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Narrative Poem
a long story told in verse form
Example of Narrative Poem
an epic
Lyric Poem
a brief, personal poem that uses many sound devices, as well as rhythm and meter, and is filled with emotion,
Examples of Lyric Poems
sonnets, odes, elegies
Ballad Poem
a type of poem that is actually meant to be sung and is both lyric and narrative in nature
two similar things that are compared using words such as “like”, “than”, “as”, or “resembles”
makes a comparison between two unlike things
Direct Metaphor
the literal term and the figurative term are both named
Implied Metaphor
the literal term is named and the figurative term is implied
Extended Metaphor
a metaphor- direct or implied- that is developed over more than one line of poetry
giving human or animate objects to an animal, an object, or a concept
addressing someone absent or dead or something nonhuman as if it were alive and present and could reply
Literary Allusion
a reference to a person, place, or thing from previous literature
Examples of Literary Allusion
the Bible, Greek and Roman mythology, Shakespeare’s works
using exaggeration for emphasis, overstatement
a special form of understatement, it affirms something by negating the opposite
states one thing when in fact the opposite meaning is intended
a strong contrast of words, clauses, sentences, or ideas that shows opposing ideas through opposing grammatical structures
using a part of something to represent the whole thing
the substitution of one word for another closely associated word
a statement that although seemingly contradictory or absurd may actually be well-founded or true
something (object, person, situation, or action) that means more than what it is
the repetition at close intervals of the initial consonant sounds of certain words
the repetition at close intervals of middle or end consonant sounds of certain words
the similarity and repetition of vowel sounds of certain words at close intervals
the use of words that mimic their meaning in their sound
repeating a word or a phrase within a poem in order to make it easier to remember, emphasize an important idea, or give the poem structural integrity
the repetition of the structure of 2 or more lines in a peom
the listing of words, images, or attributes
the repetition of a word or phrase, or line (s) at definite intervals in a poem
a series of events in a narrative that is carefully constructed by the author for artistic purpose
Simple Narrative Account
chronological description of real events and is meant to tell what happened
Plotless Short Story
a very modern creation that is pleasurable to read and describes characters in a situation
In Media Ras
the story is opened in the middle of action and the past information is learned through flashbacks along the way
Frame Story
a story within a story
background information on the characters, setting, and other events necessary for understanding the story are given
the conflict is developed
anticipation as to the outcome of events is created
hints at later events
the interplay between opposing elements; the plot of a story is produced by and propelled by the conflict
Protagonist vs Self
internal struggle
Protagonist vs Others
external struggle with people, society
Protagonist vs Environment
external struggle with nature
Technical Climax
the turning point in the plot at which the outcome of the action is determined, the protagonist changes or has an opportunity to change at this point, after this conflict comes to an end
Dramatic Climax
the point of greatest interest or intensity of the story
the events following the technical climax in which the outcome is actually worked out
the final event of a story’s plot
the represented time and place of events in a literary work
Pathetic Fallacy
technique using setting or nature to parallel or mirror the mood of a character or of the story
a fictional personality created by an author
the technique a writer uses to create and reveal characters in a work of fiction
Expository Character Revelation
telling the reader about a character’s personality in a straightforward manner
Direct Character Revelation
showing the reader what a character is like through descriptions of thought, dialogue, action, etc.
the reasons that cause characters to act the way they do
the central character in a work of fiction; the character who sets the action of the plot in motion
the principal opponent of the main character; the person or thing working against the protagonist
Round Character
a character who is well described and whose thoughts and actions are clearly revealed during the development of the story
Flat Character
a character who is not well developed in a story
Dynamic Character
a character who grows, learns, or changes in some significant way throughout the story; the character is different at the end of the story than he was at the beginning
Static Character
a character who resists change or refuses to change during the story
Foil Character
a character who contrasts in some important way with a more important character
Consistent Character
a character whose speech, thoughts, and actions are what the reader has been lead to expect from that particular character
Stock Character
a type of character that is always found “in stock” in a particular type of story
Stereotyped Character
a character created according to widely held, often narrow-minded, ideas
Point of View
the physical and psychological relationship between the narrator and the story’s characters and events
First Person
the narrator is a character in the story
Third Person Objective
the narrator is not a character in the story and reports only what can be seen and heard
Third Person Limited Omniscient
the narrator is not a character in the story and reports not only what can be seen and heard, but also the thoughts and feelings of one of the characters
Third Person Omniscient
the narrator is not a character in the story and reports only what can be seen and heard, but also the thoughts and feelings of all of the important characters
a controlling idea of a literary work that is a general truth or commentary about life, people, and the world that is brought out in a story
describes the reader’s state of mind after she finishes the story
describes the general feeling of the story itself, usually established by the setting’s description
the distinctive handling of language by a writer through the purposeful selection of words and sentence structure
the purposeful selection of words
sentence structure
the author or speaker’s attitude toward the characters, events, or audience conveyed by details and descriptive words used by the author
the use of something concrete to represent something abstract; using a thing to represent an idea, concept, quality, or condition
contrast between the way things truly are and the way they appear to be
Verbal Irony
a discrepancy between the literal meaning of a word and the meaning actually conveyed; saying one thing but meaning another
Dramatic Irony
a discrepancy between knowledge held by a reader and a character’s ignorance of that knowledge; when the reader knows something the character doesn’t
Situational Irony
a discrepancy between the expected outcome of a situation and the actual outcome; twist in the plot