Extreme patriotism, typically expressed in a violent manner
Francis Scott Key, “bombs bursting in the air”
Francis Scott Key, a poet, watched the American defense of Baltimore against the British and was inspired. He wrote a poem called “The Defense of Fort McHenry”, which became the American national anthem – the Star-Spangled Banner, which has the lines “And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there”.
A military force from the civil population to support a regular army in an emergency
John Adams
John Adams was the only lawyer to defend the British soldiers from the Patriots in court after the Boston Massacre. He believed that everybody was entitles to a defence.
Thomas Jefferson
The American president from 1801 to 1809. During his presidency, he tried to avoid another war against Britain. He also said the “mere matter of marching” quote.
Laura Secord
Secord lived in the Niagara region in Upper Canada. When the Americans occupied the land in 1813, she and her husband had to take American soldiers into their home, where she heard their plans to invade Beaver Dams in British territory. She walked more than 30 km to warn British forces. When the attack came, the British and Mohawk were prepared, and defeated the Americans. She did not receive recognition until 1860 when a group of war of 1812 veterans were addressing the prince of wales, she wanted to be included. She was chosen to be the face of a chocolate company in 1913 because she represented courage, devotion, and loyalty
Tecumseh was a Shawnee chief who opposed the expansion of American territoties into the Ohio River Valley. Tecumseh proposed an Indian confederacy in which all First Nations would unite and live on protected lands. His goal was to reclaim territory for the confederacy that had been lost to American settlers.
Tecumseh knew that commander william hull who was in charge of the fort was afraid of the indigenous, so he sent his men back and forth to make it look like there were a lot of indegenus, eventually scaring the commander to surrender the fort.
Richard Pierpoint
A black loyalist who fought for the British in the American revolution. Because of his loyalty to Britain, he was free from slavery. He travelled around Upper Canada as a storyteller. Throughout his travels, he noticed that Black Loyalists received land grants all across the province, not having a tight knit community.
Isaac Brock
A British military commander in upper Canada during the wat of 1812. He believed that the only way Upper Canada could defend itself was by controlling an island in Michigan. He believed that controlling the island meant controlling the Upper Great Lakes, and would fend off an American invasion. He was right.
Lieutenant James Fitzgibbon was the British Lieutenant that Laura Secord warned that the Americans were planning an attack on the British Territory known as the Beaver Dams. Fitzgibbon did not recognize Laura Secord's efforts. |
what is the treaty of ghent
the treaty that ended the war of 1812
when was the treaty of ghent signed
december 24, 1814
Battle of baltimore
The British tried to take Baltimore to impact morale, disrupt the economy, and secure winter quarters. There were lots of shelling and bombs (one of the earliest uses of this type of weapon in North America)
Francis Scott Key, a poet, watched the American defense of Baltimore against the British and was inspired.
battle of york
York (present day Toronto) was the capital of upper canada. It was a site where weapons and gunpowder were stored, and it also had the HMS Sir Isaac Brock (ship) under construction. Americans thought that control of this ship meant control of the great lakes, so they decided to attack. App. 1700 American troops and a fleet of ships attacked York on my bday, 1813. The Americans beat the British and Ojibwe and mississaugua warriors. They took down fort York and the dockyard, but while retreating set off an explosion that blew up most of the fort and caused many deaths/casualties for both parties.
battle of fort detroit
In august 1812, Brock and a few hundred British soldiers crossed the Detroit river to attack. William Hull’s (an American Politian and military commander) 2500 troops outnumbered brocks forces. Nevertheless, the Americans believed that Brock had more men hidden. Hull surrendered after heavy fire from British ships along the Detroit River. The early win helped solidify alliances between the British and first nations, especially Brock and Tecumseh
Battle of queenston heights
The Americans considered Niagara to be a strategic place to launch an invasion, because if they conquered Niagara, they would cut off British access to Detroit. The Americans invaded Queenston on October 13, 1812. Brock was awakened by the sound of guns. He didn’t have the necessary forces, but still gathered some troops. As brock led the troops up the hill, he was shot in the chest and died. His troops withdrew, and a few hours later, a new major-general was assigned with more British troops and Haudenosaunee six nations and Delaware warriors. The American forces were reduced when members of American milita, who didn’t want to fight in the war, refused to fight on the Canadian side of the border. The British won this battle. |
battle of beaver dams
During the War of 1812, the U.S. army marched from Fort George and attempted to surprise a British outpost at Beaver Dams. They stayed the night in the village of Queenston, Ontario, which is where Laura Secord, a resident of Queenston learned of the American’s plan from the American’s staying at her house
battle of washington (dolly and james madison)
To get back at the Americans for burning down York, the British attacked and burned Washington. Dolly Madison tried to warn her husband, President James Madison, that the British might attack. James said not to worry as his military advisor had told him it was unlikely the British would attack Dolly and James fled in the end
What 2 sides were in the war of 1812
US and UK
What were causes of the war of 1812
Americans were concerned about Britain’s interference in American shipping and trading with other countries, and concerned that the British would challenge the American’s westward expansion across North America
whats impressement
Americans were concerned about Britain’s interference in American shipping and trading with other countries, and concerned that the British would challenge the American’s westward expansion across North America
what did jefferson mean by “mere matter of marching”
“It is a mere matter of marching!” is a quote by Thomas Jefferson. The Americans thought that since they wanted to be free of British control, why wouldn’t the people of Upper & Lower Canada also want that??? Thomas Jefferson thought American troops would be welcomed there by Canada.
explain the durnham report
Lord Durham was sent to Canada by Queen Victoria and the British Government to find ways to calm the tensions in the Canadian colony following the rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada. His report has three main recommendations that he submitted to Queen Victoria:
Assimilate – to bring into conformity or adopt to the customs and attitudes of a group.
what is relative location
Relative location is finding a location based on locations around it. For example, Oakville is north of Lake Ontario, and is south-west of Toronto
absolute location
Absolute location is the exact location where somewhere is. For example, Mexico City is at 19°26′N 99°8′W
what is the prime meridian
The prime meridian is a line that is used to indicate 0 degrees longitude. It passes through Greenwich and ends at the poles.
international date line
The International date line is an imaginary line drawn on the earth's surface to differentiate from 2 different days. It is drawn at exactly 180 degrees longitude |
3 ways freight containers can be moved
rail, truck, boat
3 benefits to the container freight system
efficient, secure, and cost effective
4 elements that are included on a good map
legend, compass with arrow facing north, title, and scale
Change from fertile land into desert. It can be caused by changes in climate, and poor farming methods such as grszing and overusing the soil. |