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Musical Alphabet
A collection of notes, dynamics, and other symbols to make sheet music
Counting Letter Names
Used to find distance between notes. Start from the bottom note and count it as “1”
Two notes that are eight letter names apart
a tone that sounds high or low
Pitch class
Notes that are in the same octave
Middle C
The C closest to the middle of the keyboard
Raises the note up to the very next note (i.e. C-C#)
Lowers the note down to the very next note (i.e. D-Db)
One note that has two different names (C# & Db are the same note)
Symbols like sharp or flat that raises or lowers the note
Cancels a sharp or flat and returns the note to its “natural” place
The distance between two notes
Half Step or Semitone
Moving from one note to the next closest note on the keyboard
Whole Step or Whole Tone
Made from two half steps and has one note (black or white) in between
Double Sharp
Raises the note two half steps (or a whole step)
Double Flat
Lowers a note two half steps (or a whole step)