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what is personality to Allport?
dynamic organization with an individual of those psychophysical systems
Determines Characteristic behavior, and thought
What did Albert mean by saying we have two personalities?
no continuum of personality between childhood and adulthood, They are two different things
Adult personality is not constrained by early experiences. It does not reflect it.
Rule of heredity and genes
provides raw materials building blocks
Shaped expanded, or limited by Environmental conditions
emphasis on uniqueness through genetic combinations
Example so people are more athletic by genetics, but you can work to be athletic
what are traits?
distinguishing characteristics that guide behavior
measured on a scale
Subject to social, environmental and cultural influences
What is the difference between individual and common traits?
individual traits.
Unique and defines the persons character relabeled as personal dispositions
Common Treats.
Not everyone has them, but the culture has it varies across cultures influenced by time, society, and environment
What are some characteristics of traits?
Real and existent with each person they aren’t just labels
Determine or caused behavior
Overlap with other traits, example being aggressive and likes to talk a lot
wary within the situation example very neat in the situation, but disorganized in another
Cardinal traits
most pervasive and powerful
Really defined you in one way
not everyone has one
Central traits
outstanding traits that describe behavior
5 to 10 traits that best describe you
Example if you ask a friend to describe you, these these are the traits they would say
Secondary traits
Inconspicuously and inconsistently
Less important
Example you may have a mild preference for Indian food doesn’t define you but may impact behavior
Functional autonomy of motives
motives and a normal mature adult or independent of childhood experiences
Example parent, tell you to play piano you grew up and still play piano can make own decisions, but still plays piano motivation, switches
Preservative, functional autonomy
related to low level and routine behaviors. Example, Brushing your teeth every night
propriate Functional autonomy
what Is proprium
Things you do because they are important to who you are
Related to one’s values, self image in lifestyle
proprium What is the ego or SELF
organizing propriate functioning 3 Principles
organizing Energy level- Explains how new motives are acquired when motivated to learn something new
Mastery And Competence- Level in which one chooses to satisfy motives. When motivated to learn something new, you are motivated to be good at it, Master it
propriate Pattern - Strive for consistency in integration of the personality, tries to be consistent
stages of the development of the proprium
What happens at each stage?
bodily self. Become aware of their own existence
Self identity. Children realize that their identity remains intact. They are still them knows their name.
Self esteem. Learn to take pride in their Accomplishments
Extension of self. Children come to recognize the objects and people that are part of their own world example, My house, my parents
Self image. Children develop actual and idealized images of themselves become aware of satisfying parental expectations to define themselves in own way.
Self as a rational coper. Begin to apply reason and logic to the solution of everyday problems think logically
propriate, striving. During adolescence, you formulate long range, goals, and plans. Striving for the future
Adulthood. Mature adults are independent of childhood motives
Characteristics of a healthy adult
extend sense of self to people and activities beyond the self. The people who interact with can show who you are
Relates warm to others.
One self acceptance helps them achieve emotional security. Accepts flaws and OK with themselves.
Holds realistic perception, develops personal skills, and commits to a type of work.
Has a sense of humor and self insight
Subscribed to a unifying philosophy. Wholeness that helps motivate towards future goals
Alport personal document technique
Study of a persons, written or spoken records, relied heavily on personal documents
Study values objective self report assessment test what are your personal values
The category values
Theoretical. pursuit of the truth
Economic. Useful and practical.
Aesthetic. Artistic expression Something pretty
Social. Relationships with others.
Political. Attaining power.
Religious. Understand universe on more spiritual side.
Research on Alport theory
Focus open and electic approach wasn’t doing one technique
Expressive behavior don’t have a purpose or solve a problem did a lot of research on this.
Coping behavior you were doing this for purpose to solve a problem
Cultural differences( They typically are universal, but some expressions are culturally different )and facial expressions(Review about , When happy do you smile bigger hide it)
Computer Recognition of facial expressions. People are better at recognizing rather than Computers
Major criticisms
difficult to study by experimental Method
Questions about functional autonomy. Parent made you play piano as a child but as an adult they continue because they enjoy playing it
Difficult to generalize from one person to another
Major contributions
influence, humanistic theories With hopeful philosophy
Emphasize the role of genetic factors and trait on personality