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self-report measure
observational measure
physiological measure
categorical (nominal) variable
levels of the variable are qualitatively distinct. the order of the levels doesn’t matter
quantitative variable
ordinal scale
categories in an ordered sequence. place data in a ranked order, but doesn’t tell us anything about numerical differences between categories
interval scale
ordered categories with equal intervals between categories, places data in order with equivalent distances between the ordered categories. doesn’t have a meaningful zero
consistency of a measurement device
how much measurements actually represent what you think you’re measuring
test-retest validity
the consistency in responses across time points
interrater reliability
do two individuals use the operational definition the same way?
internal reliability
many tests attempt to measure a variable with multiple items
correlation coefficient (r)
cronbach’s alpha
average correlation of all items; to what extent do they measure the same thing; how much are items that should be related correlated
face validity
does the measure appear to measure what it’s supposed to measure
content validity
the extent to which a measuring instrument covers all dimensions of a construct
criterion validity
does the measure allow you to distinguish people on the basis of particular behavioral outcomes?
convergent validity
measure is correlated with other measures of the same concept/variable
discriminant validity
measure is not correlated with measures of a different concept/variable
what is measurement?
what are the types of measurement?
what are the scales of measurement?
how do we measure constructs consistently?
how do we evaluate the validity of measures?
survey poll
a method of posing questions to people on the telephone, in person interviews, on written questionnaires, or via the internet
open ended question
allows respondents to answer any way they like
example: what is your favorite color?
forced choice question
people give their opinion by picking the best of two or more options
example: select your favorite color from this list
likert scale
a survey question format using a rating scale containing multiple response options anchored by the specific terms (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree)
leading question
wording encourages one response more than others
double barreled question
asking two questions in one
negatively worded question
negatively phrased questions
Example: people who do not drive with a suspended license should never be punished
Negative wording takes more time to process, and makes it more difficult
response set
answering a number of questions in the same way
Can use attention checks in surveys to see if people are paying attention
“strongly agree” to all possible options
fence sitting
answer the middle option for all responses
Can remove the center of the scale to people have to pick a side
socially desirable responding/faking good
trying to look better than we are
faking bad
try to look bad (more aggressive, more deviant, nastier)
observational research
observer bias
when observers see what they expect to see
observer effect
when participants confirm observer expectations (expectancy effects)
masked design
the observers do not know to which conditions the participants have been assigned, and they are not aware of what the study is about
when participants react to being watched
Solution 1: blend in
Unobtrusive observations
Solution 2: Wait it out
Solution 3: Measure the Behavior’s Results
what are the different types of question formats?
what should you not do when writing a question?
what are the things you need to be mindful of when designing your survey (wording effects and order effects)?
how can we encourage accurate responding?
biased sample
unbiased sample
convenience sample
snowball sampling
probability sampling
simple random sample
stratified random sampling
systematic sampling
random assignment
purposive sampling
quota sampling
when is it important to use a representative sample and why?
bivariate correlation
effect size
statistical significance
restriction of range
directionality problem
third variable problem
spurious association
moderator or modifier
what are correlations?
are variables measured or manipulated in a correlational study?
what is a statistic you would use when you have two categorical variables?
what is a statistic you would use when you have two quantitative variables?
what is a statistic you would use when you have a categorical and quantitative variable?
what is effect size?
what is statistical significance?
what does a non-significant effect mean?
can we make a causal claim with a bivariate correlation?
descriptive statistics
inferential statistics
central tendency
standard deviation
degrees of freedom
what are the measures of central tendency and when should each of them be used?
what is positive skew?
what is negative skew?
how does the distribution effect each measure of central tendency?
what is variance?
what is standard deviation?
what are the degrees of freedom, and why are they important?