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planning, pricing, promoting, distributing and selling of goods & services to satisfy consumers’ needs and wants
business to business (b2b)
personal selling n relationships. higher priced.
b2b examples
eg. software-construction company, computers-school board
business to consumer (b2c)
focus on consumer goods, invest in generating demand/popularity
b2c examples
superbowl ads, mcd’s $1 drink
marketing mix (4 ps)
product, price, place, promotion
point of 4 p’s
helps meet business objectives
item or service business sells/offers to meet the needs of customers. good product - quality, design, features, benefits
product - answer to questions
what p/g should we sell? how should it be branded?
the amount of money customers will pay for your p/s. consider competitors, willingness, cost of creation, sensitivity to changes in price
price - answer to questions
how much should we charge? what is our pricing strategy?
refers to where your product or service will be sold
place - answer to question
where will we sell our product or service? how will we distribute our products?
set of activities that are used to communicate your product/service to customers. includes ads, digital/direct marketing, sponsorships, PR, etc.
promotion - answer to question
what is the best way to get our message to consumers? what do we want to communicatie to our consumers?
determining the best way to get a company’s p/s to the customer. e.g. retailer, wholesaler, manufacturer, online
place vs convenience
know how the target market prefers to buy p/s. starting to become less relevant due to internet
marketing information management
gathering and using information about customers to improve business decision making
establishing and communicating value of goods
price vs value
price is what you pay, value is what you get
product/service management
designing, developing, maintaning, improving and acquiring g/s so they meet customer needs
dialogue between company & customer - method of delivery, timing of communication, the message, who communicates the message
includes direct and personal communication with customers to assess and satisfy current and future needs
sports n enetertainment WITH
plannning & implementing activities associated with the p/g
sports n enetertainment THROUGH
plannning & implementing activities associated through the p/g
through example
car company sponsors popular sport event while using it to promote their vehicles
with example
sports apparel brand markets own products directly
with in s&e
usually the p/g is relatable to s&e
through in s&e
non-sport or non-entertainment company uses s&e to market their product
what is a need
essential for survival, well-being and functionality. they are universal and purchasing descisons are made based on practicality and functionality
need examples
food, water, shelter, clothing, healthcare
what is a want
desire that go beyong basic necessities & influenced by preference, aspiration, tastes. wants contribute to higher quality of life
want examples
high-end fashion, premium gadgets, travel, leisure activities, entertainment
key characteristics (wants)
subjective, varies, cultural/social/perspnal influence, not essential for survival
example of an evolving need
need for diapers as a parent
example of evolving want
trends that influence us - focus on wellbeing
consumer motivation
reasoning behind why consumers purchase p/g. based on needs, wants and desires. all consumers have different motivations
maslows hierarchy of needs
hierarchy that states the different levels of needs from most to least essential for survival
physiological needs
basic needs. e.g. air, water, shelter, sleep, clothing, reproduction
safety needs
to feel & be secure. e.g. personal security, employment, resources, health, property
love & belonging
support system. e.g. friendship, intimacy, family, sense of connection
for confidence. e.g. respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, strength, freedom
desire to become the most that one can be. e.g. following dream, be true to yourself, inner peace
key aspects of maslows hierarchy
lower needs usually need to be met before higher ones can. e.g. its hard to focus on following your dreams, or travelling, if you can’t provide shelter for yourself
these needs influence and motivate consumer behaviour
higher the level, harder to satisfy
other factors that influence purchasing decisions
income, peer influence, social responsibility, ethics, technology
gross income
income you make before paying taxes
disposable income
money left over after taxes
discretionary income
money left after paying all expenses
low-income consumers
price is often most important factor
high-income consumers
brand and quality are more important
peer influence
through friends and family. often buy same brands our peers have and ask for their recs.
social responsibility
often want to buy from brands that make positive change. (lgbtq support, charity supporting, etc)
enhances shopping experience
decision making process
process you go through when making a decison whether to purchase an item.
