Hungarian Uprising

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When did Stalin die?

March 1953

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When did Khrushchev come to power?


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Where did Khruschev visit and what did he do?

Yugoslavia and apologised for Stalins actions

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What did Khruschev do at Geneva?

Met with western leaders in 1st time in over a decade

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Khruschev's Secret Speech

denounced Stalins policies
and wanted peaceful co-existence without capitalist nations

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What other actions did Khruschev take in 'de-stalinisation'?

-broke up cominform
-spoke of different roads of socialism

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How did Western promises contribute to the Hungarian Uprising?

Hungarians believed help would come from UN or Eisenhower

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How did poverty contribute to the Hungarian Uprising?

Hungary was poor yet much of the goods/foods was sent by the USSR

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How did help from Yugoslavia contribute to the Hungarian Uprising?

Ràkosi asked for permission to arrest 400 'troublemakers'. Yugoslavia convinced Khruschev to replace him

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How did Nationalism contribute to the Hungarian Uprising?

Hungarians were very patriotic and hated soviet control

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How did the Catholic Chruch contribute to the Hungarian Uprising?

banned and cardinal Jószef Mindszenty, the leader, in prison

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How did oppression lead to the Hungarian Uprising?

secret police
control of education

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What happened in June 1956?

In June 1956, the Hungarian people began to protest against Rákosi's regime, and Moscow replaced him with Ernő Gerő

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What happened on October 23rd 1956

students took to the streets and were supported by the workers and the Hungarian army.

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What happened on 24th of October 1956?

Imre Nagy, a moderate communist was named as leader

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What happened on October 25th 1956?

Soviet tanks opened fire killing 12 and wounding 100+
-Nagy forced to resign but reinstated the same day

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What happened on October 30th 1956?

Nagy released political prisoners, the most famous being cardinal mindszenty

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What did Nagy do on the 1st of November?

Nagy announced free elections and withdrawal from Warsaw Pact and Hungarian neutrality

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What happened on 4th of November?

200,000 soviet troops and 6000 ranks crossed border

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What did the troops do?

Quickly captured airports,bridges and key road junctions

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When did the Hungarian Uprising end?

ceasefire on 10th of November but fighting until 1957

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How many Hungarians fled the country?


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What did Nagy say regarding the ceasefire

this is not a counter revolution. this is a fight for freedom

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