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20 billion
The brain consists of roughly ___________ neurons
Prosencephalon, Mesencephalon, Rhombencephalon
what are the 3 primary brain vesicles that are formed in the forth week of development?
telencephalon and diencephalon
what is formed by the prosencephalon at 6 weeks development?
Metencephalon and Myelencephalon
what is formed by the rhombencephalon at 6 weeks development?
what brain regions are formed from the mesencephalon?
what primary brain vesicle later forms the cerebrum, epithalamus, thalamus, and hypothalamus
what primary brain vesicle later forms the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata
medulla oblongata
relays information to the thalamus and brainstem/regulates heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion
Relays information to the cerebellum and the thalamus/regulates somatic and visceral motor center
mesencephalon (midbrain)
processes visual and auditory data/maintains consciousness and alertness/involved with reflexive somatic motor responses to stimuli
relays information to the cerebrum/processes sensory information
involved in emotions, thirst, some habitual activity/connects to the pituitary gland
(hypophysis) via the infundibulum
coordinates somatic motor function/adjusts output of somatic motor centers resulting in smooth operation
conscious thought processes/intellectual functions. Memory storage/conscious regulation of skeletal muscle contractions
grooves in the cerebrum
ridges in the cerebrum
bones, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid, blood-brain barrier, blood supply
what elements are involved in protection of the skull
dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
3 layers of the cranial meninges from. outermost to inermost
periosteal cranial dura
• Outermost layer of the dura mater
• This is the layer felt within the anterior fontanelle of a baby
• Fused to the periosteum lining of the cranial bones
Meningeal cranial dura
Innermost layer of the dura mater
spaces between 2 layers of the cranial dura
what creates dural sinuses?
falx cerebri
Meningeal layer that extends into the longitudinal fissure
superior sagittal sinus and inferior sagittal sinus
what main sinuses are contained in the falx cerebri?
tentorium cerebelli
Separates the cerebellar hemispheres from the cerebral hemispheres
transverse sinus
what main sinuses are contained in the tentorium cerebelli?
subdural space
space between arachnoid mater and meningeal cranial dura
arachnoid granulations
the arachnoid mater contains projections called ___________ where SF flows through to enter into venous circulation
hypothalamus, capillaries in pineal gland, capillaries in choroid plexus, capillaries in posterior lobe of pituitary gland
What are the Four major regions within brain where the blood brain barrier (BBB) is different from rest of brain?
prevents neural tissue from touching surrounding bones, supports brain, transports nutrients, transports waste
function of cerebrospinal fluid
ependymal cells in the choroid plexus
where is CSF produced?
medulla oblongata
continuous with the spinal cord to the brainstem, all info passes through during communication between brain and spinal cord
Gracile nucleus and cuneate nucleus
Pass somatic sensory information to the thalamus
Solitary nucleus
Receives visceral sensation from the spinal nerves and cranial nerves
olivary nuclei
▪ Pass information from the cerebrum, spinal cord, diencephalon, and brainstem to the cerebellum
▪ create the olives (bulges on the medulla oblongata)))
what cranial nerves are located in the medulla oblongata?
what cranial nerves are located in the pons?
controls breathing and relays cerebellar commands
functions of the pons
apneustic center
increases the rate of breathing
pneumotaxic center
decreases the rate of breathing
another name for the midbrain
corpora quadrigemina
pairs of nuclei found in the midbrain are collectively called….
