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what is addiction ?
ingestion of substance or engagement in activity that is compulsive and interferes with daily life and responsibilities
what is the difference between habituation and addiction ?
habituation involves a desire but not compulsion or dependence, does not lead to tolerance like addiction does
over time larger doses needed for same effect
what are the physical effects of addiction ?
dependence on substance or behaviour to avoid withdrawal symptoms
what are the psychological effects of addiction ?
preoccupation and neglect of other activities, relationships etc.
continue despite harm
according to ICD-10 you need how many of the following 6 criteria for a diagnosis of addiction ?
3 or more in past year
psychodynamic explanation
addiction = form of self-regulation/medication
psychodynamic treatment
free association
what is free association ?
therapy practice - say first thing that comes to mind
establish links between thoughts and addiction
aims to override defence mechanisms
psychodynamic defence mechanisms
denial repression displacement
behavioural explanation
classical conditioning - associate person, place etc. with drugs
Wickler 1948
opioid users in group therapy displayed “conditioned withdrawal” where talking about the relapse itself produced physical withdrawal symptoms similar to those of actual pharmalogical withdrawal
what is contingency management ?
strategy used in drug abuse treatment - provides pts with positive reinforcement when meeting treatment goals
pros and cons of contingency management
highly effective and cost effective
less effective for behavioural addiction
cognitive explanation
dysfunctional thinking patterns and beliefs cause cognitive vulnerability
what are the 3 types of dysfunctional belief
anticipatory, relief-oriented, facilitative or permissive
cognitive treatment
case conceptualisation - identify beliefs about drug use and thoughts that are maintaining addiction or make them more prone to relapse and modify them
what are the 4 key components of case conceptualisation ?
childhood experiences
dysfunctional belief
conditional assumptions
compensatory strategies
conditional assumptions
implicit rules about the self
compensatory strategies
behaviours for coping with difficult core beliefs