step 1 - need/probem recognition
consumer recognizes the need for p/g
step 2 - information search
consumer gathers info on p/g
step 3 - evaluation of alternatives
consumer looks at the choices available
step 4 - purchase decision
consumer purchases product
step 5 - post-purchase evaluation
consumer reflects on purchase made
potential market
anyone who is interested in the p/g and who has means to purchase it
target market
group of people that a company wants to reach with its p/g. group is identified based on shared characteristics
market segmentation
process of dividing up market into subsets of customers who share common characteristics
market segmentation dividends
demographics, geogaphics, psychographics, behaviour
age, gender, family life cycle, income, education, ethnicity & culture
activities, interests, opinions, values
grouping of customers based on where they life (urban, suburban, rural) and climate
purchase behaviour, benefits they look for, how and when product/service is used, how often its used
heavy users
most lucrative. marketers aim to build brand loyalty in this group
medium-light users
marketers attempt to turn them into heavy users with pricing deals, contests, ads, etc.
those who dont ever nor plan to use the product, those entering category for first time ever
maple leaf founded date
netflix founded date
who won most superbowls
pittsburgh steelers
definition of sports
consists of normal physical actvity or skill. carried out under publically agreed set of rules. can be recreational, for self-enjoyment, to obtain excellence, develop skill, or a combination
professional athlete
an athlete who has the will and ability to earn an income from a particular sport
profession category
includes nba, nhl, nfl, pwhl
marketing organizatios in the pros
league events presented by franchises which have their own marketing departments. revenue comes thorgh broadcasting, rickets, sponsoring, licensing agreements. commissioner usually heads a league
recreational sports
golf, tennis, bowling, hiking, skiing, snowboarding
amateur athlete
an athlete who has never accepted money, or who accepts money under restrictions specified by a regulatory body, for participatig in a competition
college/uni - NCAA & U Sports
national organizations that governs college/uni athletics and oversees important decisions pertaining to athletics
what is NCAA
National College Athletic Association
high school sports
source of pride and tradition in many communities. regional influence affect popularity of sports in north america
form of competition using video games. often a form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as team
olympic sports
first held in 776 BC (Olympia, Greece). only event was 192 metere. grew and was abolished, but then brought back. used to be only amatuers.
paralympics n special olympics
designed for athletes with a range of physical and intellectual disabilities.
international sporting events
soccer ( world cup), biking (tour de france), cricket, rugby
women sports
advanced immensely in 20th century. title IX advanced girls participation in sports in the US. its a law that bans gender discrimination in schools that recieve federal funds.
billie jean king
was sportswoman of the year in 1972, founded womens tennis association (WTA). defeated Bobby Riggs in “Battle of the Sexes” in 1973.
women sports today
there is a WNBA, National womens soccer league (NWSL), multiple european soccer cloubs, PWHL, etc. the stadiums arent as big, but are growing rapidly
extreme sports
relatively new. they are sports that involve nontraditional, daring methods of athletic competition
extreme sports examples
snowboarding, skateboarding, rollerblading, biking, surfing
what is entertainment
whatever people are willing to spend their money and spare time viewing rather than participating in. designed to relax, amuse or provide distraction
live performances
unique experiences. energy and interaction set them apart. there is also a level of cultural importance
live performance examples
theater, concerts, comedy shows, circus performances, etc.
digital entertainent
fast-growing form. on-demand content. allows for everyday people to become content-creators. changed how people consume and create entertainment
digital entertainment examples
tv shows, movies, yt, video games, podcasts
sports n games
pro sports, esports, board games. some are cultural cornerstones
social and interactive entertainment
more physical and social interaction. creates experiences through group participation. engages multiple senses and offers range of activities
social and interactive entertainment examples
amusement parks, escape rooms, festivals, fairs, etc.
artistic expression
creativity and emotional engagement. diffferent forms communicate personal or societal messages. promotes critical thinking as well as appreciation for culture n creativity