What is another name for muscle cells?
What is the pacemaker of the heart
sinoatrial node (SAN)
What are the properties of myocytes?
electrical charge
Depolarised mycoses occur when…
the charge is reversed
What is the effect of depolarisation?
myocytes contract
How does blood always flow?
from higher to lower pressured areas
When do valves open?
when the pressure is higher behind the valve than in front of it
When do valves close?
when the pressure is higher in front of the valve than behind
What does AV valve stands for?
atrioventricular valves
what are the AV valves?
tricuspid and bicuspid valves
in atrial systole, what are the state of ventricles?
Term referring to relaxed ventricles?
ventricle diastole
what valves open during atrial systole?
tricuspid and bicuspid valves
how does contraction affect pressure in the atria?
increases the pressure