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Jade and gold crown
second half of 5th century
gold and jade
before the influence of China
Koreans like more greens because jade was very valuable
meant to be worn with something else
tree thing in the middle
pre Buddhism the influence was from nature → leaders were connected to nature
portrait of sin sukju
second half of 15th century
hanging scroll, ink , silk
looks like Chinese art
symbols of power → seated, feet off the ground, he’s large and he’s wearing the hat
peacock embroidery w gold was a way of showing power in China (Chinese influence)
the temple of Borobudur
8th - 9th century
volcanic stone
buddhist temple
you walk around the structure
the statues are buddha’s that are meditating
there are stupas in the center
enlightened buddha’s are in the honeycomb stones
stone were dark because that’s what they had access to
angkor wat
Suryavarman II and Jayavarman VII
sandstone laterite and brick
very very large jungles have grown over it now
there is a mix of budhha’s, kings and Hindu gods in this area
instead of destroying everything they just coexist
the funeral banner of lady dai
Xin Zhui
daoist philosophy
traditional style of the Chinese dragon
top is heaven bottom is underworld
funeral banner was to be put over the casket to show her life
different registers → underworld demons body of lady dai her and her attendants during her life and then heavenly realm
The terracotta warriors
from 246BC-208BC
means that there must’ve been hundreds of craftsmen available because all their faces are different
ruler takes his army with him after he’s buried
longmen caves
calcitic and dolomitic limestone
end of 5th century to middle of the 8th century
many holes → each with a Buddha
along the silk road so you see lots of sculptures as you move along
rulers continued to add to this
these help promote Buddhism
travelers by streams and mountains
Fan Kuan
chinese ink painting
shows the insignificance of people in Buddhist philosophy compared to nature we are small
beauty of nature
The David vases
Chinese porcelain
clouds and swirling dragons
they are good at making super thing pottery
sophisticated material and method its a hard skill
Chairman Mao en Route to Anyuan
Liu Chunhua
rendered in oil on canvas
most printed artwork
he’s going somewhere
he took China out of humiliation
we are going to save the working class !
there is modernity within the ethereal landscape
he’s practical and charismatic
taj mahal
Ustad Ahmad Lahori
Marble, red sandstone, jewels
made for his wife
in mosques there is a memorial for the person that it was made for
pathway of water at intersection there is a fountain with 4 different lions → meaning eternal rivers that run in all different directions a world where lions and sheep coexist
gothic art got their pointed arch here
Islamic structure → belief that when you create a structure you should get it right the first time
Jahangir preferring a sufi shaikh to kings
opaque watercolor, gold, ink on paper
huge interest in Italy on how they make things look so realistic and they’re trading concepts and ideas
different kings from different regions but he ignores them
hourglass with barely any sand to hint at his age
he’s accepting religion as he accepts the quran over wealth as he gets older
the forbidden city
Planned by Zhu Di
Started in 1402 finished in 1420
Phoebe zhennan wood, marble
its like its own city with many buildings and a moat
political and ritual center
layout planned with Confucian ideology in mind
you could see sense of hierarchy in the style
outer court was for state affairs and only men
enter the hall of supreme harmony a place where officials would wait
inner court is for imperial family
3 important places are on a central axis place of heavenly purity palace of earthy tranquility and hall of celestial and terrestrial union and yangxindian
at first there for consorts the residences were in a k’un shape which was a metaphor for proper feminine role changed later when meant a loosened control of chinese patriarchy
added places for their religion
Shiva Nataraja
11th century
copper alloy
Shiva depicted as the Lord of Dance
intended to be moveable
Shiva is the destroyer to make new beginnings
destruction and regeneration moves in tune with shivas dance
shivas foot on dwarf embodiment of ignorance
no facial expression
lakshamana temple
10th and 13th centuries
sandstone on granite base
temple deticated to Hindu god Vishnu and known for intricate carvings and sculptures depicting various scenes from HIndu mythology
pictures of ideal women, couples, and also sex scenes
nagara style
friexes show daily life, love, war and historical events
people practice circumlocution around the structure
great stupa at sanchi
3rd century BCE
stupa associated with the body of Buddha
stupa represents the shape of someone seated in meditation
you could practice circumambulation around the stupa
in an important and meaningful place or the ruler at the time and in the center of a trade area