________ depend on diplomas to determine who is eligible for a job.
________ transformed education, machinery jobs and new jobs required workers to be able to read, write, and comprehend numbers accurately.
Educational system
________ is a tool used by those in control to maintain their dominance.
________ reproduces the social class structure, as well as societys divisions of race- ethnicity.
________: students who did not complete grade school.
Conflict perspective
________: perpetuating social inequality.
Social sciences
________: study of individuals, societies, and communities.
Natural sciences
________: branch of science that deals with the physical world.
________ is a formal system of teaching knowledge, values, an skills.
students who did not complete grade school
Education in the most industrialised nation
Core value
solidarity in a group
Education is the industrialising nation
Social sciences
study of individuals, societies, and communities
Natural sciences
branch of science that deals with the physical world
Education in the least industrialised nation
Conflict perspective
perpetuating social inequality
Funnelling effect of education
children of certain ethnicities are guaranteed to get a good education while others are not