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When did the Abyssinian crisis take place ?
Who invaded Abyssinia ?
Italy under the rule of Mussolini
What were their motives ?
Following a humiliating defeat in their previous attempt to invade in 1896 they wanted revenge
What were Mussolini’s motives ?
He needed a popularity boost after facing economic issues
To make up for not receiving a share of Turkish and German colonies in 1919
Why did Mussolini believe this would work ?
He knew that Abyssynia’s weapons were outdated.
How did their attack begin ?
In late 1934 italian forces built up in eritrea and somaliland, then in october ‘35 25,000 soldiers attacked even though there was no formal declaration of war.
What was the Hoare Laval pact ?
A secret deal made in december 1935 between Britain, France and Italy that stated Italy would receive two thirds of Abyssinia if they ended the war.
Why did the pact fail ?
Mussolini accepted however the deal was leaked to French press which lead to protests in Britain and France and the deal was abandoned
When was the Abyssinian capital captured ?
May 1936
When were sanctions lifted ?
July 1936
What was the League’s response
They didn’t want a repeat of the incompetence that had been witnessed at manchuria so they condemned italy’s actions and imposed economic sanctions.
Why was the League’s response ineffective ?
War materials like Coal and oil weren’t excluded and the suez canal was kept open to protect British Gibraltar and Malta