inferior colliculi
Auditory processing occurs in the __________
superior colliculi
The part of the midbrain where visual processing occurs is the __________
Contains the pineal gland/produces melatonin
-Subconscious control of skeletal muscles
– Heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and digestive functions
– Secretion of antidiuretic hormone (via the supraoptic nucleus) and oxytocin (via the paraventricular nucleus)
– Emotional and behavioral drives and thirst drives
cerebellar cortex
subconscious coordination of movements
arbor vitae
subconscious coordination of movements
superior cerebellar peduncles
connect cerebellum with mesencephalon, diencephalon, and cerebrum
middle cerebellar peduncles
communicate between cerebellum and pons
inferior cerebellar peduncles
connect cerebellum with the medulla oblongata
frontal lobe
conscious control of skeletal muscles
occipital lobe
perception of visual stimuli
parietal lobe
conscious perception of touch, pressure, vibration, pain, temperature, and taste
temporal lobe
conscious perception of auditory and olfactory stimuli/deep is the insula
precentral gyrus
– Anterior to the central sulcus
– Neurons direct voluntary movements by controlling somatic motor neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord
– Consists of primary motor cortex and pyramidal cells
postcentral gyrus
– Consists of the primary somatosensory cortex
– Posterior to the central sulcus
– Neurons receive somatic sensory information for touch, pressure, pain, taste, and are associated with visual cortex, auditory cortex, olfactory cortex, and gustatory cortex
Somatosensory association area
allows for the understanding of size, form, and texture
premotor cortex
uses memories of learned movement to coordinate motor activities
visual association area
visually recognizes and interprets objects
auditory association area
recognizes sound
wernicke’s area
analytical area/plays a role in personality
speech center or brocas area
speech production / regulates breathing pattern for speech
receptive speech area
Adjusts the speech based on feedback from auditory stimuli
Prefrontal lobotomy
removal of a lobe of prefrontal cortex
prefrontal cortex
Performs complicated learning and reasoning functions
left hemisphere
hemisphere that is the speech center, writing, language, mathematics
right hemisphere
hemisphere that is analysis by touch, spatial visualization
association fibers
Tracts that interconnect areas of neural cortex within a hemisphere
commissural fibers
Tracts that connect the two hemispheres
projection fibers
tracts that link the cerebrum with other regions of the brain and spinal cord
basal nuclei
masses of gray matter embedded in the white matter inferior to the lateral ventricles
Caudate Nucleus and Putamen
Control the cycles of arm and leg movements when walking
Globus Pallidus
Adjusts muscle tone to prepare for walking
the limbic system
located between the cerebrum and the diencephalon just superior to the corpus callosum
how many pairs of. cranial nerves are there?
cranial nerves are numbered beginning at the ________ aspect of the brain
Sensory (smell)
Function of olfactory nerve I
Sensory (vision)
Function of optic nerve II
Controls extra-ocular eye muscles
Function of oculomotor nerves III
controls the superior oblique eye muscle/motor
Function of trochlear nerves IV
sensory and motor function
function of trigeminal nerves V
motor- control superior oblique eye muscles
Function of trochlear nerves VI
controls eye movements/motor function
function of the abducens nerves VI
• myelencephalon
Which secondary brain vesicle gives rise to the medulla oblongata at birth?
• telencephalon
• metencephalon
• diencephalon
• myelencephalon
• choroid plexus, third ventricle, cerebral aqueduct, fourth ventricle
Which of the following is the correct sequence of the flow of CSF associated with the brain?
• choroid plexus, third ventricle, lateral ventricle, fourth ventricle
• choroid plexus, cerebral aqueduct, third ventricle, fourth ventricle
• choroid plexus, lateral ventricle, median aperture, third ventricle,
cerebral aqueduct, fourth ventricle
• choroid plexus, third ventricle, cerebral aqueduct, fourth ventricle
• Even when circulating glucose levels are low, endothelial cells
continue to transport glucose from the blood to the interstitial fluid of
the brain.
Which of the following statements regarding endothelial transport across the blood brain barrier is TRUE?
• Endothelial cells passively absorb glycine from the interstitial fluid of
the brain and secrete it into the blood.
• It is neither selective nor directional.
• Even when circulating glucose levels are low, endothelial cells
continue to transport glucose from the blood to the interstitial fluid of
the brain.
• The permeability characteristics of the endothelial lining of the brain
capillaries are in some way dependent on chemicals secreted by
ependymal cells.
• cerebrum, thalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
Going from superior to inferior, which of the following is the correct sequence of brain structures?
• cerebrum, midbrain, thalamus, pons, medulla oblongata
• cerebrum, thalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
• cerebrum, thalamus, pons, midbrain, medulla oblongata
• medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, thalamus, cerebrum
• trochlear, oculomotor, abducens
Which of the following cranial nerves control the extra-ocular eye muscles?
• oculomotor, trochlear, optic
• oculomotor, facial, abducens
• trochlear, oculomotor, abducens
• optic, abducens, oculomotor
controls muscles of the face and sensations from the face (taste)
function of the facial nerves VII
balance and hearing
function of the vestibulocochlear nerves VIII
tongue pain sensation and motor function
function of the glossopharyngeal nerves IX
receives sensory information from organs, sends motor information to organs
function of the vagus nerves X
controls the sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, palate, pharynx, and larynx muscles
function of the accessory nerves XI
controls tongue movement
function of the hypoglossal nerves XII
establishes emotional states, links conscious and unconscious functions, facilitates memory storage and retrieval
what are the functions of the limbic system?
the fornix
Tract of white matter connecting the hippocampus with the hypothalamus
mammillary bodies
control reflex movements associated with eating
limbic lobe and hippocapmus
what makes up the limbic system?
Falx cerebelli
Extends from the tentorium cerebelli to separate the cerebellar hemispheres
Diaphragma sellae
Lines the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone
• It anchors the dura mater to the sphenoid bone
• It encases the pituitary gland