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The upward force that works against gravity in water.
Air vs Water buoyancy
Air is less buoyant than water.
Adaptations for life on land
Limbs develop and skeletal and muscular systems become stronger due to the need to move against gravity.
Oxygen availability in water vs air
Oxygen is dissolved in water and must be removed by gills, while oxygen is more readily available in air.
Function of lungs in land animals
Lungs enable animals to extract oxygen from air more efficiently than gills.
Heat retention in water
Water holds heat, so its temperature does not change quickly compared to air.
Temperature changes in air vs water
Temperature changes occur more rapidly in air than in water.
Behavioral adaptations to temperature extremes
Animals develop behaviors, such as migration, to protect against extreme temperatures.
Sound wave travel in water vs air
Sound waves travel more quickly through water than through air.
Lateral line system
A sensory system in aquatic animals that cannot detect sound in air.
Evolution of ears in land animals
Animals develop ears that detect sound waves in the air.