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II cor 1:3
The God of all comfort comforts us in all our afflictions so that we may be able to comfort others in any affliction
II cor 1:21-22
And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us and who has also put his seal on us
II cor 4:17
For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison
II cor 5:15
He died for all that this who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who, for their sake, died and has raised
II cor 5:21
For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God
How much should we give to Christian ministries?
Whatever we will give cheerfully and generously
List 3 things you want to remember from Christian Counseling for All Occasions
God works in all circumstances to conform us to the image of His son,
Most of what we do is motivated be fleshly desires,
feel or pain don't numb it
What 2 attributes of God are challenged by the question of why God allows suffering?
Power and Good
How do many believers relate to the story of Joseph being imprisoned in Egypt?
Their character was refined by trials
How do we have deep consolation and strength to face the brutal realities of life?
God's with us even in our worst suffering
The Church is filled with what kind of people?
Immature and broken people
If a believer does II Peter 3:18, what 3 things does Keller claim will be the result?
Grow in great fullness,
serve others,
have concern for the poor
List 4 possible responses to a crisis or trial in our life?
Deny, despair, distract, faith/hope/love
What is Paul's purpose for writhing II cor?
To demonstrate that God's power is perfect made in our weakness
________ from the world enhances _________ to Jesus?
Detachment, attachment
What is a prayer we should pray along with, "Lord change my circumstances?"
Thy will be done
Why is Christianity not a self improvement program?
Our focus should be on Jesus not on us and God must do what we can't
Part of the purpose of suffering is to drive us to _________ on God alone.
List 3 things that true confession of sin includes
Admission of sin, acceptance of God's forgiveness, turning away from sin
What does Keller claim is the greatest agony a person can experience
The loss of a relationship we desperately want
How did Jesus experience such an agony to the extreme?
Total separation from God
How many bible passages talk about prayer? Faith? Money?
Prayer=500, faith=500, money=2300
What is the primary purpose of the Holy Spirit?
Glorify and call attention to Jesus
List 4 wrong motives for desiring spiritual growth
1. Want success 2. Want God's acceptance 3. Want others approval 4. Feel better
What should we be preoccupied most with?
Give 2 reasons why it is vital for believers to continually hear the Gospel
We need to understand and appreciate God's forgiveness for us in Jesus
Why does god give more wealth to some people than others?
So that they may share it with the less fortunate
"The very trials which are satan's means to _______ our faith are God's instruments to ________ out faith."
Destroy; Strengthen
"Without Christ and His ________, we are trapped in our trials with a God of _________."
Cross; Wrath
"What really damns is the personal ________ to believe God's _________ and grace for us in Jesus."
Refusal; Love
What type of suffering do believers often not take into account?
What is the worst trial that befalls all people?
Suffering seems to _________ unbelievers but ________ believers.
Harden; Soften
To grow spiritually, what do we need to better understand or remember?
Our sins are forgiven
Common grace
The gifts God gives to all people
The significant events in life
godly sorrow
Hate sin and what is did to Jesus; leads to viewing self as wretched
Insignificant/ daily events
Worldly sorrow
Selfish hate of consequences of sin
Peace, harmony, wholeness
Agree with
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