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3 subphyla of chordata
cephalochordates, urochordates, vertebrates
4 defining characteristics of chordata
pharyngeal gill slits
dorsal hollow nerve cord
post anal tail
pharyngeal gill slits
openings into throat
nerve cord
nerve cord that run the length of body, comprised of projections from neurons
supportive & flexible rod, runs length of body
(lancelets) small, mobile suspension feeders, resemble fish, notochord functions as endoskeleton in adults, sexual external reproduction, separate sexes
(tunicates) tunic, U shaped gut, 2 siphons, consist of sea squirts, suspension feeders, sexual & asexual reproduction, internal or external
sea squirt
type of tunic, live on ocean floor, incurrent & excurrent siphon
type of tunic, live in open ocean, moves via jet propulsion, internal feeding net that filters water inside , complex life cycle
2 distinguishing synapomorphies of vertebrates
vertebrae that form column along dorsal sides, protect spinal column
cranium is bony, cartilaginous or fibrous tha enclose and protects brain
column of cartilaginous or bony structures that form column along dorsal sides of most species, protect spinal cord
bony cartilaginous case that encloses and protects the brain
3 distinct regions of vertebrate brains
forebrain, cerebrum, midbrain, hindbrain
houses sense smell in brain, part used to form cerebrum
part of brain stem, associated with vision
part of brain responsible for balance and hearing
jawed vertebrates
part of brain stem, associated with vision, hearing motor control, sleep and wake cycles, arousal (alertness), and temperature regulation
strong but flexible tissue
bony exoskeleton
series of scalelike plates, first fossils to contain bone
bony endoskeleton
function to support movement, evolved after bony exoskeleton
amniotic eggs
watertight eggs have membranes to nourish and protect embryos; all tetrapods, besides amphibians
series of key innovation in vertebrates
bony exoskeleton
bony endoskeleton
limbs capable of moving on land
amniotic egg
rib cage to support lung function
swim bladder
allows fish to alter their bouyancy
key vertebrate innovations
vertebrate jaw
bony endoskeleton
swim bladder
tetrapod limb
really slimy creatures, not vertebrates, craniates, no vertebral column, scavengers
vertebrates, no jaws, small pieces of cartilage slong dorsal hollow nerve cord, ectoparasites, metamorphosis
jaw evolution
4 arches fused to form
have long elongated tail, flat, whip and venomous spine
thicker tail, caudal fin, flatter
3 ways of shark reproduction
oviparous, viviparous, ovovivaparous
class actinoptergii
vertebrata, swim bladder, external fertilization, eggs require parental care
class osteichthyes
ray finned fishes?
class actinistia
coelacanths, lobe finned fishes, have muscles and bones similar to tetrapods in lobe fins, sexual & external, ovoviparous, closest living relative to amphibians and mammals
class dipnoi
lungfish, lobe finned fishes, have muscles and bones similar to tetrapods in lobe fins, sexual & external, ovoviparous, closest living relative to amphibians and mammals
tetrapod innovations
tetrapod limb
amniotic egg
rib cage and lungs
feathers and flight
parental care
pterosaurs, bats, birds
wings evolved independently in which 3 groups
amphibian 3 clades
anura, urodela, apoda
frogs and toads (no tail), reproduction oviparous, external
salamanders (visible tail), reproduction oviparous, internal
caecilians (no legs), reproduction viviparous, internal
Class Amphibia (vertebrata)
carnivores, lay eggs in water, four limbs, sexual reproduction in water, dramatic metamorphosis to land dwelling adults,
monophyletic, openings in side of skull where jaw muscles pass, scales, well developed lungs, amniotic eggs
amniotic egg
4 membranes, 1 external, 3 internal, membranes provides mechanical support and surface area for gas exchange
watertight shell, food supply and water, waste repository
amniotic egg functions
protective inner membrane where embryo develops
yolk sac
internal membrane that contains nutrients for embryo
internal membrane that contains waste in amniotic egg
external membrane that allows gas exchange in egg
water with protein rich solution that provides water and mechanical support in amniotic eggs
Reptilia major lineages
Squamata, Testudines, Crocodilia, Aves
lizards & snakes,
well developed jointed legs, small reptiles with elongated bodies and scaly skin, smaller will be predators, larger will be herbivorous, lay eggs, many are ovoviparous
limbless, carnivores, fangs to inject poison, lays eggs, many ovoviparous
turtles, freshwater, marine, terrestrial environments, shell of bony plates, lack teeth, form beak from jawbone and lower skull, marine carnivorous, tortoises herbivores, all oviparous
crocodiles & alligators, freshwater & marine, eyes on top of head, nostrils on snout, predators (can be semisubmerged), sex determined by what temperature egg is incubated, strong parental care
Birds, unique respiratory system, one way flow of air, 9 air sacs, oxygen flows opposite to blood, endotherms, omnivores and predators, oviparous with strong parental care, hollow bones, keel
do not use internally generated heat to regulate body temp (all reptiles except birds)
projection from bird sternum, large surface area, for flight muscles to attach
hair/fur, mammary glands, endothermy, enlarged brains, specialized hearing
mammals distinguishing characteristics
3 lineages of mammals
monotremata, marsupialia, eutheria
primitive reptile that a group of mammals evolved from
temporal fenestra
hole behind eye in skull
3 species, platypus & 2 echidna, oviparous, leathery beak/bill, milk patches
have placenta, viviparous, young born underdeveloped w short embryonic period, develop while attached to mothers nipple until they grow large enough to move independently
placental mammals, larger placenta, viviparous, young better developed at birth
organ that is rich in blood vessels and facilitates flow of oxygen and nutrients from mother to embryo
development time of embryo in mothers body
better temperature to grow in
retaining embryo advantages
foramen ovule
hole b/w right & left atrium that allow blood to flow through atria
ductus arteriosis
connects pulmonary artery & aorta, and shunts blood away from lungs and into aorta
ductus venosus
shunts blood from liver to heart
4 majors groups of australopithecus, paranthropus, early homo, recent homo, bipedal,
foramen magnum
hole in back of skull, placements determines how animals walked
walking upright on two legs
FOXP2 gene
gene essential for human language