving apart
Convergent Plate Boundary
Moving towards
Transform Plate Boundary
Moving past
Continental-Continental CPB
Forms mountains
Oceanic-Continental CPB
Forms volcanoes when O-Plate goes under C-Plate and melts
Oceanic-Oceanic CPB
One crust goes under and creates volcano islands
O Horizon
Matter in stages of decay, top layer typically
A Horizon
Mix of organic matter and minerals, below O
B Horizon
Subsoil, accumulated minerals, metals, and nutrients, below A
C Horizon
Least weathered, most similar to parent material, rocks
E Horizon
Between O and A, mostly leached nutrients
Spongey top layer of soil, very little decomposition of organic materials
Breaking down of materials due to being exposed to the elements
Physical removal of weathered particles from ecosystem
Space between soil particles, larger the particles = larger spaces = more room for water, good for plants
Rate of water moving through the soil
How fast the soil drains
Water Holding Capacity
How much soil binds to water, sand low, clay high (more likely to be water logged)
Cation Exchange Capacity
Ability for soil to absorb and release cations, plants take more nutrients from soil by exchanging H+ for minerals
Soil Bases
Ca, Mg, K, Na
Soil Acids
Al and H
Bases Saturation
Proportion of bases: Acids, more acid less nutrients
High CEC
More minerals, higher productivity, able to retain more cations
Alkaline Soils
high in C, Mg, K, very basic
Atmosphere Composition
Mostly N, O, little Argon, CO2, traces of other chemical and ozone
Closest layer to the Earth, where mostly gases and pollution are
Layer of ozone, protects from radiation, above troposphere
Meteorites burn up, above stratosphere
Aurora Borealis, satellites, above mesosphere
When temp begins to increase is Stratosphere due to combination and breaking of ozone
Adiabatic Heating/Cooling
When temperature changes due to the pressure in the air, more pressure → heating, less pressure → cooling
Latent Heat Release
When water condenses and releases heat
Hadley Cells
Convection Currents that cycle between the Equator and 30 N/S, release cool air at 30 N/S creating deserts in those areas
Ferrel Cells
Convection Currents that cycle between 30 and 60 N/S
Polar Cells
Convection currents that cycle between 60 and 90 (poles) N/S
Coriolis Effect
The earth rotates it surface faster than the atmosphere causing deflection of wind, Northern hemisphere moves right and Southern moves Left
Land Heating
Only heats surface, less absorption, quick heating and cooling
Water Heating
Energy enters deep and slowly, slow to heat and cool
Specific Heat
amount of energy required to raise the temperature of an object
Surface Currents
Follows wind patterns
Circles created by currents in large oceans, moves warm water around earth, Clockwise N, Counter S
Deep CUrrents
Carry deep water from the poles
Rainshadow Effect
Mountain ranges catching lots of rain on one side (windward) and the other getting the cool dry air (leeward) left from the clouds causing one side to be lush while the other is dry
Water moving away from coastline and picking up the cool nutrient rich water underneath
Water moving towards coastline pushing warm water and moving nutrients away
El Nino
Trade winds at equator slowing or going in opposite direction causing down welling in Central and South America and Upwelling in Indonesia and Australia
La Nina
Extreme of normal year, Upwelling in South+ central America, Downwelling in Australia and Indonesia
Thermohaline Circulation
Difference in temperature and salinity of water causing currents to move, the water warms up as it gets closer to the equator and rises creating a circuit
Solar Radiation/ Area, more area less heat
Reflectivity of a surface, more albedo less heating
Tropic of Cancer
23.5 degrees north, Jun 21st the sun hits it at 90 degree angle and is hottest
Tropic of Capricorn
23.5 degrees south, Dec 21st is when sun hits at 90 degree angle and is hottest
Arctic Circle
24 hours of sunlight is northern summer and darkness in northern winter
Antarctic cirlce
24 hours of sunlight in northern winter and darkness in northern summer