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Robber Baron
A business leader who became wealthy through dishonest methods
Gilded Age
A nickname for the late 1800's, describing how the wealth of a few masked society's problems
Places where workers labor long hours under poor conditions for low wages
Assembly Line
A method that enabled goods to be made faster and better in factories
The rapid growth of cities
Haymarket Affair
An important conflict that symbolized the struggle between labor unions and government and business
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
A preventable factory tragedy that killed girls and women, spurring the movement for better working conditions
Being targeted - ranging from picked on, jailed or harmed - because of who you are
City apartments with HORRIBLE conditions where poor people lived
Industrial Revolution
1800's, change from hand tools to factories and farming to manufacturing
To change something to make it better
Dates of Industrial Revolution
Progressive Era
Early 1900's movement focused on economic and social injustice, the power of big business, and political corruption.
Labor Union
A group of workers who band together to seek better working conditions
When labor unions refuse to work until employers give them what they want
Wage Slavery
Working for very low wages and not able to get out of it
People who start, build and buy and sell businesses to make money