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Concurrent validity
A form of criterion validity that involves evaluation of the relationship between a self report and a behavioral measure that are asÂsessed at the same time.
Construct validity
The extent to which a measured variable actually measures the conceptual variable that it is designed to assess.
Content validity
The degree to which a measured variable appears to have adequately sampled from the potential domain of topics that might relate to the conceptual variable of interest.
Convergent validity
The extent to which a meaÂsured variable is found to be related to other meaÂsured variables designed to measure the same conceptual variable.
Criterion validity
An assessment of validity calcuÂlated though the correlation of a selfÂreport measure with a behavioral measured variable.
Discriminant validity
The extent to which a meaÂsured variable is found to be unrelated to other measured variables designed to assess different conceptual variables.
Face validity
The extent to which a measured variÂable appears to be an adequate measure of the conceptual variable
Predictive validity
A form of criterion validity in which a selfÂreport measure is used to predict fuÂture behavior.
The extent to which a measured variÂable is free from random error.
Changes in responding that occur as a result of measurement.
Equivalent-forms reliability
A form of test–retest reliability in which two different but equivalent verÂsions of the same measure are given at different times and the correlation between the scores on the two versions is assessed.
Interrater reliability
The internal consistency of the ratings made by a group of judges.
The extent to which a measured vari able is free from random error.
Split-half reliability
A measure of internal con- sistency that involves correlating the respondents’ scores on one half of the items with their scores on the other half of the items.
Test–retest reliability
The extent to which scores on the same measured variable correlate with each other on two different measurements given at two different times.
Random error
Chance fluctuations in measurement that influence scores on measured variables.
Systematic error
The influence on a measured variable of other conceptual variables that are not part of the conceptual variable of interest.