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Binary Search Tree: Recursive Insert_Node
static TreeNode insert(KeyType key, ValueType value, TreeNode t);
Node * BSTree::insert_node(Node * t, string key){
if(t == nullptr){
return new Node(key);}
if (key < t->key){
t->left = insert_node(t->left, key);
else if (key > t->key){
t->right = insert_node(t->right, key);
return t;
We will add to the tree depending on the value of the node is greater than or less than the parent node
Uses recursion
Inserts checks if nullptr
Binary Search Tree: Inserting in a Sorted order
O(N) (Would become a linked list)
Binary Search Tree: Inserting in a random order
O(Log n)
Binary Search Tree: Iterative Find_Node
Node * BSTree::find_node(Node * t, string key)
Node * BSTree::find_node(Node * t, string key){
if(t == nullptr){
return nullptr;}
Node * current = t;
while(current != nullptr){
if(current->key == key){
return current;
if(key < current->key){
current = current->left;}
else if(key > current->key){
current = current->right;}
return nullptr;
Binary Search Tree: Find() in a Sorted order
Binary Search Tree: Find() in a Random order
O(Log n)
Binary Search Tree: Recursive Remove_Node
Node * BSTree::delete_node(Node * t, string key)
Node * BSTree::delete_node(Node * t, string key){
if(t == nullptr){return t;}
if (key < t->key)
t->left = delete_node(t->left, key);
else if (key > t->key){
t->right = delete_node(t->right, key);
// key == t->key
else {
// Case 1: Node has one or no child
if (t->left == nullptr || t->right == nullptr) {
Node * child = t->left ? t->left : t->right;
if (child == nullptr) {
child = t;
t = nullptr;
} else { // ONE CHILD CASE
*t = *child; // COPY DATA FROM CHILD
delete child;
// Case 2: Node has two children
else {
// find min of right-subtree
Node * succ = left_most(t->right);
// swap the succ and the one you are deleting
swap(t->key, succ->key);
// Deltete node
t->right = delete_node(t->right, key);
return t;
3 Cases:
We are removing a leaf node → Remove a single node
We are removing a node w/ a single child → Replace with child node
We are removing a node w/ two children → swap with minimum of the right subtree and delete
Binary Search Tree: Remove() in a Random order
O(Log n)
Binary Search Tree: Remove() in a Sorted order
Pre-Order Traversal
void BST::pre_order_print(ostream & out, Node * t){
if(t == nullptr){
out << t-> key << " ";
pre_order_print(out, t->left);
pre_order_print(out, t->right);
Root → Left → Right
In-Order Traversal
void BST::in_order_print(ostream & out, Node * t){
if(t == nullptr){
in_order_print(out, t->left);
out << t-> key << " ";
in_order_print(out, t->right);
Left → Root → Right
Post Order Traversal
void BST::post_order_print(ostream & out, Node * t){
if(t == nullptr){
post_order_print(out, t->left);
post_order_print(out, t->right);
out << t-> key << " ";
Left → Right → Root
AVL Tree: Insert()
Node * AVLTree::insert_node(Node * t, string key)
Node * AVLTree::insert_node(Node * t, string key){
if(t == nullptr){
return new Node(key);}
if (key < t->key){
t->left = insert_node(t->left, key);
else if (key > t->key){
t->right = insert_node(t->right, key);
return rebalance(t);
Same as BST, we just need to call rebalance
When do we use recursion for bst?
AVL Trree: Inserting in a Sorted order
O(Log N)
AVL Trree: Inserting in a Random order
O(Log N)
AVL Tree: Rebalance()
Node * AVLTree::rebalance(Node * t){
int balance = get_balance(t);
if (balance > 1) {
if (get_balance(t->left) < 0){
t->left = left_rotate(t->left);
return right_rotate(t);
} else if (balance < -1) {
if (get_balance(t->right ) > 0){
t->right = right_rotate(t->right);
return left_rotate(t);
return t;
We check the value of get_balance to see if our graph is skewed to the left or right
Then we perform a left or right rotate accordingly
Left Rotate
Node * AVLTree::left_rotate(Node * x){
Node * y = x->right;
Node * T2 = y->left;
y->left = x;
x->right = T2;
return y;
Right Rotate
Node * AVLTree::right_rotate(Node * y){
Node * x = y->left;
Node * T2 = x->right;
x->right = y;
y->left = T2;
return x;